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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 材料类 > 材料科学与工程 > 正文


 2021-10-18 21:58:38  

摘 要







40Cr13 hardness steel is a high wear resistance, after forming forging and machining more difficult, and the current rapid development of the technology of metal Additive (selective laser melting technique) can be manufactured directly to the desired molded parts, However, since 40Cr13 will cause its tissue composition and martensite distribution to be different from ordinary 40Cr13 in SLM process, it is necessary to design a corresponding new heat treatment scheme for subsequent processing.

In this paper, the phase diagram of 40Cr13 after SLM molding is calculated by JMatPro, and then the suitable heat treatment temperature is further determined. And by studying the phase distribution and mechanical properties 40Cr13 under four kinds of heat treatment temperature under the same conditions with a conventional 40Cr13 contrast, a further determination of the optimum heat treatment 40Cr13 scheme.

The research results show that with the increase of quenching temperature, the hardness of SLM40Cr13 quenching increases with the increase of quenching temperature, until lath martensite appears at 1100 ℃, and the hardness increase slows down. Through microscopic observation, it is found that SLM40Cr13 inherits the characteristics of fine grains during the molding process. Comparing ordinary molded parts 40Cr13 and SLM molded parts 40Cr13, it is found that the hardness of SLM molded parts 40Cr13 at the same temperature is greater than that of ordinary molded parts.

Feature of this paper: To study the subsequent heat treatment of the molded article 40Cr13 SLM, the search for the optimum heat treatment process subsequent abrasion of high-hardness steel 40Cr13 SLM molded part.

Key Words:40Cr13;Selective laser melting;Heat treatment;Microstructure;Microhardness


第1章 绪论 1

1.1选择性激光熔化技术简介 2

1.1.1技术原理 2

1.1.2工艺特征 3

1.2 SLM技术研究现状 3

1.2.1国内外现状及研究方法 3

1.2.2 SLM工艺与传统工艺比较 4

1.3不锈钢中常见元素及作用 5

1.4马氏体不锈钢及其热处理 6

1.4.1马氏体钢 6

1.4.2马氏体钢的热处理 6

1.5选题对社会、健康、安全、成本以及环境的影响 7

第2章 实验方案设计 9

2.1实验试剂及原料 9

2.2实验设备与仪器 10

2.3技术方案 11

第3章 淬火温度对40Cr13组织性能的影响 15

3.1奥氏体化温度选择 15

3.2 金相显微分析 20

3.3显微硬度分析 22

第4章 结论与展望 23

4.1主要结论 23

4.2 研究展望 23

参考文献 24

  1. 绪论

在过去的几年里,增材制造(3D打印)技术[1]由于为塑料和金属部件的制造提供了极大的设计自由,缩短了产品上市周期,在该领域获得了越来越大的成功。其中选择性激光熔化[2]( Selective Laser Melting )正在包括汽车、医疗和航空航天、用于制造功能性金属零件等广泛的领域出现。它是根据零件计算机辅助设计材料成型件中包含的数据,通过向金属粉末层施加高功率激光束,可获得将其熔化的能量,激光能量将粉末完全熔化在一起,在在冷却后产生人们想要的固体金属件的新型材料制造技术[3]

40Cr13(GB/T 1220-2007)是较为常用的耐蚀塑料模具钢,属于中碳高铬型马氏体不锈钢。其被广泛运用于模具和医疗器械等领域的制造。该钢的机械加工性能较好,经热处理之后,具有较高强度和良好的耐磨性,但在实际生产中发现它的机加工比较困难,特别是难以对医疗器械等领域的中小件精密仪器进行加工,其加工成本高,生产线固定以及设计生产新零件耗费时间长,无法满足社会高速发展的需要[4]。使用SLM技术则可直接由计算机辅助设计并精确加工出各种人们需要的医疗器械。与此同时经过SLM技术加工出来的零件后期加工量少,可以节约大量的人力物力和缩短产品生产周期,故人们期望利用选择性激光熔化技术的优势开发生产出合格耐用的模具产品,为产品设计到上市节约大量的时间,拥有巨大的商业价值和产品的竞争力。因此,选择性激光熔化技术在40Cr13模具的制备上具有巨大的应用潜力。

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