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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 材料类 > 复合材料与工程 > 正文


 2022-01-29 20:20:05  


摘 要


研究结果表明,添加600目的CaCO3最终制得LDUPR的表观密度为(0.46±0.02)g·cm-3,比压缩强度达(28.65±0.91)MPa·g-1·cm3;800 目CaCO3最终制得LDUPR的表观密度为(0.49±0.02)g·cm-3,比压缩强度达(31.83±1.31)MPa·g-1·cm3,通过对比可知加600目的CaCO3有利于降低树脂的表观密度而添加800目的碳酸钙能有增大树脂的压缩强度。

关键词:轻质碳酸钙 不饱和聚酯树脂(UPR) 碳酸氢铵

Study on Preparation of Low Density Unsaturated Polyester Resin by Using Lightweight Calcium Carbonate for Ammonium Bicarbonate Foaming


Unsaturated polyester resins have excellent comprehensive properties, but they also have drawbacks such as large brittleness and poor impact resistance after curing, which limits their application to a certain extent. This article describes the research experiment of preparing LDUPR using inorganic filler light calcium carbonate for ammonium bicarbonate foaming. The pre-experiments of viscosity and air-exhausting volume were used to determine the molding temperature range and the amount of calcium carbonate and foaming agent, and then the optimum molding temperature was obtained by comprehensively analyzing the apparent density and compressive strength of the LDUPR sample by designing the orthogonal test. Samples with calcium carbonate and foaming agent content.

The experimental results showed that the apparent density of LDUPR was 0.46±0.02g·cm-3, the compressive strength was (13.18±0.74) MPa, and the specific compressive strength was (28.65±0.91) MPa·g-1·cm3. The apparent density of LDOPR prepared with 800 mesh CaCO3 was (0.49±0.02) g·cm-3, the compressive strength was (16.80±1.04) MPa, and the specific compressive strength was (31.83±1.31) MPa·g-1·cm3, by comparison we can see that the addition of 600 mesh CaCO3 is beneficial to reduce the apparent density of the resin and the addition of 800 mesh calcium carbonate can increase the compressive strength of the resin

Key words: Light calcium carbonate; Unsaturated polyester resin (UPR); Ammonium bicarbonate

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 不饱和聚酯树脂 1

1.1.1 不饱和聚酯树脂的分类 1

1.1.2 不饱和聚酯树脂的性质 1

1.1.3 不饱和聚酯树脂的制备方法 1

1.1.4不饱和聚酯树脂的固化 4

1.2填料 5

1.2.1填料的分类和主要作用 6

1.2.2碳酸钙的存在形式及分类 6

1.2.3碳酸钙的制备 6

1.2.4碳酸钙的表面及其改性 8

1.2.5碳酸钙填料的应用 9

1.3无机填料增强UPR研究进展 9

1.3.1碳酸钙填料增强 10

1.3.2其他无机填料增强 10

1.4课题研究背景、意义及内容 11

1.4.1研究背景 11

1.4.2研究意义 11

1.4.3研究内容 11

第二章实验部分 12

2.1研究思路 12

2.2实验原料 13

2.3实验仪器 13

2.4实验原理 13

2.4.1碳酸氢铵发泡原理 13

2.4.1碳酸钙表面改性原理 14

2.5实验方法 14

2.5.1试样制备 14

2.5.2扫描电子显微镜分析 14

2.5.3碳酸氢铵放气量测定 15

2.5.4表观密度测定 15

2.4.5压缩强度测定 16

第三章结果与分析 18

3.1MDI对碳酸钙表面改性效果的影响 18

3.2不同碳酸钙掺量对碳酸氢氨放气量的影响 18

3.3正交试验结果与分析 27

第四章结论与展望 31

4.1结论 31

4.2展望 31

参考文献 32

致谢 35

第一章 绪论

1.1 不饱和聚酯树脂


1.1.1 不饱和聚酯树脂的分类




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