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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 地理科学类 > 人文地理与城乡规划 > 正文


 2021-04-10 00:35:14  

摘 要




China Time-honored Brand is a traditional brand that is deeply loved by the Chinese people. This paper studies the correlation between the total number of China Time-honored Brand and population density and per capita GDP through the comparative study between different regions, and studies the headquarters of China's old Chinese enterprises nationwide. Distribution and influencing factors. The distribution of China's old-fashioned brands is extremely uneven. The boundary line of China's population is “Aihui-Tengchong”, which shows that there are many in the southeast and few in the northwest. It can be further divided in the southeastern region, with concentrated distribution: the Bohai Rim Economic Zone, the Yangtze River Delta urban agglomeration, the Pearl River Delta urban agglomeration, and the Sichuan Basin. In other regions, most of them are concentrated in provincial capital cities. The western region is scattered and there is no gathering. The distribution of different types of China Time-honored Brand is not the same. In this study, four types of Chinese enterprises, including food and lodging accommodation, food processing, medicine and retail, were selected to analyze the distribution patterns of various types of China Time-honored Brand. By studying the geographical distribution of China Time-honored Brand, this paper analyzes the influencing factors affecting the distribution of China Time-honored Brand, and draws four factors that affect the distribution of China Time-honored Brand: economic factors, population factors, topographical factors, and political factors. After understanding the geographical distribution characteristics and influencing factors of the China Time-honored Brand, we can make certain plans and suggestions for the development of the China Time-honored Brand to a certain extent, and promote the development of the China Time-honored Brand.

Key Words:China Time-honored Brand , Distribution characteristics , Influencing fact

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景和研究意义 1

1.2文献综述 2

1.2.1国内研究现状 2

1.2.2国外研究现状 3

1.3研究主要内容与预期目标 3

第2章 研究对象、方法及数据 5

2.1研究对象界定 5

2.2研究方法 5

2.2.1比较研究法 5

2.2.2相关性研究方法 5

2.3研究数据来源 6

第3章 中华老字号的分布特征 7

3.1发展过程 7

3.2总体分布特征 8

3.3不同类型老字号分布特征 12

3.3.1餐饮住宿 12

3.3.2食品加工 13

3.3.3医药 14

3.3.4零售 15

3.3.5城市不同类型老字号对比分析——以上海市、北京市为例 16

第4章影响因素分析 17

4.1人口密度与人均GDP 17

4.2政治因素 19

第5章 主要结论及展望 21

5.1研究总结 21

5.2研究展望 22

参考文献 23

致谢 24

第1章 绪论


中华老字号(China Time-honored Brand)是指拥有比较长的历史,高超的技术或热心的服务,代代相传,具有悠久的文化历史和底蕴,而且赢得了社会的广泛认可,形成了良好的声誉的知名品牌[1]。在当今社会激烈的市场竞争格局下,中华老字号传统品牌所扮演的角色变的越来越重要,老字号品牌成为企业核心竞争力,能够为企业带来超额利润,同时传统品牌是国家文化传承和综合国力的一种表现。建国以后纵然历经了多次变革,甚至遭受到了毁灭性的打击,也没有断了传承,其中根本性的原因是它本身就具有很大的商业价值。但是受多方面要素的影响,中华老字号的情况并不乐观。为挽救中国传统品牌走下坡路的趋向,国家相继提出了“振兴传统品牌”、“品牌建设”、“一带一路倡议”等战略安排,为中华老字号传统品牌的发展提供了新的机遇。



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