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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 材料类 > 复合材料与工程 > 正文


 2021-12-05 17:35:15  


摘 要



  1. 研究酮亚胺的水环境固化机理;
  2. 测试环氧树脂堵漏剂的性能并分析;
  3. 测试环氧覆膜石英砂的性能并分析。





In the process of oil and gas exploitation, the problems of lost circulation and sand production occur from time to time, which leads to a significant decrease in the output of oil wells and seriously affects the economic benefits of oil fields. Moreover, due to the technical blockade of epoxy resin-related products in my country in recent years, my country urgently needs to independently develop new epoxy resin oilfield repair materials to cope with the increasingly complex repair problems.

Epoxy resin has good comprehensive performance, good corrosion resistance, and low toxicity, and is suitable as a matrix for oilfield repair materials. Compared with other epoxy resin curing agents, ketimine has the advantages of low pollution and low toxicity. Moreover, ketimine, as a latent curing agent, will only decompose amines to undergo curing reaction under the action of moisture. The ketimine / epoxy resin system can be stored for a long time in the environment.Based on the above advantages, this article selects bisphenol A epoxy resin(E-51) as the matrix and isophorone diamine as the water environment curing agent. When actually used, pump the plugging agent into the area to be repaired, and because of the fluidity of the epoxy resin system, it can enter the fine gaps and solidify to form a certain strength barrier, so that the drilling can achieve the effect of plugging, so that the oil well can continue to engage in efficient production. The main research contents of this article are as follows:

(1) Study the water environment curing mechanism of ketimine;

(2) Test and analyze the performance of epoxy resin plugging agent;

(3) Test and analyze the performance of epoxy coated sand.

     The ketimine water environment curing mechanism was studied, and it was learned that the ketimine curing agent decomposes into amines and ketones under the action of water, and the resulting amines cures the epoxy resin. The chemical structure of the reactant ketone, that is, the electronic effect and steric hindrance of the carbonyl group, will affect the stability of the intermediate product, which will affect the storage stability of the ketimine / epoxy system.

      The performance parameters of epoxy resin plugging agent can show that the curing rate of isophorone diamine curing agent is faster, and the plugging agent has a suitable surface drying and solid drying time; the plugging agent also has a high strength and can meet plugging agent requirements. The performance parameters of the epoxy resin coated sand show that the crushing degree and sphericity of the epoxy resin coated sand are greatly improved compared with the untreated quartz sand, and the performance is also improved. Compared with other curing agents, isophorone diamine also has advantages in the strength of the coating film formed.

Key word: Epoxy resin, Curing underwater, Ketimine, Leaking stopping, Sand control

目 录

第一章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景 1

1.2水下固化环氧树脂及其国内外研究现状 1

1.2.1环氧树脂 1

1.2.2水环境固化剂 2

1.2.3颜料、填料 3

1.2.4稀释剂 3

1.2.5偶联剂 3

1.2.6促进剂 3

1.3堵漏材料 3

1.4防砂固砂技术 4

1.5实验方案 4

1.6本文的研究内容及研究的意义 5

第二章 固化机理 6

2.1多元胺的固化机理 6

2.2酮亚胺 6

2.2.1潜伏型固化剂 6

2.2.2酮亚胺的合成 7

2.2.3酮亚胺水下固化机理 8

2.3本章小结 8

第三章 水下环氧体系的配制及性能测试 9

3.1环境条件 9

3.2主要原材料 9

3.3环氧体系的制备 9

3.4环氧树脂堵漏剂评价指标及方法 10

3.5本章小结 12

第四章 采油井固砂用环氧覆膜砂 13

4.1原料 13

4.2环氧覆膜砂的制备 14

4.2.1仪器设备 14

4.2.2制备工艺 14

4.2.3施工工艺 14

4.3性能测试 14

4.3.1水中固化时间 14

4.3.2导流能力 14

4.3.3机械强度比较 15

4.3.4其他指标 15

4.4本章小结 15

第五章 结论与展望 16

参考文献 17

致谢 19

第一章 绪论








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