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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 材料类 > 复合材料与工程 > 正文


 2021-11-25 23:10:40  


摘 要

复合材料液体模塑成型工艺(Liquid Composite Molding)是一种近年来比较热门的先进复合材料制造技术,这种制造技术成本低、性能优越的特点而广泛应用于复合材料制造领域。且能够很好地适应于现在复杂结构的复合材料批量化生产,进一步扩展了复合材料当下的应用范围。LCM工艺生产的制品有着重复使用率高、质量好、性能较为稳定等优点。近些年来受到了很好的推广,从民用产品到国防尖端制造,种类繁多,颇受欢迎。






Liquid Composite Molding (Liquid Composite Molding) is a relatively popular advanced composite manufacturing technology in recent years. This manufacturing technology has the characteristics of low cost and superior performance and is widely used in the field of composite manufacturing. And it can be well adapted to the mass production of composite materials with complex structures, which further expands the current application range of composite materials. The products produced by the LCM process have the advantages of high reuse rate, good quality and relatively stable performance. In recent years, it has been well promoted, ranging from civilian products to cutting-edge defense manufacturing, with a wide variety and popular.

Permeability is a parameter that comprehensively describes the permeability of fiber fabrics and is an important factor influencing the penetration process of the LCM process. It not only has a great relationship with the filling time, but also determines the degree of resin wetting of the reinforcing fibers and the mechanical flow properties in the mold. It is also a key parameter for the intelligent design of the LCM process infiltration process. Therefore, to further study the penetration performance and wetting characteristics of the resin to the reinforcing fiber in the process penetration process, and to use this to optimize the mold design, control the influencing factors, shorten the manufacturing cycle, improve the production efficiency, and ensure the quality of the product, the future composite molding process Application and development have a great role in promoting. The influence of traditional artificial intelligence research methods on LCM process penetration is measured through monitoring and control. In view of the limitations of this method, it is necessary to develop a more ideal method for studying permeability characteristics.

This paper proposes a method for monitoring the resin flow front in the LCM process using an intelligent monitoring system. Use digital image processing technology to realize the detection and recognition of the flow front, and use this to calculate the permeability. The analysis of the experimental results is basically in line with the basic experimental results of traditional manual measurement, which fully confirms the technical practicability and reliability of the system. At the same time, combined with the design and measurement technology standards of the two process measurement systems of LCM, the design and implementation of the overall design of the product quality monitoring management system were completed. By using the monitoring system to analyze the experimental and simulation results, the permeability results are obtained, and the results errors and system errors are analyzed.

Through specific analysis, this experiment proves that the system scheme has a high degree of intelligence, and at the same time improves the monitoring efficiency of the flow front of the infiltration process, and the obtained permeability measurement results are also satisfactory, effectively solving the traditional manual measurement of permeability The shortcomings such as complicated monitoring process, complicated calculation, and poor real-time performance in the technology provide an effective reference method for the study of the resin-based infiltration process of composite materials.

Keywords: LCM; permeability; flow front monitoring; digital image progressing

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景 1

1.1.1LCM工艺的介绍 1

1.1.2LCM工艺的渗透率 1

1.2LCM渗透率计算方法 1

1.2.1孔隙率的计算方法 1

1.2.2渗透率计算方法 2

1.3图像处理的常见方法 3

1.3.1图像处理方法介绍 3

1.3.2本课题系统的图像处理方法 4

1.4研究的意义与内容 4

1.4.1研究意义 4

1.4.2研究内容 5

第2章 实验设计及结果 6

2.1引言 6

2.2实验材料及设备 6

2.3预制件渗透率研究方法 6

2.3.1试样的制备 6

2.3.2设备的确定及实现 7

2.4过程记录 7

2.5结果分析 8

2.5.1流动前锋 8

2.5.2渗透率计算 9

2.6小结 11

第3章 运用图像处理技术进行渗透率计算 12

3.1引言 12

3.2图像处理 12

3.2.1图像的预处理 12

3.2.2图像的分割处理 12

3.3渗透过程的图像处理 13

3.3.1渗透过程图像滤波 13

3.3.2渗透过程图像二值化 14

3.4流动前锋长度提取 15

3.5程序渗透率计算 16

3.6小结 17

第4章 实验结果及误差分析 18

4.1实验结果分析 18

4.2误差分类及主要来源 18

4.3实验系统中的误差分析 19

4.4优化方法 19

4.5小结 20

第5章 总结与展望 21

5.1总结 21

5.2展望 21

参考文献 22

致谢 24

第1章 绪论







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