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 2022-02-28 21:03:59  


摘 要




实验表明,PVC/TiO2最佳配比为TiO2加入量为10 phr时。与两种不同抑烟剂共混后,当Fc用量为1 phr时抑烟效果最好,最大烟密度(Dm)降幅达到8 %,烟密度等级(SDR)由71.01下降到58.74。MoO3用量为3 phr时,效果最好,最大烟密度由原来的98.65下降到88.18,下降了近11 %。而烟密度等级由原来的71.01,下降到59.15,降幅达到17 %,两种抑烟剂效果均十分显著,但三氧化钼抑烟效果更佳。

关键词: PVC TiO2 阻燃 抑烟

Study on Flame Retardancy of PVC/TiO2 Blend system


Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) resin superior performance and low price, is a engineering plastics with wide application.Because of it’s flammable, burning smoke when the amount of people prone to harm to life and property and other shortcomings, which limits it’s use.In order to broaden it’s scope of use, TiO2 was chosen to improve it’s flame retardancy, and two different smoke suppressants ferrocene (Fc) and molybdenum trioxide (MoO3) were used to improve the smoke suppression performance of the blends.

Previous studies have shown that TiO2 and PVC blends have a certain flame retardant and smoke suppression effect, but the effect is general. Therefore, we want to find the best ratio of PVC/TiO2 blending, and then with two different smoke suppressants ferrocene (Fc) and molybdenum trioxide (MoO3) blends, to explore its smoke suppression performance.

In this experiment, the effects of different parts of TiO2 on the flame retardancy of PVC/TiO2 system were studied. The appropriate TiO2 components were selected and then mixed with different parts of ferrocene and MoO3. The effects of PVC/TiO2/smoke suppression performance of the system. The mechanical properties (including tensile properties, bending properties and room temperature impact properties) were prepared by melt blending. The mechanical properties (including tensile properties, bending properties and room temperature impact properties) were tested by means of PVC/TiO2 blends and PVC/TiO2/smoke suppressant blends and building materials smoke density tester to study the flame retardancy, thermal stability and smoke suppression performance of the blends system.

The experimental results show that the optimum ratio of PVC/TiO2 is 10 phr. The results showed that the maximum smoke density decreased by nearly 8% and the smoke density decreased from 71.01 to 58.74 when the amount of Fc was 1 phr.When the dosage of MoO3 is 3 phr,it has the best effect that the maximum smoke density from the original 98.65 down to 88.18, down nearly 11 %.The smoke density level from the original 71.01, down to 59.15, a decline of 17 %, their smoke suppression effect are both remarkable, but MoO3 is better.

Keywords: PVC TiO2 Flame retardant smoke suppression

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 前言 1

1.1 课题背景 1

1.2 国内外进展 2

1.3 本课题工作 3

第二章 理论部分 4

2.1 PVC树脂简介 4

2.2 PVC树脂阻燃性能研究 4

2.2.1 有机阻燃剂 4

2.2.2 金属化合物阻燃剂 5

2.2.3 含硼阻燃剂 6

2.2.4 含磷阻燃剂 6

2.3 PVC树脂抑烟性能研究 7

2.3.1 钼系抑烟剂 7

2.3.2 铁系抑烟剂 7

第三章 实验部分 8

3.1 实验原料: 8

3.2 实验仪器与设备 8

3.3 实验配方 8

3.4 样品制备 9

3.5 测试与表征 9

3.5.1 力学性能测试 9

3.5.2 极限氧指数测定 10

3.5.3 阻燃等级测试 10

3.5.4 热重分析 10

3.5.5 建材烟密度测试 10

第四章 结果与讨论 11

4.1 不同份数TiO2对PVC/TiO2共混体系性能的影响 11

4.2 MoO3和Fc对PVC/TiO2共混体系(100/10)阻燃抑烟性能影响 14

第五章 结论 20

参考文献 22

致谢 24


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