2021-03-12 00:21:24
摘 要
Backdoor listing, as a special form of merger and acquisition, always draw attention of scholars. Due to the difference of IPO audit standards and time cost, backdoor listing becomes another listing path resulting from many enterprises can’t meet the IPO requirements. By injecting new assets and business to shell companies, the main business and future development of listed companies have a fundamental change. And security companies also have the access to a broad financing platform. However, the particularity of transaction pattern itself has caused some problems about backdoor listing, from both sides motivation, mode, process and performance analysis, which are worthy of author in-depth study and research.
This paper selects eight cases of security companies’ backdoor listing, mainly explaining the event from the motivation and performance aspects in detail. Firstly, define the relevant concepts of backdoor listing. Secondly, divide the way to backdoor into three categories according to the different ways of obtaining control by the borrower based on the theory of M amp; A effect. Then emphasize the financial performance before and after backdoor of eight security companies according to four profitability indicators, ROE, net cash flow from operating activities per share, basic earing per share and net asset per share. Finally, come to a conclusion which is by choosing the right shell company, a reasonable backdoor approach, the company’s operating conditions have a healthy development after backdoor listing. Backdoor listing can make a positive impact on the long-term performance of security companies.
Key Words:Security Company;Backdoor Listing;Motivation;Financial Performance
目 录
第1章 绪论 1
1.1研究目的与意义 1
1.1.1研究背景 1
1.1.2研究目的与意义 1
1.2国内外研究现状 2
1.2.1国外研究现状 2
1.2.2国内研究现状 2
1.2.3文献评述 3
1.3研究内容与研究方法 3
1.3.1研究内容 3
1.3.2研究方法 4
第2章 相关概念与理论基础 5
2.1概念界定 5
2.1.1借壳上市 5
2.1.2壳公司 5
2.2借壳上市的交易方式 6
2.2.1回购注销与股改结合 6
2.2.2资产置换 6
2.2.3重大资产出售 7
2.3借壳上市的基础理论 7
2.3.1效率理论 7
2.3.2代理理论 8
2.3.3税收效应理论 9
第3章 证券公司借壳上市的动因 10
3.1证券公司借壳上市的基本情况 10
3.2证券公司借壳上市的动因 10
3.2.1上市融资、提升净资本水平 10
3.2.2应对激烈竞争、尽快实现上市 11
3.2.3提高综合实力、做大投行规模 11
第4章 证券公司借壳上市的绩效分析 12
4.1借壳上市的绩效 12
4.1.1财务绩效 12
4.1.2财务指标 12
4.2财务指标分析 13
4.2.1净资产收益率分析 13
4.2.2每股经营活动现金流量净额分析 14
4.2.3基本每股收益分析 15
4.2.4每股净资产分析 15
第5章 结论 17
5.1主要结论 17
5.2政策建议 17
5.2.1选择合适的壳公司 17
5.2.2选择合理的借壳方式 17
5.2.3重视上市后资产的整合 18
5.3研究展望 18
参考文献 19
附录A 20
致 谢 23
第1章 绪论
随着企业的发展,并购重组一直是资本市场上亘古不变的一个主题,企业要想健康快速地发展,必须壮大自身资本,拓宽融资渠道,才能在资本市场上获得一席之地。随着2006 年股权分置改革的完成,我国资本市场进入全流通的新纪元[1]。在新股发行制度的变革以及政府和企业等多种市场主体的推动作用下,我国企业越来越热衷于通过上市进入资本市场。
在借壳上市越演越烈的同时,相关规定和制度也愈加严格和完善。中国证监会2013年发布的《关于在借壳上市审核中严格执行首次公开发行股票上市标准的通知》中明确说明,将对借壳重组执行与IPO 等同的标准,即在对借壳重组按《上市公司重大资产重组管理办法》进行审核的同时参照《IPO 管理办法》的规定[2]。在会计准则规定上,2008 年《企业会计准则》首次规定了借壳上市的会计处理防范,之后根据借壳上市中的不同情形做了分类规定。这些政策和规定都促进了我国借壳上市的不断成熟和良性发展。