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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 管理学类 > 工商管理 > 正文


 2021-04-10 00:34:46  

摘 要






With the rapid development of high-tech enterprises, the market competition is fierce today.High-tech start-ups play an indispensable role in Chinese economic development.However, high-tech start-ups will inevitably encounter various bottlenecks and problems in their development.This paper analyzes the background and development status of high-tech enterprises and identify problems in business development.Then it analyzes the restrictive factors of the development of high-tech start-ups and put forward Suggestions for the development of high-tech start-ups by applying the knowledge learned.

This paper mainly analyzes the development status, development problems and constraints of high-tech start-ups.In order to get a more accurate and scientific development status of the enterprise, this paper collects the development status of some enterprises through questionnaire survey.Through the analysis of the questionnaire results of these enterprises, the problems in the development of high-tech start-ups are summarized and analyzed by applying the knowledge learned, including:individual decisions limit business development,vague legal concept,shortage of talents,the sources of capital are not stable and the management system is not perfect.In view of the development of high-tech start-ups, this paper puts forward several relevant solutions:managers need keen insight to find innovative and entrepreneurial opportunities, choose the right way of enterprise competition, build a charming and united senior management team, perfect incentive mechanism, and influence employees with profound corporate culture. If tech startups want to grow better, they need to solve customer service problems and apply the above development measures.

This paper proposes the development strategy of high-tech start-ups.However, if applied in practice, it needs to be further modified according to the actual situation.No single strategy can be forever applicable to all enterprises.Must change with the market, enterprise's present situation to make the suitable concrete measure.High-tech start-ups are bound to encounter more problems in their future development. However, the development strategy of this paper is limited to the present, so there is still room for further development of this research in the future.

Key words: High-tech enterprise;Development trend;Restrictive factors;The development strategy of


第2章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景、目的与意义 1

1.1.1研究背景 1

1.1.2研究目的 1

1.1.3研究意义 1

1.2国内外研究现状 2

1.2.1高科技企业创新管理研究 2

1.2.2高科技初创企业发展的制约因素研究 2

1.2.3高科技初创企业发展战略研究 3

1.3研究内容与方法 3

1. 3.1研究内容 4

1.3.2研究方法 4

1.3.3技术路线 4

第2章 创新驱动下高科技初创企业发展现状及趋势 5

2.1高科技初创企业的界定 5

2.2高科技企业的特点 5

2.2.1创新是企业发展的核心动力。 5

2.2.2高科技初创企业具有高风险性 6

2.2.3我国高科技初创公司缺乏发展经验。 6

2.3高科技企业的发展现状 6

2.3.1高科技企业稳步增长。 6

2.3.2高科技企业主营业务收入占制造业比重逐渐回升。 7

2.3.3产品研发费用持续增长,行业投入强度差异明显。 7

2.3.4行业规模差异明显 8

2.4高科技初创企业的发展业务趋势 8

第3章 创新驱动下高科技初创企业发展问题及制约因素 10

3.1理论研究构思及问卷设计 10

3.1.1理论研究构思 10

3.1.2问卷设计 10

3.2高科技初创企业发展问题分析 10

3.2.1个人决策限制企业发展 10

3.2.2企业对于法律知之甚少 11

3.2.3企业人才不足 11

3.2.4企业资金来源不稳定 11

3.2.5管理体制不完善。 12

3.3高科技初创企业发展制约因素分析 12

3.3.1内部因素 12

3.3.2外部因素 13

第4章 创新驱动下高科技初创企业发展策略 14

4.1高科技初创企业发展战略制定 14

4.2创新驱动下高科技初创企业发展策略 14

4.2.1管理者需要敏锐的洞察力去发现创新创业机会 14

4.2.2选择合适的企业竞争方式 14

4.2.3打造富有魅力和团结一心的高管团队以及完善的激励机制 15

4.2.4以深厚的企业文化熏陶和感染员工 15

第5章 全文总结与展望 16

5.1全文总结 16

5.2研究展望 16

致谢 17

参考文献 18

  1. 绪论





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