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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 材料类 > 复合材料与工程 > 正文


 2021-12-29 21:28:43  


摘 要

微电子技术的发展促使着器件和组件趋向小型化发展,特别是在5G时代下,微波毫米波通信行业对材料的各项性能要求更为苛刻,如高频信号传输性能,低介电常数等。CABS(钙铝硼硅)/氧化铝系玻璃-陶瓷具有着较低的介电常数,低损耗等优异性能。在微电子封装领域广泛被使用[1]。本实验研究了CABS玻璃/Al2O3复合材料中CaO含量对CABS玻璃/Al2O3复合材料的收缩率,烧结和介电性能的影响,以及流延过程中控制PVB粘结剂含量得到了最优的PVB粘结剂添加量。实验结果表明当陶瓷粉料球磨时间为24 h,加入PVB粘结剂为9.5 wt%,CaO含量为9.0 wt%,在850℃下烧结15min时,CABS玻璃/Al2O3复合材料的性能最好,得到陶瓷烧片密度是3.15g·cm-3,其介电损耗值为1.9×10-3,介电常数值为7.99。

关键词:CBAS玻璃 LTCC 流延性能 烧结性能

Study on the tape casting and sintering properties of CABS glass composite ceramics


The development of microelectronics technology promotes the miniaturization of devices and components. Especially in the a era of 5G, the microwave millimeter wave communication industry has more stringent requirements on various properties of materials, such as high frequency signal transmission performance and low dielectric constant. CABS/ Al2O3 glass-ceramic has low dielectric constant and low loss. It is widely used in the field of microelectronic packaging [1]. The effect of CaO content in CABS glass /Al2O3 composite on shrinkage, sintering and dielectric properties of CABS glass /Al2O3 composite was studied in this experiment, and the optimal addition of PVB binder was obtained by controlling the content of PVB binder in the process of flow delay. The experimental results showed that when the grinding time of ceramic powder ball was 24 h, PVB binder was 9.5wt %, CaO content was 9.0 wt%, and sintering at 850℃ for 15min, CABS glass /Al2O3 composite had the best performance, the ceramic firing density was 3.10g·cm-3, the dielectric loss was 1.8×10-3, and the dielectric constant was 7.99.

Key Words: CABS glass; LTCC; tape casting property; sintering property

目 录

摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 LTCC概述 1

1.1.1 低温烧结技术的现状 1

1.1.2 低温共烧陶瓷的改进方向 2

1.2 流延成型工艺 2

1.2.1 溶剂 4

1.2.2 分散剂 5

1.2.3 粘结剂 6

1.2.4 塑化剂 7

1.2.5 添加剂对CABS玻璃复合陶瓷的性能影响。 9

1.3 论文的提出和研究意义 10

第二章 实验部分 11

2.1 实验原料 11

2.2 实验设备 11

2.3 实验内容 12

2.3.1 制备CABS玻璃粉末 12

2.3.2 CABS复合陶瓷制备 13

2.3.3 生瓷带性能测试 15

第三章 数据处理与讨论结果 16

3.1 陶瓷密度、收缩率影响因素 16

3.1.1 CaO含量对CABS玻璃/Al2O3陶瓷性能影响 16

3.1.2 不同含量粘结剂对流延浆料的影响 18

3.2 CABS玻璃/Al2O3复合材料的介电性能影响因素 19

3.3 CABS玻璃/Al2O3复合材料与金属电极的共烧相容性 20

第四章 结论与展望 22

参考文献 23

致 谢 26

第一章 绪论


1.1 LTCC概述



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