2022-01-07 21:19:51
摘 要
本文介绍了太阳能电池的基本原理,Sb2Se3的性能优势,并介绍了模拟软件SCAPS,然后利用SCAPS模拟软件对结构为Au/FTO/CdS/Sb2Se3/CuI的太阳能电池进行了数值分析,详细分析了Sb2Se3厚度及其缺陷浓度,CuI掺杂浓度,CdS带隙对准,金属功函数对电池光伏特性和电池性能的影响。经过模拟我们得出结论,Sb2Se3的最佳厚度为300nm,需要适当降低Sb2Se3层缺陷密度和提高CuI层掺杂浓度,背接触所使用金属电极的功函数必须大于4.8eV,CdS层电子亲和势大小应该在3.6 eV-4.0eV之间。
关键词:太阳能电池 硒化锑 理论模拟 光电转化效率
Simulation study on the performance of Sb2Se3 Solar cell with CuI hole transport layer
In order to deal with the global energy crisis, get rid of the monopoly of the traditional fossil energy economy, and move towards a new era of renewable energy, so as to form a new society of sustainable development, People put a lot of energy into the research of clean energy. And solar cell is the main way to use solar energy. Sb2Se3 solar cell is a kind of thin-film solar cell. Compared with other thin-film solar cells, its absorber material -binary compound Sb2Se3 has the advantages of non-toxic, environmental protection and rich reserves, and has a bright future in low-cost industrial mass production. the best Laboratory efficiency of Sb2Se3 solar cell is 9.2% .However, the photoelectric conversion efficiency calculated by the theory is 31% .And compared with the the CdTe solar cell with 21.0% or the CIGS solar cell with 22.6%, the Sb2Se3 solar cell which has a number of development space is quite imperfect.
This paper introduces the basic principle of solar cell, the simulation software SCAPS and the Characteristics of Sb2Se3. Then, the structure of Au / FTO / CdS / Sb2Se3 / Cui solar cells is analyzed by using SCAPS simulation software. The effects of the thickness and the defect density for Sb2Se3 absorber, the doping concentration of CuI, the band gap alignment of CdS and metal work function on photovoltaic characteristics and battery performance are analyzed in detail. Finally, in order to ensure a good device energy, the best thickness of Sb2Se3 is 300nm, and It is necessary to reduce the defect density of Sb2Se3 layer and increase the doping concentration of CuI layer. The metal work function of the materials used in back contact must be higher than 4.8ev, and the electron affinity of the absorption layer should be between 3.6ev-4.0ev.
Key Words: Solar cells;Sb2Se3;Theoretical simulations;Photoelectric conversion
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第一章 绪论 1
1.1前言 1
1.2太阳能电池简介 1
1.3太阳能电池工作原理 2
1.4 Sb2Se3材料特性 7
1.4.1 光电特性 7
1.4.2 Sb2Se3晶体结构 7
1.4.3材料制备优势 8
1.4.4其他优势 9
1.5 Sb2Se3太阳能电池结构 9
1.6 Sb2Se3太阳能电池研究进展 10
1.7研究内容与意义 11
1.7.1研究内容 11
1.7.2研究意义 11
第二章 太阳能电池模拟基础 12
2.1 SCAPS模拟软件介绍 12
2.2 SCAPS模拟软件基本原理 12
2.2.1方程组建立 12
2.2.2方程组求解 13
2.3 SCAPS操作介绍 14
2.4相关参数设定 15
第三章 Sb2Se3太阳能电池性能模拟结果与分析 17
3.1 Sb2Se3吸光层参数对电池性能的影响 17
3.1.1 Sb2Se3吸光层厚度对电池性能的影响 17
3.1.2 Sb2Se3吸光层缺陷密度对电池性能的影响 18
3.2空穴传输层CuI掺杂浓度对电池性能的影响 19
3.3金属功函数对电池性能的影响 19
3.4 CdS层电子亲和势对电池性能的影响 20
第四章 结论与展望 23
4.1结论 23
4.2展望 23
参考文献 24
致谢 27
第一章 绪论
太阳能辐射能是人类能够自由利用且用之不竭的无污染天然资源。太阳辐射是一种稳定而且巨大的能量,其辐射功率稳定在3.8×1023 KW,其中约有800000亿KW到达地球大气层,也就是20亿分之一。如此看来,燃烧5×107吨煤所释放的热量才抵得上一秒钟内由太阳辐射到地球上的能量,这些太阳能如果可以尽可能地被转换为电能,则有望替代化石燃料能源成为人类社会能源的主要来源。
早在十九世纪三十年代,人们便开启了对太阳能电池的探索之路,Charles Fritts将一层薄薄的金覆盖在半导体硒上,制作了第一块以金属半导体结为吸光层的太阳能电池,只不过器件光电转化效率仅为1%。随着科研人员几十年的不断努力和探索,目前太阳能电池大致可分为三类,累计种类已经超过上百种。
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