2022-02-10 18:40:42
摘 要
关键词:镁基储氢材料 多元合金化 储氢性能 动力学
Effect of Al substitution on kinetics of hydrogen absorption and desorption of Mg based hydride
In the solid-state hydrogen storage method, magnesium based hydrogen storage materials are widely concerned in various countries because of their low price, rich resources and no pollution. However, because of the high thermodynamic stability of magnesium based hydrides and poor kinetic properties of hydrogen absorption and desorption, magnesium based alloys are still not satisfied with the requirements of practical applications. Some magnesium based alloys are less than pure magnesium. At the same time, the reaction rate of hydrogen absorption and desorption is faster than pure magnesium at the same time. Therefore, it is an important means to improve the hydrogen storage performance of magnesium based hydride by developing magnesium based multi alloy to realize dual regulation of thermodynamics and dynamics.
The A side element is substituted for Mg2Ni to form Mg3MNi2, it is difficult to prepare pure phase multicomponent alloy through traditional technology all the time, so the research on its hydrogen storage performance, especially the dynamic properties, is short. In this paper, the effect of the substitution of third alloying element Al on the kinetics of hydrogen absorption and desorption of magnesium based hydrides is studied. The results show that the temperature of hydrogen absorption and discharge of the Mg3AlNi2 system formed by the substitution of Al elements is greatly lower than that of the Mg2Ni system. At the heating rate of 2 ℃/min, the initial desorption temperature of the Mg3AlNi2 system is 172.7/207.5 ℃, while the Mg2Ni system is only 88.2/175.1 ℃, but it is also increased from the activation energy of hydrogen absorption and discharge. The reason may be that the MgH2 phase produced by hydrogen induced phase decomposition reduces the overall hydrogen diffusion rate.
Key words: Magnesium based hydrogen storage materials; Multialloying; Hydrogen storage performance; Kinetics
目 录
摘 要 I
第一章 文献综述 1
1.1 引言 1
1.2 储氢合金及其分类 2
1.2.1 储氢合金 2
1.2.2 稀土系储氢材料 2
1.2.3 钒基固溶体储氢材料 2
1.2.4 钛系储氢材料 2
1.2.5 镁基储氢材料 2
1.3 镁基储氢材料的制备方法 4
1.4 镁基储氢合金性能的改善 4
1.4.1 合金化改性 5
1.4.2 纳米化改性 5
1.4.3 复合化改性 7
1.4.4 催化改性 9
1.5 问题的提出与本文的研究内容 9
第二章 实验方法 11
2.1 实验原料 11
2.2 实验仪器 11
2.3 氢化燃烧合成设备 12
2.4 实验方案 12
2.4.1 HCS制备过程 12
2.4.2 实验流程 13
2.5 测试方法 14
2.5.1 X射线衍射分析 14
2.5.2 示差扫描量热分析 14
第三章 数据处理与分析 15
3.1 XRD图谱 15
3.2 Al取代前的DSC曲线及吸放氢活化能 16
3.3 Mg2NiH4在高压DSC中的循环测试 17
3.4 Al取代后的DSC曲线及吸放氢活化能 18
3.5 Mg3AlNi2Hx在高压DSC中的循环测试 20
第四章 结论与展望 22
4.1 结论 22
4.2 展望 22
参考文献 24
致 谢 27
第一章 文献综述
1.1 引言
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