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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 管理学类 > 人力资源管理 > 正文


 2021-04-05 18:12:34  

摘 要

飞行职业的特殊性导致机组人员容易出现工作—家庭冲突,带来不良工作情绪和心理,从而影响工作中的安全行为。据国际航空运输协会(IATA )的调查数据显示,每年大约有70%的民用航空飞行事故是因为机组人员的不安全行为导致的,飞行机组的不安全行为经常容易导致重大的飞行差错、事故征候甚至飞行安全事故,这给乘客的生命财产安全埋下了巨大隐患。






According to the survey data of the International Air Transport Association (IATA), about 70% of civil aviation accidents are caused by the unsafe behavior of crew members every year., which lays a huge hidden danger to the safety of passengers'lives and property. In addition, the particularity of the flight profession makes the crew prone to work-family conflict, resulting in bad work mood and psychology, resulting in cognitive or judgment errors, affecting safety behavior at work, and generating potential flight safety hazards.

This research takes the civil aviation crew as the research object to explore the relationship between work-family conflict and unsafe behavior of civil aviation crew. Firstly, based on resource preservation theory and S-O-R theory, this study introduces two variables, namely job burnout and error management climate, to construct a theoretical model of the relationship between work-family conflict and unsafe behavior. Secondly, based on the results of small sample test, a formal questionnaire was formed. AMOS.21 and SPSS.22 were used to conduct confirmatory factor analysis, significance discriminate analysis and regression analysis of variables, and the mediating role of job burnout and the regulating role of error management climate were tested respectively. Through the empirical analysis results, this study draws the following conclusions: work-family conflict has a significant positive impact on unsafe behavior, job burnout, emotional exhaustion and alienation dimensions of civil aviation crew; job burnout and emotional exhaustion, alienation dimensions have a significant positive impact on unsafe behavior; low professional efficacy dimension of job burnout has a significant impact on work-family conflict and alienation dimension. Insecurity has no significant impact; job burnout mediates between work-family conflict and unsafe behavior; and error management climate has no significant moderating effect between work-family conflict and unsafe behavior. Finally, from the perspective of airlines, this study puts forward targeted suggestions to prevent or reduce the emergence of unsafe behavior of civil aviation crew and promote the healthy development of civil aviation.

The innovations of this study are as follows: ①A theoretical model of the relationship between work-family conflict and unsafe behavior of civil aviation crew is constructed, which provides a new perspective for the study of work-family conflict in the field of civil aviation safety. ②Explores the mechanism of unsafe behavior from the family, individual and organizational levels. ③The error management climate is introduced into the study of the influence mechanism of crew's unsafe behavior as a regulatory variable.


Key Words:Civil aviation crew; Work-family conflict; Unsafe behavior; Job burnout; Error management atmosphere

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2 研究的目的和意义 2

1.2.1 研究目的 2

1.2.2 研究意义 2

1.3 国内外相关研究综述 3

1.3.1 工作—家庭冲突研究 3

1.3.2 不安全行为研究 4

1.3.3 职业倦怠研究 5

1.3.4 差错管理氛围研究 6

1.4 研究内容及方法 7

1.4.1 研究内容 7

1.4.2 研究方法 8

1.4.3 技术路线 8

第2章 理论基础及研究假设 10

2.1 理论基础 10

2.1.1 资源保存理论 10

2.1.2 S-O-R理论 10

2.2 研究假设 12

2.2.1 工作—家庭冲突对不安全行为的影响 12

2.2.2 职业倦怠在工作—家庭冲突和不安全行为间的中介作用 13

2.2.3 差错管理氛围在工作—家庭冲突和不安全行为间的调节作用 14

2.3 理论模型 15

第3章 研究设计与测量 16

3.1 问卷设计原则及流程 16

3.1.1 问卷设计原则 16

3.1.2 问卷设计流程 16

3.2研究工具 17

3.2.1 工作—家庭冲突量表 17

3.2.2 职业倦怠量表 17

3.2.3 差错管理氛围量表 17

3.2.4 不安全行为量表 17

3.3初始问卷编制 17

3.4问卷预调查 19

3.4.1 预调查问卷信度分析 20

3.4.2 预调查问卷效度分析 23

3.5正式问卷基本信息 30

3.6结构方程验证性因子分析 31

3.6.1 工作—家庭冲突验证性因子分析 32

3.6.2 职业倦怠验证性因子分析 33

3.6.3 不安全行为验证性因子分析 36

3.6.4 差错管理氛围验证性因子分析 37

第4章 假设检验与分析 41

4.1人口统计学变量的差异性分析 41

4.1.1 年龄对工作—家庭冲突、职业倦怠和不安全行为的差异 41

4.1.2 职务对工作—家庭冲突、职业倦怠和不安全行为的差异 41

4.1.3 总飞行时间对工作—家庭冲突、职业倦怠和不安全行为的差异 42

4.1.4 婚姻状况对工作—家庭冲突、职业倦怠和不安全行为的差异 42

4.2变量间相关性分析 43

4.3变量间回归性分析 45

4.3.1 工作—家庭冲突和不安全行为的回归分析 45

4.3.2 工作—家庭冲突和职业倦怠的回归分析 46

4.3.3 职业倦怠和不安全行为的回归分析 49

4.4 职业倦怠的中介作用检验 53

4.5 差错管理氛围的调节作用检验 55

4.6 假设检验结果 56

第5章 对策建议 59

5.1 航空公司管理建议 59

5.2 机组成员个体建议 63

第6章 研究结论与展望 65

6.1 研究结论 65

6.2 创新点 66

6.3 研究不足和展望 66

参考文献 67

附 录 71

致 谢 75

第1章 绪论


在21世纪,民用航空将进入以人为中心的自动化时代,更先进的技术和设备将对中心地位的人提出更高要求。飞行机组肩负着确保飞行安全的重要责任。目前飞机系统普遍都需要高度安全冗余的操作步骤,这极大提升了机体各项硬件、软件的可靠性。然而机组人员作为飞行器的直接操纵者,由于身体、心理、知识经验等局限性,导致其可靠性并不能得到保障。据国际航空运输协会(IATA )的调查数据显示,2017年民用航空万时率的10年滚动值为0.0147,而人为因素导致的事故征候万时率高达 0.0274,每年大约有70%的飞行安全事故是因为机组人员的不安全行为造成的。飞行机组人员的不安全行为经常带来重大的飞行差错、事故征候甚至飞行安全事故,这给乘客的生命财产安全埋下了巨大隐患。


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