2021-07-01 00:31:14
摘 要
In recent years,Ultra high temperature ceramics have become popular choice for the raw material of making combustion chamber liners, rocket nozzles and other high temperature components refractory,due to its high strength, high hardness, high melting point and good thermal conductivity, electrical conductivity and thermal shock resistance. Zirconia ceramic is a kind of the super high temperature ceramics, but it reacts to metal additives which improves the mechanical properties of the material at high temperature , making the toughening effect of metal additives reduce. The preparation of ZrB2 powder which is parceled by the ZrSiO4 powder can be successful or not though high temperature and oxidation , sintering of ZrB2 powder and SiC powder was discussed in this paper. The composite material is made of the powder rand tungsten metal, and the mechanical properties of the system are tested. The composition and microstructure of the material are analyzed, and the effect of the experiment is also analyzed.
The results show that using gas phase oxidation ZrB2 - SiC powder which can generate oxides parcel ZrB2.In this way,ZrB2 and metal can be prevent to react at a high temperature, but the material ratio and oxidation time needs to be discussed.The content of ZrB2 should be improved,and the oxidation time should be less. The Ceramic does not have a big promotion in the density and mechanical properties, particle size and mix of W particles may be attributed to.
Features: this article explore the feasibility of gas phase oxidation method, and test the mechanical properties of metal ceramic.
Key word:Ultra high temperature ceramics ;ZrB2;SiC,; mechanical properties
目 录
硅酸锆包裹ZrB2与难熔金属的复合 I
第1章 绪 论 7
1.1ZrB2的结构性质及制备 7
1.1.1 ZrB2的结构 7
1.1.2 ZrB2的性质 8
1.1.3 ZrB2的制备 8
1.2SiC的结构及性质 10
1.2.1SiC的结构 10
1.2.2SiC的性质 10
1.3ZrB2系列超高温陶瓷制备方法的研究进展 11
1.3.1.热压烧结 11
1.3.2放点等离子烧结 13
1.3.3反应热压烧结 13
1.3.4无压烧结 13
1.3.5熔融盐法 14
1.4超高温陶瓷的应用 15
1.5本论文的基本内容,研究目标及实验意义 15
1.5.1基本内容 15
1.5.2研究目标 16
1.5.3实验意义 16
第2章 实验仪器及设备 19
第3章实验工艺及技术路线 20
3.1所需药品及实验仪器 20
3.1.1药品 20
3.1.2仪器 20
3.2实验步骤 20
3.2.1制样 20
3.2.2烧结 22
3.2.3检测 22
3.2.4与难熔金属复合 22压制成型 22高真空热压烧结 23脱模切割 23
第4章 实验数据分析 25
4.1 ZrB2超高温陶瓷XRD分析 25
4.2ZrB2与金属W复合后,样品微观结构分析 25
4.2.1 样品表面物质分布及形貌分析 25
4.2.2 样品断面物质分布及形貌分析 27
4.3ZrB2与金属钨复合陶瓷的密度计算 31
4.4ZrB2与金属钨复合陶瓷的断裂韧性 31
第5章 结论 33
参考文献 34
致谢 36
第1章 绪论
所谓超高温陶瓷(Ultra High Temperature Ceramics,简称UHTCs),指的是在超过2000℃以上,在有氧气氛等严苛的环境条件下仍能保持其理化及机械性能的高级耐热陶瓷【1】。超高温陶瓷主要是高熔点的过渡金属陶瓷, 常见的有硼化物和碳化物陶瓷(ZrC、ZrB2、HfC以及HfB2等)。在目前研究和开发的新超高温陶瓷中,ZrB2系列陶瓷由于其高熔点、高硬度和强度、高电导率和热导率、在高温下优秀的化学稳定性等优良特点,成为主流的研究目标。由于传统的固态烧结技术将单一的ZrB2陶瓷烧结密实需达到2000℃以上高温,否则烧结时难以致密,这将导致其机械性能难以提升。常用的增韧方法是添加高韧性的金属进行烧结。【2】但ZrB2与难熔金属在高温强烈反应,造成金属相消失而失去增韧作用。由此选用SiC作为添加剂进行烧结,可以得到硅酸锆氧化层包裹ZrB2粉体,再与金属混合后烧结得到金属陶瓷,由此可以避免金属相的消失从而减弱增韧效果。
1.1.1 ZrB2的结构
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