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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 管理学类 > 财务管理 > 正文


 2021-03-11 00:34:40  

摘 要


基于此,本文着重从外部融资方面分析对企业技术创新的影响,将外部融资分为两个方面,即债权融资和股权融资,其中债权融资又分为银行贷款和债券融资,同时采用研发支出作为企业创新技术活动的一个可行的代表。本文选取2010年-2012年创业板中小企业为样本,经过科学、合理的筛选,选取了148 家创业板中小企业的公开数据作为样本。通过面板数据模型进行分析后得到的结果支撑了本文的假设,得到以下结论:1、银行贷款与中小企业技术创业显著负相关;2、中小企业融资时一般不会采取债券融资;3、股权融资则对中小企业技术创新起积极作用。

关键词:技术创新 外部融资 中小企业 银行存款 债券融资 股权融资


At present, the impact of technological innovations activity on economic growth is gradually increasing compared with traditional resources In the early stages of social development, natural resources、labor、and capital,which three elements are considered to be most important drivers of economic growth. So far, traditional resources are dwindling, people are beginning to realize that only technological progress can promote social progress and meet the growing needs of humans. Small and medium-sized enterprises,for any country, its role and status can not be ignored,meanwhile, it is the most active force in the contemporary economic life. SMEs accounted for 99% of the total number of enterprises,creating 75% of industrial added value,60% of GDP and 40% of the tax revenue,which solve 80% of urban employment, but it has less than 20% of the financial resources.The financing difficulty of SMEs has become the bottleneck of the development,the fundamental driving force for enterprise development--technological innovation,who require the long-term funds are constrained by financing difficulties.

Based on this, this article focuses on the impact of external finance on enterprises’ technology innovation activicity, external financing is divided into two aspects, that is, debt financing and equity financing, debt financing is made up of bank loans and bonds issues, At the same time, R amp; D expenditure become a viable representative of enterprise innovation technology activities. In this paper, the sample of small and medium-sized enterprises in 2010 -2012 gem is selected as a sample. After scientific and reasonable screening, we select the public data of 148 small and medium enterprises as samples. Through the results obtained from the analysis of panel data model supporting this hypothesis,and draw the following conclusions: 1, bank loans and SME technology entrepreneurship was negatively correlated; 2, SMEs financing generally does not take bond financing; 3, equity financing toSMEs play a positive role in technological innovation activites.

Key words: technological innovation activity; external finance; bank loans; bonds issues; equity financing


第1章 绪论 1

1.1研究目的与意义 1

1.2文献综述 2

1.2.1国外研究综述 2

1.2.2国内研究综述 2

1.3研究内容与方法 4

1.3.1研究内容 4

1.3.2研究方法 5

第2章 相关理论基础 6

2.1企业融资理论 6

2.1.1MM理论 6

2.1.2权衡理论 7

2.1.3优序融资理论 8

2.2企业创新理论 9

第3章 理论分析与研究假设 10

3.1债务融资与企业创新 10

3.2 股权融资与企业创新 11

第4章 实证研究 12

4.1变量设计、模型构建与数据来源 12

4.1.1被解释变量 12

4.1.2解释变量 12

4.1.3控制变量 12

4.1.4模型构建 13

4.1.5数据来源 13

4.2描述性统计分析 14

4.3相关性分析 14

4.4面板分析结果 15

第5章 研究结论与展望 17

5.1研究结论 17

5.2对策建议 18

参考文献 20

致谢 22

第1章 绪论


我国提出到 2020 年建成创新型国家,“依靠技术进步才能推动社会进步以及满足人类日益增长的需求”这一说法已深入人心,而资源匮乏的如今,创新驱动才是主要的经济增长动力,而企业则是一个国家技术创新的主体。中小企业在技术创新方面比大企业更具有独特的优势。大型企业大多规模庞大、各方面结构复杂,市场动荡时的反应反而不比中小企业快,同时因中小企业的管理层人数较少,一般是由所有者控制,所以个人的创新意识反而能快速、具体的实施。并且快速的投入新产品到市场。


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