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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 管理学类 > 财务管理 > 正文


 2021-11-16 23:50:02  


摘 要





As McKinsey first proposed the "asset-light strategy model", many traditional enterprises began to transform to the asset-light strategy model, and to enhance their competitiveness by developing light asset businesses. Compared with traditional enterprises, Internet companies have the characteristics of asset-light strategy model, but there are relatively few researches in this area. Therefore, studying the growth of Internet enterprises under the asset-light strategy model can enrich the research content of Internet enterprises under the light asset model and improve the evaluation index system of the growth of Internet enterprises in China, which has theoretical and practical significance.

Firstly, the paper reviews the relevant researches at home and abroad, and then elaborates the asset-light strategy model, the growth of Internet enterprises, and the influencing factors and evaluation indexes of it. On this basis, this paper selects Tencent as the research object, first introduces the general situation of Tencent, and then expounds its feasibility and implementation process in asset-light strategy mode. Secondly, this paper makes a horizontal and vertical evaluation of the growth of Tencent's asset-light strategy model from the perspectives of finance and non-finance and then points out the problems existing in the cost control, asset utilization efficiency and operation of Tencent. Finally, this paper puts forward corresponding strategies in a targeted way: one is to strengthen the management of the promotion cost of value-added products; the second is to make full use of the advantages of the platform and dig deeply into the advertising business; the third is to continue to improve the innovation of instant messaging products and user satisfaction.

Keywords: asset-light strategy model; Internet enterprises; growth;Tencent

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

目 录 III

第1章 绪论 1

1.1研究目的与意义 1

1.1.1研究目的 1

1.1.2研究意义 1

1.2国内外研究现状 2

1.2.1轻资产运营模式的相关研究 2

1.2.2企业成长性的相关研究 3

1.2.3轻资产运营模式对企业成长性影响的相关研究 4

1.2.4研究述评 4

1.3研究内容与方法 5

1.3.1研究内容 5

1.3.2研究方法 5

第2章 相关概念与理论基础 7

2.1轻资产运营模式的界定与特征 7

2.1.1轻资产运营模式的界定 7

2.1.2轻资产运营模式的特征 7

2.2互联网企业成长性的概念与特点 8

2.2.1传统企业成长性的界定 8

2.2.2互联网企业的成长特性 9

2.3互联网企业的成长性影响因素与评价指标 9

2.3.1影响因素 9

2.3.2评价的财务指标 11

2.3.3评价的非财务指标 12

第3章 腾讯公司轻资产运营模式的可行性与实施 14

3.1腾讯公司概况 14

3.1.1腾讯公司简介 14

3.1.2腾讯公司业务分析 15

3.2 腾讯公司轻资产运营模式的实施过程 16

3.2.1重视自主创新 16

3.2.2实施多元化布局 16

3.2.3推进战略联盟 16

第4章 腾讯公司轻资产运营模式的成长性效果分析 18

4.1腾讯公司轻资产运营模式的成长性评价 18

4.1.1财务角度进行评价 18

4.1.2非财务角度进行评价 22

4.2腾讯公司轻资产运营模式影响成长性存在的问题 25

4.2.1成本控制存在薄弱环节 25

4.2.2资产利用效率有待提高 25

4.2.3即时通讯产品的运营需要进一步加强 26

4.3腾讯公司轻资产运营影响成长性存在问题的应对策略 26

4.3.1增强对增值产品推广成本的管理 26

4.3.2充分利用平台优势挖掘广告业务 27

4.3.3继续提高即时通讯产品的创新性和用户满意度 27

第5章 结论与展望 28

5.1研究结论 28

5.2研究展望 28

参考文献 30

致谢 32

第1章 绪论









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