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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 材料类 > 复合材料与工程 > 正文


 2021-03-11 23:07:39  

摘 要






Unsaturated polyester resin (UPR) is an important thermosetting resin. The generalized UPR limit oxygen index (LOI) is generally only 19, which is a highly flammable polymer that needs to be given flame retardancy in many places. Based on the development trend of halogen-free environmental protection and solving the problem of UPR performance of additive flame retardants, it is urgent to study the flame retardants with good flame retardancy, good thermal stability and good compatibility with UPR.

(DOPO) is a new type of flame retardant intermediates, DOPO and its derivatives have high thermal stability and chemical stability. Excellent combustion performance, can be applied to many polymers. In this paper, a DOPO derivative was synthesized and a UPR system with excellent flame retardancy was prepared. The effect of DOPO derivatives on the flame retardancy of UPR and its effect on thermal performance and heat resistance of UPR were systematically studied.

A reactive flame retardant monomer TGIC-DOPO containing double bond of acrylic acid was synthesized by two-step method. A flame retardant UPR system (P-UPR) system containing phosphorus and nitrogen was prepared by introducing the monomer into the UPR molecular chain by free radical copolymerization. FTIR confirmed the structure of TGIC-DOPO and proved that TGIC-DOPO was involved in the polycondensation of polyester.With the increase of the amount of flame retardants, the limiting oxygen index (LOI) of the flame retardant UPR system is higher and the flame retardant performance is better. When the amount of TGIC-DOPO is 35%, LOI can reach 29%.The thermal stability of the flame retardant UPR system was analyzed by thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). The thermogravimetric analysis showed that the thermal stability of the flame retardant UPR system was equivalent to that of UPR0. The carbon residue content of UPR0 was 8.6% at 800 ℃, the residual carbon ratio of P-UPR system increased with the increase of phosphorus content, and the residual carbon ratio of P-UPR6 was 13.9%, which was the same as that of flame retardancy.

Key words:Halogen-free flame retardant; unsaturated polyester resin;phosphorus-nitrogen reactive flame retardant; DOPO derivatives

目 录

摘 要 I

第一章 绪论 5

1.1引言 5

1.2不饱和聚酯树脂的阻燃机理 5

1.2.1 不饱和聚酯树脂的燃烧特性 5

1.2.2 一般阻燃剂的阻燃机理 6 气相阻燃机理 6 凝聚相阻燃机理 6 中断热交换机理 6 协同阻燃机理 6

1.2.3磷系阻燃剂的阻燃机理 7

1.3 阻燃不饱和聚酯树脂的研究进展 7

1.3.1 添加型阻燃剂 7

1.3.2 反应型阻燃剂 8

1.3.3 目前存在的问题和可能解决的方法 8

1.4 DOPO衍生物阻燃剂及其应用的研究进展 9

1.4.1 DOPO衍生物的合成 9

1.4.2 DOPO衍生物阻燃剂的应用 9 添加型阻燃剂 9 反应型阻燃剂 9 DOPO 与其它元素的协同阻燃效应 10

1.5本课题的研究意义和主要研究内容 10

1.5.1研究意义 10

1.5.2主要研究内容 10

第二章DOPO衍生物及其改性不饱和聚酯树脂的制备 12

2.1引言 12

2.2实验部分 12

2.2.1实验主要原料 12

2.2.2实验仪器 12

2.2.3 DOPO衍生物改性不饱和聚酯树脂的制备 13 TGIC-DOPO的制备 13 TGIC-DOPO改性不饱和聚酯树脂的制备 13

2.3测试与表征 14

2.3.1 极限氧指数测试(LOI) 14

2.3.2热重分析(TGA) 14

2.3.3动态力学分析(DMA) 14

2.3.4傅里叶变换红外光谱(FTIR) 14

第三章 DOPO衍生物改性不饱和聚酯树脂的结构表征与性能测试 15

3.1 结构表征 15

3.1.1 TGIC-DOPO的结构表征 15

3.1.2 改性不饱和聚酯树脂的结构表征 17

3.2 改性不饱和聚酯树脂的阻燃性能 18

3.3 改性不饱和聚酯树脂的动态力学性能 19

3.4 改性不饱和聚酯树脂的热性能 21

第四章 结论与展望 24

4.1 本文结论 24

4.2 本课题后续展望 24

参考文献 25

致 谢 26

第一章 绪论


不饱和聚酯树脂(UPR)是热固性树脂中最重要、用量最大的树脂之一。由于它机械性能优秀,具有良好耐化学腐蚀性能和电性能,可常温常压固化,加工工艺简单方便等优点,不饱和聚酯及其复合材料在化工防腐,汽车行业、轨道交通领域、新能源装置、管道等领域的应用极其广泛,在国民经济中起着越来越重要的作用。但UPR的可燃性较高,其极限氧指数一般仅为19%。易燃烧成为 UPR 应用中重大的障碍,大大限制了它的使用范围,所以赋予UPR良好的阻燃性在很多场合具有很重要的现实意义。

卤素阻燃剂具有较好的阻燃效果,并凭借其低廉的价格,目前在阻燃高分子材料上应用最广。但由于卤素阻燃剂在燃烧时会产生有毒的卤化氢气体及烟雾,造成环境污染。随着环境问题的出现和环保法律的实施,卤素阻燃剂的用量正逐步减少。还有许多无卤添加型阻燃剂,如氢氧化铝(ATH)、三聚氰胺(MA)及其盐、层状硅酸盐纳米粘土等,存在例如添加量大影响 UPR的物理性能和加工性等问题。而目前磷系[1]、氮系[2]、硅系[3]及纳米复合材料[4]等无卤阻燃剂的研发则正在快速发展并逐渐取代前述种类的阻燃剂。有机磷系阻燃剂目前是无卤阻燃剂研究的主要方向之一,其中磷(膦)酸酯类阻燃剂是应用最广的部分,其阻燃效率高,与树脂的相容性也好,但是较差的耐热性限制了其应用。因此开发新型的与 UPR 有良好相容性,且热稳定性好、阻燃效率高的有机磷系反应型阻燃剂是必然趋势。

膦菲类化合物 9,10-二氢-9-氧杂-10-膦菲-10-氧化物(DOPO)及其衍生物因其结构中含芳杂环,具有许多优异性能。可利用DOPO衍生物的反应活性,将其以共价键的方式引入到高分子材料链上,如制备主链含磷的环氧树脂、不饱和聚酯树脂等,开发高性能有机无卤阻燃材料。

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