2020-05-02 17:57:08
1. 毕业设计(论文)的内容和要求
1、毕业论文内容 在heusler合金中,nimn基体系合金表现出优异的性能(如形状记忆效应和磁制冷效应)和丰富的物理现象,具有很高的科技应用和基础研究的价值,备受工业界和学术界青睐,一直以来都是凝聚态物理和材料领域的研究热点。
2. 参考文献
1. Gomes, A. M.; Khan, M.; Stadler, S.; Ali, N.; Dubenko, I.; Takeuchi, A. Y.; Guimaraes, A. P. Journal of Applied Physics 2006, 99, (8). 2. Stadler, S.; Khan, M.; Mitchell, J.; Ali, N.; Gomes, A. M.; Dubenko, I.; Takeuchi, A. Y.; Guimaraes, A. P. Applied Physics Letters 2006, 88, (19). 3. Glavatskyy, I.; Glavatska, N.; Dobrinsky, A.; Hoffmann, J. U.; Sorberg, O.; Hannula, S. P. Scripta Materialia 2007, 56, (7), 565-568. 4. Khan, M.; Dubenko, I.; Stadler, S.; Ali, N. Journal of Applied Physics 2007, 102, (2). 5. Khan, M.; Stadler, S.; Ali, N. Journal of Applied Physics 2007, 101, (9). 6. Duan, J. F.; Long, Y.; Bao, B.; Zhang, H.; Ye, R. C.; Chang, Y. Q.; Wan, F. R.; Wu, G. H. Journal of Applied Physics 2008, 103, (6). 7. Khan, M.; Gautam, B.; Pathak, A.; Dubenko, I.; Stadler, S.; Ali, N. Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter 2008, 20, (50). 8. Aaltio, I.; Soderberg, O.; Friman, M.; Glavatskyy, I.; Ge, Y.; Glavatska, N.; Hannula, S. P., Determining the liquidus and ordering temperatures of the ternary Ni-Mn-Ga and quaternary Ni-Mn-Ga-Fe/Cu alloys. E D P Sciences: Cedex A, 2009. 9. Bai, H.; Jiang, C.; Xu, H. New nickel-manganese-gallium-copper shape memory alloy used in manufacturing parts in fields demanding for high-temperature shape memory effect and parts with high machining demands. CN101435039-A, 2009. 10. Chengbao, J.; Jingmin, W.; Panpan, L.; Ao, J.; Huibin, X. Applied Physics Letters 2009, 012501 (3 pp.). 11. Gautam, B. R.; Dubenko, I.; Mabon, J. C.; Stadler, S.; Ali, N. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2009, 472, (1-2), 35-39. 12. Ma, Y. Q.; Yang, S. Y.; Jin, W. J.; Liu, X. J. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2009, 471, (1-2), 570-574. 13. Roy, S.; Blackburn, E.; Valvidares, S. M.; Fitzsimmons, M. R.; Vogel, S. C.; Khan, M.; Dubenko, I.; Stadler, S.; Ali, N.; Sinha, S. K.; Kortright, J. B. Physical Review B 2009, 79, (23). 14. Kataoka, M.; Endo, K.; Kudo, N.; Kanomata, T.; Nishihara, H.; Shishido, T.; Umetsu, R. Y.; Nagasako, M.; Kainuma, R. Physical Review B 2010, 82, (21), 214423. 15. Pathak, A. K.; Dubenko, I.; Karaca, H. E.; Stadler, S.; Ali, N. Applied Physics Letters 2010, 062505 (3 pp.). 16. Wang, J.; Bai, H.; Jiang, C.; Li, Y.; Xu, H. Materials Science and Engineering: A 2010, 527, (7-8), 1975-1978. 17. Wang, J. M.; Jiang, C. B. Scripta Materialia 2010, 62, (5), 298-300. 18. Li, C. M.; Luo, H. B.; Hu, Q. M.; Yang, R.; Johansson, B.; Vitos, L. Physical Review B 2011, 84, (2). 19. Li, P. L. P.-P. W., JM (Wang Jing-Min); Jiang, CB (Jiang Cheng-Bao) CHINESE PHYSICS B 2011, 20, (2), 028104. 20. Li, Y.; Wang, J.; Jiang, C. Materials Science and Engineering: A 2011, 528, (22-23), 6907-6911. 21. Panpan Li, J., Chengbao Jiang and Huibin Xu. J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 2011, 44, (28), 285002. 22. 柳祝红, 伊比, 李歌天, 马星桥. 物理学报 2012, 61, (10), 108104. 23. Chakrabarti, A.; Siewert, M.; Roy, T.; Mondal, K.; Banerjee, A.; Gruner, M. E.; Entel, P. Physical Review B 2013, 88, (17), 174116. 24. Kanomata, T.; Endo, K.; Kudo, N.; Umetsu, R.; Nishihara, H.; Kataoka, M.; Nagasako, M.; Kainuma, R.; Ziebeck, K. Metals 2013, 3, (1), 114. 25. Li, G.-T.; Liu, Z.-H.; Meng, F.-Y.; Ma, X.-Q.; Wu, G.-H. Chinese Physics B 2013, 22, (12), 126201. 26. Wang, J.; Li, P.; Jiang, C. Intermetallics 2013, 34, (0), 14-17. 27. Zelenyacute;, M.; Sozinov, A.; Straka, L.; Bjouml;rkman, T.; Nieminen, R. M. Physical Review B 2014, 89, (18), 184103. 28. Roy, T.; Gruner, M. E.; Entel, P.; Chakrabarti, A. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2015, 632, 822-829. 29. Sarkar, S. K.; Sarita; Babu, P. D.; Biswas, A.; Siruguri, V.; Krishnan, M. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2016, 670, 281-288. 30. Kundu, A.; Ghosh, S.; Ghosh, S. Physical Review B 2017, 96, (17), 174107. 31. Zhao, D.; Cast#225;n, T.; Planes, A.; Li, Z.; Sun, W.; Liu, J. Physical Review B 2017, 96, (22), 224105. 32. 刘红艳, 李歌天. 马星桥. 材料导报 2016, 30, (24), 21-24.
3. 毕业设计(论文)进程安排
2018.12.20~ 2019.01.04 利用学校图书馆资源检索相关专业文献 2019.01.05 ~ 2019.01.17 撰写开题报告 2019.01.18 ~ 2019.03.10 熟悉掌握Ni-Mn-Ga-Cu铁磁形状记忆合金第一性原理计算 2019.03.11 ~ 2019.03.31 总能计算及原子择优占位确定 2019.04.01~ 2019.05.13 能带结构和磁性计算与分析 2019.05.14 ~ 2019.05.18 分析总结Cu对Ni-Mn-Ga基铁磁形状记忆合金马氏体相变和磁性影响因素和物理机制 2019.05.19~ 2019.06.02 撰写毕业论文 2019.06.03~ 2019.06.13 完成毕业论文及答辩 2019.06.14~ 2019.07.05 总结、归档
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