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“互联网 ”背景下医护人员工作再设计研究毕业论文

 2020-06-17 21:06:22  

摘 要

本文首先对医护人员的工作现状进行分析和评估,进而对医护人员的工作再设计提供了一定的构想,并结合“互联网 ”的时代背景,对“互联网 ”背景下医护人员工作再设计进行了相应的初步理论研究。



关键词:互联网 医护工作 工作设计

A study of medical worker job redesign based on "Internet "


This paper first analyzes and evaluates the status quo of the work of health care workers, and then provides some ideas for the re-design of the work of health care workers, combined with the background of "Internet ", the redesign of the work of medical staff in the context of "Internet " The corresponding preliminary theoretical study.

With the continuous introduction of high technology, hospitals such institutions, but also faced with many changes, through the work of health care workers to re-design, and high-speed development of Internet technology combined to improve the work of health care workers Efficiency, and improve the professional quality of medical staff. Through the medical staff attention to the significance of their work, sublimation of health care work objectives, so as to better serve patients.

Work design is based on the results of the work and the results of the work process, which effectively use the incentive mechanism - to improve employee satisfaction to improve work efficiency, you can optimize the work process to ensure that the organization to achieve the goal and the benefits of specific Specifically, The need to take into account the needs of individuals, the provisions of the organization and the task between the tasks, responsibilities, power and relationships. Combine the content and remuneration of the work to meet the needs of both employees and organizations. The job design of the medical staff is determined by the functions of the medical profession and the hospital and assigns tasks and responsibilities to the medical staff.

Key Words: Internet medical work work design

目 录

摘 要 II

Abstract III

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2 研究问题 1

1.3研究意义 1

第二章 文献综述 2

2.1关于“互联网 ” 2

2.2关于“互联网 ”背景下的医护工作 2

2.3如何针对性地进行工作设计 2

第三章 医护人员工作现状及满意度 4

3.1问卷分析 4

3.2调研总结 6

第四章“互联网 ”背景下的医护工作设计思路、方法与具体措施 7

4.1工作设计思路 7

4.2工作设计方法与工具 7

4.3工作设计的具体措施 9

第五章 研究结论和展望 11

5.1 研究结论 11

5.2 研究展望 12

参考文献 13

第一章 绪论

1.1 研究背景

随着互联网的高速发展,现如今已经进入一个“互联网 ”的时代,那么何为“互联网 ”?面对新时代和新变化,关乎民生大计的医护工作,又应当做出什么样的调整呢?

首先,何为“互联网 ”?2015年两会上,李克强总理在《政府工作报告》中首次提出“‘互联网+’行动计划”。对于“互联网 ”的定义,业界较为一致的观点是,“互联网 ”是创新2.0下的互联网与传统行业融合发展的新形态、新业态,是知识社会创新2.0推动下的互联网形态演进及其催生的经济社会发展新形态。“互联网 ”计划提出“推动移动互联网、云计算、大数据、物联网等与现代制造业结合,促进电子商务、工业互联网和互联网金融健康发展”。“互联网 ”代表着互联网思维的又一个实践成果,它代表着先进的生产力,促进了经济格局的演变不停发展。“互联网 ”促进了社会经济实体的活力,为改革创新发展提供了广泛的网络平台[1]


1.2 研究问题

为适应飞速发展的互联网时代,医护医疗行业必须做出相应的改变。“互联网 ”计划,意味着将互联网与传统产业行业相结合,对传统行业来说,“互联网 ”计划是推动行业进行新一轮对外转型的必要途径。医护医疗这样的传统行业通过智能升级、运营升级、服务升级等方式,即可以利用互联网完成自身的创新改革。

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