2021-11-18 22:21:23
摘 要
(1)通过组分设计,当高炉渣的掺入量在50 wt%-70 wt%的范围内,都能够制备出微晶玻璃材料。高炉渣掺量为50 wt%-60 wt%时,微晶玻璃的主晶相为钙镁黄长石。高炉渣掺量为65 wt%-70 wt%时,微晶玻璃的主晶相为铝镁黄长石,微晶玻璃主晶相发生改变。
(3)高炉渣微晶玻璃的抗弯强度呈现,在高炉渣掺量为50 wt%-60 wt%时增加,掺入量为60 wt%时抗折强度最高;随着高炉渣含量的继续增加,高炉渣微晶玻璃的抗弯强度略有下降。这主要与微晶玻璃结构中的微观结构有关,与微晶玻璃结构中主晶相转变有关。当高炉渣的掺量为60 %,在核化温度745 ℃,保温2个小时,晶化温度900 ℃,保温3小时条件下得到的微晶玻璃的热、力学性能优异,其中抗弯强度为109 MPa。
Metallurgical industry is an important raw material industry sector. Iron and steel industry has made a great contribution to the development of our national economy. With the rapid development and the substantial increase of production capacity, a large number of solid wastes, namely metallurgical slag, have also been produced. In 2018, from the perspective of smelting waste in nonferrous metal industry, the output reached 128 million tons. These metallurgical slags not only bring great pressure to the environment, but also bring great harm to people's physical and mental health. How to properly use and dispose metallurgical slag and improve the utilization rate of metallurgical solid waste has become an urgent problem to protect the environment and people's health.
The contents of Cao, MgO, SiO2 and Al2O3 in metallurgical slag account for a large part, which are often used to prepare silicate building materials. Because of its excellent corrosion resistance, thermal stability and high mechanical strength, the added value of utilization can be increased. In this paper, using blast furnace slag to prepare industrial glass-ceramic materials can not only realize the effective reuse of this kind of industrial by-products, but also reduce the preparation cost of glass-ceramic materials to a large extent.
In this paper, the blast furnace slag of a certain iron and Steel Group in Hubei Province is used as the main raw material, TiO2, Fe2O3 and MnO2 are used as the nucleating agents, and the basic condition is that the amount of CaO can be satisfied by the blast furnace slag. At the same time, the blast furnace slag will introduce other oxide components. The microcrystalline glass material of blast furnace slag is prepared by melting method, and its structure and performance are studied. The results show that:
(1) Through component design, when the amount of blast furnace slag is in the range of 50 wt% - 70 wt%, the glass ceramics can be prepared. When the blast furnace slag content is 50 wt% - 60 wt%, the main crystal phase of the glass ceramics is Calc magnesium yellow feldspar. When the blast furnace slag content is 65 wt% - 70 wt%, the main crystal phase of the glass ceramics is almandine, and the main crystal phase of the glass ceramics changes.
(2) With the increase of blast furnace slag content, the CaO content in the basic glass component increases gradually. XRD analysis shows that the diffraction peak intensity of glass ceramics increases gradually, which shows that the increase of blast furnace slag content can promote the precipitation of microcrystalline phase.
(3) The bending strength of blast furnace slag glass ceramics shows that when the content of blast furnace slag is 50 wt% - 60 wt%, the bending strength is the highest; with the continuous increase of blast furnace slag content, the bending strength of blast furnace slag glass ceramics slightly decreases. This is mainly related to the microstructure in the structure of glass ceramics and the transformation of the main crystal phase in the structure of glass ceramics. When the content of blast furnace slag is 60%, and the nucleation temperature is 745 ℃, the heat preservation time is 2 hours, the crystallization temperature is 900 ℃, and the heat preservation time is 3 hours, the thermal and mechanical properties of the glass ceramics are excellent, and the bending strength is 109 MPa.
Key words: glass ceramics; metallurgical slag; blast furnace slag; heat treatment system; structure and performance
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
目 录 1
第一章 绪论 3
1.1 高炉渣的利用现状 3
1.2 微晶玻璃概述 4
1.3 高炉渣微晶玻璃的制备工艺 4
1.4 冶金渣微晶玻璃未来发展方向 5
第二章 研究内容及方法 6
2.1 研究内容 6
2.2.1 实验原料及配方 6
2.2.2 微晶玻璃的制备 7
2.2.3 测试与分析 8
第三章 不同掺量高炉渣对工业微晶玻璃结构及性能的影响 12
3.1 L系列微晶玻璃配方氧化物组成 12
3.2 基础玻璃高温DSC分析 12
3.3 不同高炉渣掺入量对物相的影响 14
3.4 不同高炉渣掺入量对显微结构的影响 15
3.5 L系列微晶玻璃红外光谱分析 17
3.6 高炉渣掺入量对显微硬度的影响 20
3.7 不同高炉渣掺入量对热膨胀系数的影响 20
第四章 结论 22
参考文献 23
致 谢 25
附 件 26
第一章 绪论
1.1 高炉渣的利用现状
冶金工业是重要的原材料工业部门,在国民经济中占据着重要的地位,也为后续的其他工业部门提供了各个品种的金属材料,是国民经济发展的物质基础 [1]。工业革命之前人类对天然金属的直接利用和简单的冶炼对坏境的影响很小,但是随着科技的发展,社会的进步,生产力的提高,人们对金属的利用不仅仅只是表面。于是,金属资源过度开采,冶炼大量金属,随之而来的就是大量的金属固体废弃物。这些金属废弃物不但使生态环境遭到破坏,还危害着人们的身心健康。大量的冶金渣深埋在地下 [2],大面积土地退化,不能使用;冶金渣中有害物质渗透地底,跟地下水一起混入我们的生活用水当中,由此也会对水资源造成极为不利的影响。
近年来,全国钢材的需求量保持增长的态势。2019年,各地在进行着基础设施的建设,各行各业的钢材需求量逐年增大,随之带来的污染也逐渐增多。在我们保持经济发展的同时,合理地开采、冶炼金属矿物的时候,如何妥善地处理冶金渣,提高冶金渣地利用率是解决冶金渣污染的重中之重。早在前几年,政府就曾提出到 2010 年冶金渣的综合利用率冶金渣达到 86 % ,目前综合利用率仍然较低 [3-4]。以攀枝花市为例,市政府在2019-2022年的行动方案中,提到了“实施绿色工业科技行动”,即开发并利用新技术,减少各种冶金渣的产生,安全合理地处理冶金渣固体废弃物。为了解决大量的冶金渣固体废弃物,该市政府联合各个冶金公司,建立冶金渣销售、开发部门,实现了冶金废渣的变废为宝,循环利用。这不但减轻了环境污染压力,也一定程度促进了当地的就业,对当地经济发展起到作用。
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