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 2022-07-05 22:45:41  


摘 要

一氧化二氮俗称笑气,是目前一种主要的温室气体,它能够破坏臭氧层,加剧温室效应。N2O在大气中的浓度在工业革命前为280-290 ppbv,目前已经增长到340 ppbv,并且以每年0.2%-0.3%的速率增长。因此,找到有效方法脱除氧化亚氮十分必要。目前,研究的最多的是利用直接催化分解法脱除N2O。此方法具有操作简便、投资少、不需引入还原剂、不产生二次污染的优点。对于制备低成本的、高效的、稳定的催化剂具有重要的意义。


关键词:N2O减排 催化分解 Ni-La-Ox 影响因素

Study on influence factors and thermal stability of supported Ni-La-Ox catalyst for N2O decomposition


N2O commonly known as laughing gas is an important greenhouse gas. This gas has damaging effects on the ozone layer and can intensify the greenhouse effect. N2O concentration in the atmosphere by 280-290 ppbv before the industrial revolution increased to the current 340 ppbv, and still about 0.2%-0.3% of the rate of increase every year. Therefore, it is very necessary to find effective method to remove nitrous oxide. At present, the researcher mostly study on direct catalytic decomposition method to remove N2O. This method has these advantages as follows: simple operation, less investment, no need to introduce reductant, does not produce secondary pollution. It has important implication for the preparation of efficient, low price, stable performance of catalyst.

In this work, on the basis of summarizing the domestic and foreign research progress and achievements, we use impregnation method to prepare Ni-La-Ox composite metal oxide catalyst with commercial honeycomb ceramic as the carrier. NiO in the catalyst is the main active ingredient. We prepare the composite metal oxide catalyst under the condition of best ratio of Ni-La. Through further study on influence of the catalysts such as concentration of N2O, catalyst load and thermal stability, we can get the conclusion: in the atmosphere of N2, roasting temperature of 400℃. The catalyst we prepared can decompose N2O completely at the temperature of 375℃. Meanwhile, in life test, test 20 hours in a row, the catalytic efficiency is 100%. That means the catalyst has good thermal stability.

Keywords: N2O emission reduction; Catalytic decomposition; Ni-La-Ox; influencing factor

目 录

摘 要 I


第一章 绪论 1

1.1 N2O的危害与来源 1

1.2 N2O的处理方法 1

1.2.1 N2O作为生产苯酚的原料 1

1.2.2 热分解法 2

1.2.3 直接催化分解法 3

1.2.4 SCR脱除N2O法 3

1.3 催化分解原理 4

1.4 催化分解发展状况 4

1.4.1负载型贵金属催化剂 4

1.4.2金属氧化物催化剂 5

1.4.3离子交换型分子筛催化剂 6

1.4.4水滑石类催化剂 7

1.5课题的目的与意义 7

第二章 实验方法 9

2.1 实验药品及试剂 9

2.2 实验仪器设备 9

2.3 催化剂制备 10

2.3.1载体预处理 10

2.3.2 催化剂制备 10

2.4 性能测试 11

2.5 实验步骤 11

第三章 催化效率影响因素及热稳定性研究 12

3.1不同焙烧温度 12

3.2不同焙烧气氛 13

3.3不同空速 16

3.4不同浓度 16

3.5不同负载量 17

3.6热稳定性测试 18

第四章 结论与展望 19

4.1 结论 19

4.2 展望 19

参考文献 21

致 谢 24

第一章 绪论

1.1 N2O的危害与来源


随着世界的发展进步,工业化水平的提高,N2O排放量持续增加。工业革命以前,全球的N2O浓度大约为270 ppbv,到21世纪,N2O浓度已经增长到315 ppbv[5],大气中N2O的浓度每年增加0.2%-0.3%[6]。N2O主要来源于土壤与海洋等自然环境,其余则来源于人为排放。目前人为产生的N2O主要来自于固定流化床燃煤烟气和己二酸、硝酸、尼龙等化工产品生产过程中产生的废气[3]以及农业土壤开采和化肥的生产使用[7]。同时,因为目前汽车的使用数量大幅增加,汽车尾气也是N2O的重要来源之一[8]

1.2 N2O的处理方法

目前,应用于工业上的N2O脱除方法主要分为五种:1) N2O作为生产苯酚的原料;2) 直接热分解法;3) 直接催化分解法[9];4) SCR脱除N2O法[10];5) N2O再生还原为硝酸法[7]


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