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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 管理学类 > 财务管理 > 正文


 2021-03-27 17:01:03  

摘 要





As a result of various factors, the steel industry into the bottleneck of development, and mergers and acquisitions is an important way in which the enterprise get through the crisis and seek their own development. This paper mainly uses the theoretical research method, the literature search method, the qualitative analysis method, the historical comparison method, selects the case of Jinan Iron and Steel to integrate Laiwu Steel, and studies the development ability index before and after the integration, so as to explain the influence of the iron and steel enterprise integration on its development ability.

This article has five parts. The first chapter is the introduction, the chapter first discusses the purpose and significance of the research on the development capability of the steel industry after integration, and then reviews the research status at home and abroad, and finally summarizes the research contents and methods of this paper. The second chapter is the basic theory of development ability analysis. This chapter first introduces the concept of development capability analysis and the significance of enterprise development ability analysis. Then it discusses the method of development ability analysis, and finally discusses the establishment of development ability analysis index system. The third chapter is the development of capacity analysis about the steel industry listed companies after the integration. Select a typical cases and get the data about development capability before and after rectification , for comparative analysis. The fourth chapter is the countermeasure and the prospect. Based on the analysis of the development capability of the iron and steel enterprises, the paper puts forward the countermeasures for the further development of the enterprises and forecasts the development prospect of the steel industry. Chapter 5 is the conclusion. Summarizes the conclusion of the analysis of the development capability of iron and steel enterprises after integration and makes a prospect for further research on the development capability of iron and steel enterprises.

Key Words: Steel Industry; Integration; Development Capability


第1章 绪论 1

1.1研究目的及意义 1

1.1.1研究目的 1

1.1.2研究意义 1

1.2国内外研究现状 2

1.3研究内容及方法 3

1.3.1研究内容 3

1.3.2研究方法 3

第2章 发展能力分析综述 5

2.1发展能力分析的概念 5

2.2发展能力分析的意义 5

2.3发展能力指标体系的建立 6

2.3.1营业收入增长率 6

2.3.2总资产增长率 6

2.3.3资本积累率 7

2.3.4营业利润增长率 7

第3章 钢铁企业整合后发展能力研究 9

3.1中国钢铁行业整合现状 9

3.2具体案例分析(以济钢并购莱钢为例) 14

3.2.1公司简介 14

3.2.2整合过程 14

3.2.3发展能力指标分析 15

3.3其他案例 18

第4章 对策与展望 20

第5章 结论 22

参考文献 24

致谢 25

第1章 绪论







  1. 让钢铁企业意识到并购重组的重要性


  1. 为政府宏观政策调控提供决策依据


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