2020-04-26 12:48:15
摘 要
(4)经过XRD表征分析,发现锰渣辅料脱硫剂中含有Mn2O3 、粉煤灰辅料脱硫剂中含有β-氧化铁水合物,电石渣辅料脱硫剂中含有碳酸钙。这些化合物具有一定的脱硫活性,也有利于提高氧化锌的脱硫活性。
关键词:氧化锌 脱硫 硫化氢 廉价辅料
In the fields of natural gas industry, refinery gas industry and syngas industry, zinc oxide desulfurizer is widely used in the fine removal of hydrogen sulfide in these industrial gases. Since hydrogen sulfide is toxic gas, it will not only cause danger to the human body, but also Corrosion or breakage of equipment or pipelines, so hydrogen sulfide gas must be removed for equipment safety, production requirements and environmental protection. However, now high cost of zinc oxide had limited its application in the industry. Therefore, how to reduce the amount of zinc oxide on the basis of ensuring the desulfurization performance is an urgent problem we need to explore and solve. This topic explores the use of cheap industrial raw materials or waste as an auxiliary material to partially replace zinc oxide, thereby greatly reducing the cost of the catalyst on the basis of ensuring the desulfurization performance.
In this thesis, zinc oxide is used as the basic component of desulfurizer. Industrial waste carbide slag, fly ash, manganese slag and other auxiliary materials are blended with zinc oxide to prepare desulfurizer. Then, according to the mechanical strength test results, the best sintering is selected. Temperature and test its desulfurization performance; after desulfurization performance of the sample prepared by investigating the above optimal formula and optimal process parameters, it is compared with commercial zinc oxide desulfurizer; finally, XRD analysis of different element doped samples is carried out. Different excipients on the performance of desulfurizers were explored. The following conclusions were drawn:
(1) Under the current extrusion conditions, the strength after firing at 370 ℃ is 41 N/cm, and the strength after firing at 500 ℃ is 34 N/cm. As the calcination temperature increases, the strength of the desulfurizer decreases, so a 400℃calcined desulfurizer sample is suitable.
(2) Among the low proportion of zinc oxide doped desulfurizer, the desulfurization agent doped with fly ash has the best desulfurization performance. Among the high proportion of zinc oxide doped desulfurizer, the desulfurization agent doped with manganese slag has the best desulfurization performance.
(3) Different excipients have great influence on the desulfurization performance of desulfurizer. Among them, the desulfurization performance of the desulfurizer changed significantly with the increase of the doping amount of the manganese slag auxiliary material, followed by the calcium carbide slag and the slowest change of the fly ash auxiliary material.
(4) After XRD characterization, it was found that the manganese slag auxiliary desulfurizer contained Mn2O3, the fly ash auxiliary desulfurizer contained β-iron oxide hydrate, and the calcium carbide slag auxiliary desulfurizer contained calcium carbonate. These compounds have a certain desulfurization activity and are also beneficial for increasing the desulfurization activity of zinc oxide.
Key words: Zinc oxide; Desulfurization; H2S; Cheap accessories
目 录
摘要 I
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 引言 1
1.2 脱硫方式及其分类 1
1.2.1 湿法脱硫 2
1.2.2 干法脱硫 2
1.3 金属氧化物脱硫剂的种类 3
1.3.1氧化锌脱硫剂 3
1.3.2氧化铁脱硫剂 4
1.3.3氧化锰脱硫剂 4
1.3.4其它金属氧化物脱硫剂 4
1.4 氧化锌脱硫剂的概述 5
1.4.1氧化锌的种类 5
1.4.2氧化锌脱硫剂的一般制备方法 5
1.4.3氧化锌脱硫机理及影响因素 6
1.4.4目前氧化锌价格 7
1.5 本课题的问题提出及研究内容 7
第二章 实验方法 8
2.1 实验原料与试剂 8
2.2 脱硫剂的制备和检测设备 8
2.3 脱硫剂的制备 8
2.4脱硫剂的脱硫性能测试 9
2.6脱硫剂样品与商用脱硫剂脱硫性能对比 13
第三章 结果与讨论 16
3.1、表征方法 16
3.1.1 X射线衍射 (XRD) 分析 16
3.2 分析结果 16
3.2.1 粉煤灰辅料样品 XRD 分析 16
3.2.2 电石渣辅料样品 XRD 分析 17
3.2.3 锰渣辅料样品 XRD 分析 17
第四章 结论和展望 19
4.1 主要结论 19
4.2 展望 20
参考文献 21
致谢 23
第一章 绪论
1.1 引言
另外,在工业合成气方面,由于硫化氢的存在会毒害催化剂,因此高效催化剂就需要更加纯净的原料气。硫化氢的精脱除已经成为各行业工业生产中的重要课题。各行业对硫化氢的含量也制订了相应标准,例如合成聚丙烯工业要求丙烯原料中的总硫质量分数不大于1.0-2.0μg/g;燃气轮机工业中所用的煤气中H2S的体积分数要低于100μL/L [4-5]。
氧化锌脱硫剂因为具有较高的硫容和脱硫精度,在工业上被广泛应用。各行业根据各自的工艺要求用氧化锌进行各种工业气体中硫化氢的精脱除。近年来国家对环境保护的要求也日趋严格,这又进一步拓展了ZnO脱硫剂的应用领域。使得市场上对氧化锌的需求也在快速增长。根据Research and Markets公司的调查。2018到2023年期间,国内外的氧化锌市场增长率将约4.32%,大约从40.65亿美元增长到52.39亿美元,中国的氧化锌市场潜力巨大[6]。我国氧化锌产量虽然发展很快,但在产品的品质上与国外厂家还有较大差距[7]。
1.2 脱硫方式及其分类
1.2.1 湿法脱硫
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