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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 管理学类 > 财务管理 > 正文


 2021-11-14 20:32:59  


摘 要






With the rapid development of the live broadcast industry, live broadcast platforms have started to put profits on the schedule, and the influx of capital has also begun to calm down, gradually concentrating on the head platform, which will make it more difficult for small and medium live broadcast platforms to survive, while head live The platform is more competitive with the blessing of abundant capital. In March 2019, the once-optimistic Panda Live announced that it had gone bankrupt due to the lack of external capital injection for 22 months, which broke the capital chain. The news also shocked the live broadcast industry. It shows that the live broadcast industry has entered a mature development period. While the competition and departure between platforms will bring new vitality to the market, the risks of platform survival and operation are also more worthy of attention.

 This article intends to explore the impact of financial risks on platform operations in the webcast industry, and the importance and measures of preventing financial risks of the platform in conjunction with Panda Live's bankruptcy case study. From the perspective of financial risk, think about how the valuation of the live broadcast platform, which was once the first echelon, reached a maximum of 5 billion yuan. It was reduced to selling itself cheaply, and the acquisition and financing failed and was forced to shut down the server. The article is mainly divided into five parts. The first part is an introduction, which briefly explains the research background and significance of this article, and learns and sorts out domestic and foreign research results. The second part mainly describes the concepts and basic theories related to financial risk and risk management, and provides theoretical support for the specific research on the live broadcast industry and cases. The third part elaborates the main causes of financial risks, classification of financial risks of the live broadcast platform, and research and prevention strategies for risk identification, risk assessment, and risk control. The fourth part analyzes the financial situation of panda live broadcast before the bankruptcy and analyzes the causes of financial risks before the bankruptcy of panda live broadcast and the impact of inadequate risk management on the spread of financial risk, which leads to bankruptcy. In the fifth part, based on the summary of the case and the analysis of the overall affairs of the live broadcast industry, it proposes the deep-seated causes of the financial risk of the panda live broadcast bankruptcy, and makes a core statement of the full text analysis.

 This paper hopes to analyze the impact of Panda Live's original profit model on financial risk through a combination of theory and practice, and then make other existing live broadcast platforms to be a warning, pay more attention to risk management, strengthen risk monitoring and optimize management for the live broadcast industry And operation to provide reference value.

Key Words:risk management;financial risk;profit model;internal control

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 研究目的与意义 1

1.1.1 研究目的 1

1.1.2 研究意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 1

1.2.1 国外研究现状 2

1.2.2 国内研究现状 2

1.2.3 研究述评 3

1.3 研究方法与思路 3

第2章 财务风险防范相关理论与基础 5

2.1 相关概念界定 5

2.1.1 风险管理 5

2.1.2 财务风险 5

2.2 风险管理理论 5

2.3 财务风险控制理论 5

2.3.1 杜邦分析体系 6

2.3.2 COSO内部控制框架 6

第3章 网络直播平台财务风险分析 7

3.1网络直播行业介绍 7

3.2网络直播平台主要财务风险分类 7

3.2.1 现金流风险 7

3.2.2 筹融资风险 7

3.2.3 偿债风险 8

3.2.4 成本控制风险 8

3.2.5 信用风险 8

3.3 网络直播平台财务风险成因分析 8

3.3.1 外部环境影响 8

3.3.2 内部环境影响 9

3.4 网络直播平台财务风险防控 10

3.4.1 风险识别 10

3.4.2 风险评估 11

3.4.3 风险控制 13

第4章 熊猫直播财务风险案例分析 15

4.1 熊猫直播概况 15

4.1.1 熊猫直播公司简介 15

4.1.2 熊猫直播财务概况 15

4.2 熊猫直播财务风险管理存在的问题 16

4.2.1 一味扩张而对财务风险控制的忽视 16

4.2.2 盈利模式的单一和运营失败埋下隐患 17

4.2.3 高层管理下的分歧使内部控制措施未有效实施 18

4.2.4 原有投资方出现问题,连锁反应下融资困难 18

4.3 熊猫直播财务风险防范思考 18

4.3.1 探索符合平台文化的规章制度,形成良好的财务风险预警制度 19

4.3.2 加强内部控制管理,提升管理层和员工风险意识 19

4.3.3 探索多样化盈利模式,规范资金运作流程 19

4.3.4 规范主播和员工管理,培养平台特色内容模式 20

第5章 结论 21

5.1 本文的主要结论 21

5.2 本文的主要研究成果 21

5.3 不足及展望 22

参考文献 23

致 谢 24

  1. 绪论




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