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毕业论文网 > 任务书 > 材料类 > 材料科学与工程 > 正文


 2020-05-01 08:48:00  

1. 毕业设计(论文)的内容和要求

1.毕业论文主要内容 氧化锌脱硫剂作为天然气、炼厂气和合成气等工业气体中的硫化氢精脱除剂无法取代,硫化氢是危害性极强的毒性气体,无论从安全、设备、环境保护还是经济角度考虑,都必须脱除。




2. 参考文献

[1] F. Li, J. Zhang, A-X. Jiang, et al. Research progress of desulfurizer at a low temperature, Chem. Ind. Eng. Pro, 2007, 26(4): 521- 522. [2] Xu. F, Domestic research progress of zinc oxides desulfurization agents, Chem. Ind. Eng. Pro, 2002, 21(10): 773-775. [3] Q. Y. Dong, B. L. Zhang, L. Cheng, et al. Research on preparation and application of nanometer zinc oxide. Ind. Miner. Process, 2012, 41( 5) : 34-38. [4] M. Pineda, J. M. Palacios, Alonso. L, et al. Performance of zinc oxide based sorbents for hot coal gas desulfurization in multicycle tests in a fixed-bed reactor. Fuel, 2000, 79(8): 885-895. [5] H. Yang, B. Tatarchuk, Novel-doped zinc oxide sorbents for low temperature regenerable desulfurization applications. AIChE J, 2010, 56(11): 2898-2904. [6] M. Hussain, N. Abbas, D. Fino, et al. Novel mesoporous silica supported ZnO adsorbents for the desulphurization of biogas at low temperatures. Chem. Eng. J, 2012, 188: 222-232. [7] J. Shangguan, Y. Zhao, H. Fan, et al. Desulfurization behavior of zinc oxide based sorbent modified by the combination of Al2O3 and K2CO3, Fuel, 2013, 108: 80-84. [8] J. Chaichanawong, T. Yamamoto, T. Ohmori, et al. Adsorptive desulfurization of bioethanol using activated carbon loaded with zinc oxide. Chem. Eng. J, 2010, 165(1): 218-224. [9] S. Kim, B. Bajaj, C. K. Byun, et al. Preparation of flexible zinc oxide/carbon nanofiber webs for mid-temperature desulfurization. Appl. Surf. Sci, 2014, 320: 218-224. [10] M. Wu, C. Hu, Feng. Y, et al. Microwave effects on the structure of CeO2-doped zinc oxide sorbents for H2S removal. Fuel, 2015, 146: 56-59. [11] M. Mureddu, I. Ferino, E. Rombi, et al. ZnO/SBA-15 composites for mid-temperature removal of H2S: Synthesis, performance and regeneration studies. Fuel, 2012, 102: 691-700. [12] G. Liu, Z. H. Huang, F. Kang, Preparation of ZnO/SiO2 gel composites and their performance of H2S removal at room temperature. J. Hazard. Mater, 2012, 215: 166-172. [13] R. Habibi, A. M. Rashidi, J. T. Daryan, Study of the rod-like and spherical nano-ZnO morphology on H2S removal from natural gas. Appl. Surf. Sci, 2010, 257(2): 434-439. [14] L. Neveux, D. Chiche, D. Bazer-Bachi, et al. New insight on the ZnO sulfidation reaction: Evidences for an outward growth process of the ZnS phase. Chem. Eng. J, 2012, 181: 508-515. [15] V. Girard, D. Chiche, A. Baudot, et al. Innovative low temperature regenerable zinc based mixed oxide sorbents for synthesis gas desulfurization. Fuel, 2015, 140: 453-461. [16] M. S. Sekhavatjou, R. Moradi, i A. Hosseini Alhashem, et al. A new method for sulfur components removal from sour gas through application of zinc and iron oxides nanoparticles. Int. J. Environ. Res, 2014, 8(2): 273-278. [17] J. Skrzypski, I. Bezverkhyy, O. Heintz, et al. Low temperature H2S removal with metal-doped nanostructure ZnO sorbents: study of the origin of enhanced reactivity in Cu-containing materials. Ind Eng. Chem. Res, 2011, 50(9): 5714-5722.

3. 毕业设计(论文)进程安排

起讫日期 设计(论文)各阶段工作内容 2018.12.23~2018.12.28 课题任务书 2018.12.28~2019.1.18 开题报告 2019.1.18~2019.2.21 文献综述、英文翻译与试验材料准备 2019.2.21~2019.4.9 设计实验方案、进行实验2019.4.10~2019.5.2 实验 2019.5.3~2019.5.8 实验、中期答辩 2019.5.9~2019.5.30 实验、整理实验数据、毕业论文撰写 2019.5.31~2019.6.10 毕业论文撰写、答辩

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