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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 材料类 > 复合材料与工程 > 正文


 2021-12-05 17:30:47  


摘 要

钢丝缠绕增强复合管(PSP) 是一种具有优异性能的新型复合管。它是用高强度钢丝螺旋缠绕在芯管上构成增强体,同时涂覆粘结树脂高密度聚乙烯(HDPE)为基体,二者结合为中间层,再由内外两层HDPE树脂包裹中间层,利用树脂的粘结性能将三层结构紧密地连接在一起的复合结构。该管道具有优异的性能:耐腐蚀性好、高强度、高模量、抗压性能好等。并且在生产上工艺复杂性低,生产成本低,同时金属增强体和塑料基体具有良好粘接界面,性能优异,得到了众多科研工作者的认可和广泛设计研究,在之后市场推广上具有较大的优势。

本文从理论、有限元两个方面对PSP 管道进行了详细的力学性能分析,研究管道的极限强度。本文主要工作如下:

(1) 通过串并联模型,建立了单层板的弹性常数预测公式,并根据材料的基本参数进行了理论计算。同时通过查找书本和文献的资料,对单层板的基本强度进行了预测,根据公式计算得到了单层板的强度参数。

(2) 通过ANSYS对不同厚度钢丝增强复合管在压力载荷下的分析,得到了铺层数和管道所能承担的最大载荷成正比,铺层数增加一倍,相应的最大承载载荷也相应的增加一倍的结论。

(3) 通过ANSYS对不同铺层角度钢丝增强复合管在压力载荷下的分析:在铺层层数不变的条件下,随着铺层角度的增大,初始载荷先增大后减小,存在一个最优角度在本文的受力情况下使得管道能够承受最大载荷。



Plastic pipe reinforced by helically cross-winding steel wire (PSP) is a new type of composite pipe with excellent performance. It is made of high strength steel wire spiral wound on the core tube to form a reinforcing body, and coated with bonding resin high density polyethylene (HDPE) as the matrix. The two are combined into the middle layer, and then the inner and outer two layers of HDPE resin wrap the middle layer. The bonding property of the resin is used to tightly connect the three layers of structure together. The pipeline has excellent properties: good corrosion resistance, high strength, high modulus, good compression resistance, etc. In addition, it has low technological complexity and production cost in production. At the same time, metal reinforcement and plastic matrix have a good bonding interface and excellent performance, which has been recognized by many researchers and widely designed and studied, and has a great advantage in market promotion.

In this paper, the mechanical properties of PSP pipe are analyzed in detail from the theoretical and finite element aspects, and the ultimate strength of the pipe is studied. The main work of this paper is as follows:

(1) Based on the series and parallel model, the elastic constant prediction formula of monolayer plate is established, and the theoretical calculation is carried out according to the basic material parameters. At the same time, the basic strength of single-layer plate is predicted by looking up the materials in books and literature, and the strength parameters of single-layer plate are calculated according to the formula.

(2) Through ANSYS analysis of steel wire reinforced composite pipe with different thickness under pressure load, the conclusion that the number of layers is proportional to the maximum load that the pipe can bear, the number of layers is doubled, and the corresponding maximum load is also doubled.

(3) Through ANSYS analysis of steel wire reinforced composite pipe with different layer angle under pressure load: under the condition of constant layer number, with the increase of layer angle, the initial load first increases and then decreases, and there is an optimal Angle to enable the pipe to bear the maximum load under the stress of this paper.

Key Words: Plastic pipe reinforced by helically cross-winding steel wire;micromechanical;finite element;modulus

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 引言 1

1.2 复合管 1

1.2.1 复合管的定义 1

1.2.2 复合管的分类 2

1.2.3 复合管的研究现状 4

1.3 本文的主要研究内容 5

第2章 PSP管的力学性能理论分析 6

2.1 引言 6

2.2 基本假设 6

2.3 细观力学分析 6

2.3.1 材料的性能参数 7

2.3.2 模型简化 7

2.3.3 串并联模型 9

2.3.4 计算结果 10

2.4 单层板强度的细观力学分析 10

2.4.1 纵向拉伸强度 10

2.4.2 纵向抗压强度 11

2.4.3 横向抗拉强度 11

2.4.4 横向压缩强度 11

2.4.5 面内剪切强度 12

2.4.6 计算结果 12

2.5 本章总结 12

第3章 钢丝缠绕增强塑料复合管的有限元分析 13

3.1 ANSYS软件介绍 13

3.2 模型的建立 13

3.2.1 建立管道模型 13

3.2.2 网格划分 14

3.2.3 边界条件和约束 14

3.2.4 失效准则 14

3.2.5 初始强度分析 15

3.2.6 结果与分析 15

3.3 本章总结 20

第4章 结论与展望 22

4.1 结论 22

4.2 展望 22

参考文献 23

致谢 25

第1章 绪论

1.1 引言




1.2 复合管

1.2.1 复合管的定义


1.2.2 复合管的分类



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