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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 材料类 > 复合材料与工程 > 正文


 2021-03-11 22:22:32  

摘 要









Polymeric conductive composites are widely used in many fields of industrial production and life. But the vast majority of polymer-based conductive composites are not stable in electrical properties. These shortcomings restrict the further promotion and application of materials, limiting the scope of application of materials. How to further improve the conductivity and improve the temperature stability of the material resistivity has become an important research direction of polymer-based conductive composites.

In this paper, 1-1-1-3 conductive composites with good conductivity were prepared by using chopped nickel-plated carbon fiber, chopped carbon fiber and chopped glass fiber ternary mixed fiber reinforced thermosetting resin. The thermo - sensitive properties of the resistivity of 1-1-1-3 type conductive composites under different influence factors were studied by using the 1-1-1-3 conductive composites. In this paper, the temperature control properties of 1-1-1-3 conductive composites under different conditions of carbon fiber content, nickel carbon fiber length and resin matrix were studied by using the control variable method, and detailed experimental analysis was carried out.

Research indicates:

(1) The effect of carbon fiber content on the thermo-sensitive properties of conductive composites was studied based on vinyl ester resin. From the normal temperature to 75 ℃, the carbon fiber content of 3% of the conductive composite material resistivity change the smallest.The change percentage is 7%. At 50 ℃ for 5 hours, the resistivity change of the conductive composites with carbon fiber content of 12% was the smallest, with the change percentage of 2.4%. It is speculated that the amount of carbon fiber increases and the temperature stability of the resistivity of the conductive composite increases. In this paper, the amount of carbon fiber increased, the temperature of the conductive composite material is poor. May be due to the sample preparation effect is not good, affecting its temperature-sensitive features, and the data testing has some error.

(2) The effect of nickel-coated carbon fiber length on the temperature-sensitive properties of conductive composites was studied based on vinyl ester resin. When the length of the nickel-plated carbon fiber is 10 mm, the resistivity temperature stability is the best. The maximum percentage change in resistivity during the rise from room temperature to 75 ℃ is 8.9%. The change in resistivity for 5 hours at 60 ℃ is extremely small and can be ignored. The longer the length of the nickel-plated carbon fiber is, the conductive composite has better resistivity stability of the temperature.

(3) From the normal temperature rise to 75 ℃, the epoxy resin as the base of the conductive composite material resistance stability is best, the change rate of 1.2%; from 75 ℃ to 150 ℃, cyanate resin as the base of the conductive composite Material resistance stability of the best, the rate of change of 13%. Under the condition of 60 ℃ for 5 hours, the resistivity stability of the conductive composite material with cyanate ester resin is the best, and the resistivity change percentage is 1.2%. When the resin matrix has lower swelling property, it has better heat resistance, as a result,the conductive composite has better resistivity stability of the temperature.

Key words: conductive composites; resistivity; thermo-sensitive properties

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1高分子导电复合材料概述 1

1.1.1高分子导电复合材料的概念 1

1.1.2高分子导电复合材料的组成 1

1.1.3 高分子导电复合材料导电机理 2

1.2导电高分子复合材料温敏特性研究现状 3

1.3论文研究的目的 4

1.4论文研究的内容 4

第2章 实验原料与设备 6

2.1实验原材料 6

2.2实验设备 6

2.3试样制备工艺及流程 7

2.3.1 电极的制备 7

2.3.2短切镀镍碳纤维/短切碳纤维/短切玻璃纤维/乙烯基酯树脂导电复合材料的制备 7

2.3.3短切镀镍碳纤维/短切碳纤维/短切玻璃纤维/环氧树脂导电复合材料的制备 8

2.3.4短切镀镍碳纤维/短切碳纤维/短切玻璃纤维/氰酸酯树脂导电复合材料的制备 9

2.4 测试方法 9

第3章 1-1-1-3型导电复合材料温敏特性研究 11

3.1碳纤维含量对1-1-1-3型导电复合材料温敏特性的影响 11

3.2镀镍碳纤维长度对1-1-1-3型导电复合材料温敏特性的影响 13

3.3树脂基体种类对1-1-1-3型导电复合材料温敏特性的影响 15

3.4本章小结 17

第4章 结论与展望 18

4.1 结论 18

4.2 研究展望 18

参考文献 20

致谢 21

第1章 绪论









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