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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 管理学类 > 人力资源管理 > 正文


 2020-07-14 22:09:15  

摘 要



关键词:知识型员工 绩效管理 关键绩效指标法 360度反馈评价法

Performance Management of Knowledge-Based Employees


With the development of science and technology, it is obvious that traditional manufacturing industry has to transform and upgrade. Knowledge-based employees instead of common employees become the key point for enterprises. Whether Knowledge-based employees are able to use their knowledge to create value for enterprises decides the degree of enterprises’ innovation and development.

This paper aims to explore the performance management of knowledge-based employees to solve the difficulties for enterprises to conduct performance management for knowledge-based employees. With the review of knowledge-based employees’ characteristics and requirements, this paper discusses the common methods of performance management. On the base of the current situation and problems of performance management of the knowledge-based employees, this paper also analyses the causes of the problems in the performance management of the knowledge-based employees. After that, the key performance index method and the 360-degree feedback evaluation method were selected to discuss. This paper also puts forward suggestions for the scientific and effective performance management of knowledge-based employees.

Key Words: Knowledge-based employees; Performance management; Key performance index; 360-degree feedback evaluation method

目 录

摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 知识型员工的理论回顾 1

1.1知识型员工的定义 1

1.2知识型员工的特征 1

第二章 绩效管理的理论回顾 3

2.1绩效管理的定义 3

2.2绩效管理的内涵 3

2.3绩效管理的方法 3

第三章 知识型员工绩效管理的现状及分析 5

3.1知识型员工绩效管理的现状及问题 5

3.2知识型员工绩效管理问题的原因分析 6

3.3知识型员工绩效管理问题的影响因素 6

3.4知识型员工绩效管理的方案 7

第四章 基于关键绩效指标法的知识型员工绩效指标 8

4.1关键绩效指标的适用性 8

4.2关键绩效指标的制定原则 8

4.3知识型员工关键绩效指标的设计 8

第五章 基于360度反馈法的知识型员工绩效评价 10

5.1 360度反馈评价的适用性 10

5.2知识型员工360度反馈评价的实施 10

第六章 知识型员工绩效评价的结果运用 12

6.1 知识型员工的岗位配置 12

6.2 知识型员工的培训开发 13

6.3 知识型员工的薪酬调整 14

结语 16

参考文献 17

第一章 知识型员工的理论回顾


彼得·德鲁克(2009)首次提出“知识型员工”这一概念时认为,知识劳动者掌握着生产信息和发展理论,不再出卖体力工作,而是对自身的知识储备加以运用并产生效益[1]。从当时的企业结构来看,彼得·德鲁克提出这一概念针对的群体是经理等管理层人员,与如今广义上的知识型员工概念有所不同。比尔·盖茨(1999)在知识型员工如何处理知识信息的问题上强调,相比于按部就班将资料输入电脑,知识型员工更善于运用知识资讯创造价值 [2]。直到上世纪九十年代知识管理革命爆发,知识型员工的分析研究才广泛开展。






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