2021-04-21 22:37:16
摘 要
Based on the existing research results of financial competitiveness at home and abroad, this paper selects scientific and appropriate financial indicators to compare the financial competitiveness of listed companies in China and the United States. This objectively evaluates the financial competitiveness of China's chip manufacturing and listed companies and analyzes their current status. Reasons and influencing factors, so as to take corresponding measures, in order to achieve the purpose of improving the financial competitiveness of China's chip manufacturing listed companies and the core competitiveness of the industry.
This paper uses relevant financial indicators to compare the financial competitiveness of listed companies in China and the United States. Combining the financial competitiveness of leading chip manufacturers in China and the United States, revealing the level of financial competitiveness of listed companies in China's chip manufacturing industry and proposing to increase policy support, improve investment financing systems, strengthen technological innovation capabilities, and attach importance to the training of high-end talents to effectively promote China's Chips to create the financial competitiveness of listed companies.
The characteristics of this paper: By comparing the solvency, operating capacity, research and development capabilities of listed companies in China and the United States, objectively measures the level of financial competitiveness of China's chip manufacturing listed companies, and proposes measures to improve the financial competitiveness of China's chip manufacturing listed companies.
Key Words:chip manufacturing; listed companies; financial competitiveness; comparison between China and the United States
目 录
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 研究目的及意义 1
1.1.1 研究目的 1
1.1.2 研究意义 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 2
1.2.1 国外研究现状 2
1.3.2 国内研究现状 2
1.3 研究内容和研究方法 3
1.3.1 研究内容 3
1.3.2 研究方法 3
第2章 中美两国芯片制造上市公司财务竞争力比较 5
2.1 中美两国芯片制造上市公司样本选取 5
2.2 财务竞争力评价指标选取 6
2.3 中美两国芯片制造上市公司财务竞争力的指标比较 7
2.3.1 中美两国芯片制造行业整体财务竞争力比较 7
2.3.2 中美两国芯片制造行业龙头企业财务竞争力比较 10
2.4 中国芯片制造上市公司财务竞争力水平分析 12
第3章 我国芯片制造上市公司财务竞争力不足的原因 15
3.1 宏观原因分析 15
3.1.1 缺乏持续性政策支持 15
3.1.2 外部资本投入不足 15
3.2 微观原因分析 16
3.2.1 企业研发技术水平有待提高 16
3.2.2 芯片制造行业人才供给不足 16
第4章 提升我国芯片制造上市公司财务竞争力的对策 18
4.1 加大政策扶持力度 18
4.2 改善投资融资体系 18
4.3 提升技术创新能力 19
4.4 重视高端人才培养 20
第5章 结语与展望 21
5.1 研究结论 21
5.2 研究局限与展望 21
参考文献 22
致 谢 24
第1章 绪论
1.1 研究目的及意义
1.1.1 研究目的
2018年4月,一场“中兴危机”在中国芯片制造行业掀起了一场“芯”危机,这场危机也让大众意识到我国芯片制造行业还有很多不足需要加强。近年来,随着中国电子芯片的市场需求不断扩大,据SIA统计显示:2017年全球半导体的总销售额为4122亿美元,同比增长21.6%,达到有史以来的峰值。我国芯片制造产业整体规模呈现高速发展态势,一系列的高端芯片及芯片工艺也开始进入国际市场,成功打破海外垄断,但是在核心技术、高端市场应用、原材料等方面的瓶颈仍不容忽视,如高端市场应用对外依存度过高;工艺水平同美国、日本等企业差距显著;国内厂商生产以“代工”模式为主,在高端芯片制造领域难以占据更多的优势等。从单个企业来看,据IC Insights统计显示:2017年无晶圆IC供应商销售额排名前十中,中国企业仅有两家,分别是海思半导体(第七)和紫光(第十),其中紫光年收入为20.50亿美元,而位居榜首的美国高通年收入则高达170.78亿美元。无论是从行业总体,还是从单个企业来看,我国芯片制造行业竞争力水平尚有许多不足。