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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 材料类 > 复合材料与工程 > 正文


 2020-04-20 13:14:11  

摘 要





The preparation and properties of "fish-scale" structure Sm0.5Sr0.5Co03 ceramic


The bond between atoms in ceramics is mainly composed of covalent bond and a small part of ionic bond. Covalent bond has high strength, high energy and directivity, so it is difficult for atoms in ceramics to generate slip and dislocation slip. The crack propagation ceramics fracture when subjected to a large external force. It is always a problem for researchers to modify the mechanical properties of ceramics, eliminate or reduce brittleness and extend its application range.

Scales structure is composed of a single dispersed imbricate scales unit arranged according to certain spatial structure and embedded in the dermis with elastic on a thin film structure, it has good light resistance, permeability resistance and flexibility, and the lack of a single flake unit and damage does not affect the skin of the whole structure and function, from the point of view of bionics fishskin special modification provides a possible structure for traditional ceramics.

This paper mainly focuses on the construction of macroscopic fish-scale structure and the influence of this macroscopic structure on material properties. Rare earth doped perovskite ceramics (SSC5) is chosen as the scale unit, and the film with good flexibility and high thermal conductivity is chosen as the matrix material. SSC5 ceramics prepared by means of casting, alternating lamination and solid-phase sintering are used as scale elements to build macroscopic fish-scale structure, and its optical properties, thermal radiation properties and impact resistance mechanical properties such as absorption and emissivity are explored.

KeyWords:Bioinspired;Fish scale;SSC5;Ceramic;Emissivity

目 录

摘要 11


第一章 引言 1

1.1 鱼鳞结构概述 1

1.1.1 鱼皮的结构与功能 1

1.2.1 光谱选择性吸收材料 4

1.2.2 理论基础 5

1.2.3 Sm0.5Sr0.5CoO3钙钛矿陶瓷概述 7

1.3 柔性基底材料 8

1.4论文的选题依据及研究内容 9

第二章 实验工艺流程 11

2.1 实验药品与试剂 11

2.2 实验仪器设备 11

2.3 仿“鱼鳞”SSC5钙钛矿鱼鳞样品制备 12

2.3.1 Sm0.5Sr0.5CoO3鳞片单元制备 12

2.3.2 仿“鱼鳞”结构样品组装 14

第三章 实验结果与分析 15

3.1 仿鱼鳞结构样品性能测试 15

3.1.1 仿鱼鳞结构陶瓷样品热成像分析 16

3.1.2 仿鱼鳞结构陶瓷样品力学性能测试 17

3.2 SSC5-Al2O3复合结构增强仿鱼鳞结构力学性能 18

3.3 SSC5-Al2O3复合样品表征与性能测试 21

3.3.1 SSC5-Al2O3复合样品光学性能测试 21

3.3.2 SSC5-Al2O3复合样品热成像测试 22

3.2.3 SSC5-Al2O3复合结构样品力学性能测试 23

3.4 仿鱼鳞结构SSC5-BOPP复合陶瓷 24

3.4.1 SSC5-BOPP复合结构陶瓷样品组装 25

3.4.2 SSC5-BOPP复合结构陶瓷样品力学性能测试 26

第四章 结论与展望 27

4.1 结论 27

4.2 展望 27

参考文献 30




图1.1 (a)鱼皮自然伸展状态,(b)卷曲状态。



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