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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 管理学类 > 财务管理 > 正文


 2021-04-24 20:11:36  

摘 要


本文首先介绍了研究背景和研究意义,就国内外关于收益质量评价的相关研究进行综述。其次本文界定了收益、收益质量的内涵,讨论了收益质量的属性特征及影响因素。本文认为收益质量属性特征包括可靠性、现金保障性、持续性、成长性和安全性。然后本文以可靠性为前提,从收益质量特性的现金保障性、持续性、成长性和安全性出发,构建了拥有 11个定量指标的指标体系。最后以2017年房地产行业20 家上市公司的财务指标作为样本,采用因子分析法计算收益质量综合得分并排序,从行业角度和公司个体角度进行评价,并提出相关建议。



Earnings are the most important information for stakeholders. Investors make decisions based on their earnings, and shareholders and creditors measure the company's performance using revenue. Stakeholders such as investors and creditors often use a single indicator to evaluate the returns of listed companies. Usually, they only focus on the amount of earnings and ignores the quality of returns. As a pillar industry of the national economy, the income quality of the real estate industry has received extensive attention. Taking into account the industry's influence on the national economy and the importance of the quality of earnings for the industry, we plan to select China's real estate industry as the research object. In view of the openness and authenticity of the data, the listed companies in the industry were selected to conduct research in order to analyze the quality of the listed company's earnings and to promote the revenue quality of the entire real estate industry. This article hopes to use a comprehensive evaluation method to measure the quality of returns of listed companies in the real estate industry and help stakeholders make scientific decisions.

This thesis first introduces the research background and research significance, and summarizes the related studies on the quality of earnings evaluation at home and abroad. Secondly, this thesis defines the connotation of income and income quality, and discusses the attribute characteristics of revenue quality and influencing factors of revenue quality. This thesis believes that the attribute characteristics of revenue quality include reliability, cash security, sustainability, growth and security. Then, based on the premise of reliability, the thesis constructs an index system with 11 quantitative indicators based on the cash security, sustainability, growth, and security of the quality of earnings. Finally, the thesis takes the financial indicators of 20 listed companies in the real estate industry in 2017 as a sample, use factor analysis method to calculate and rank the comprehensive scores of earnings quality, evaluate the data on the perspective of industry and individual companies, and make relevant recommendations.

Key words: Real Estate Industry; Quality of Profit; Factor Analysis

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 研究目的及意义 1

1.1.1 研究目的 1

1.1.2 研究意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 2

1.3 研究内容与方法 3

第2章 上市公司收益质量评价的理论基础 5

2.1 收益质量的概念界定 5

2.1.1 收益 5

2.1.2 收益质量 5

2.2 收益质量的属性 6

2.2.1 现金保障性 6

2.2.2 持续性 6

2.2.3 成长性 6

2.2.4 安全性 6

2.2.5 可靠性 7

2.3 收益质量的影响因素 7

2.3.1 微观层面 7

2.3.2 中观层面 8

2.3.3 宏观层面 8

第3章 房地产行业上市公司收益质量评价模型的构建 10

3.1 房地产行业上市公司收益质量现状 10

3.1.1 房地产行业概况 10

3.1.2 房地产行业上市公司收益质量存在的问题 10

3.2 房地产行业上市公司收益质量评价指标体系设计的原则 11

3.3 房地产行业上市公司收益质量评价的指标体系 11

3.3.1 反映现金保障性的评价指标 12

3.3.2 反映持续性的评价指标 12

3.3.3 反映成长性的评价指标 12

3.3.4 反映安全性的评价指标 13

3.3.5 反映可靠性的评价指标 14

3.4 房地产行业上市公司收益质量评价的研究方法 14

3.4.1 因子分析法概述 15

3.4.2 因子分析法的步骤 15

第4章 房地产上市公司收益质量评价的实证分析 16

4.1 样本选取与数据预处理 16

4.1.1 样本选取 16

4.1.2 数据预处理 16

4.2 房地产行业上市公司收益质量评价的实证分析过程 16

4.2.1 因子分析的适应性检验 16

4.2.2 提取主因子 17

4.2.3 建立因子载荷矩阵 19

4.2.4 计算因子得分与收益质量排名 20

4.3 实证结果分析 22

第5章 提高房地产行业上市公司收益质量的建议 25

5.1 强化对经营现金流的管理 25

5.2 突出主营业务的鲜明性 25

5.3 加强审计监督的作用 26

5.4 创造良好的经营环境 26

第6章 结论 27

6.1 研究结论 27

6.2 研究的局限与展望 27

参考文献 28

致 谢 29

第1章 绪论

1.1 研究目的及意义

1.1.1 研究目的




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