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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 材料类 > 材料科学与工程 > 正文


 2021-05-13 23:58:28  

摘 要

石墨相氮化碳(g-C3N4)是一种重要的光催化剂。由于其具有许多优异的特性,如窄的禁带宽度(约为2.7 eV),合适的导带价带位置,稳定的化学性质等,使它具备较好的可见光光催化活性,并且得到了科研人员的极大关注。但是,低的比表面积、容易团聚以及π-π共轭电子体系带来的光生电子和空穴极易发生复合等缺点严重限制了常规块g-C3N4的光催化性能。本文研究了通过热缩聚和气相冷凝凝聚法制备高聚合度管状碳化(CN-Tube)及其光催化还原二氧化碳性能。具体的工作内容如下:

通过热缩聚法在空气气氛下于马弗炉中用550 ℃加热三聚氰胺制得块状g-C3N4,然后在氮气气氛保护下利用管式炉在600 oC使块状g-C3N4剥离气化并在管式炉冷端收集冷凝凝聚产物从而得到管状碳化氮(CN-Tube)。具体原理如下:体相的g-C3N4在高温下其层间氢键会断开,可以得到薄层或单层的碳化氮纳米片。由于薄层或单层纳米片超高的表面能,处于极度不稳定状态,极易发生自卷曲从而形成管状的形貌。当这些纳米管状物在气流下转移至管式炉冷端部分时,极易发生冷凝凝聚在管壁上。收集管壁的冷凝凝聚产物从而得到管状碳化氮(CN-Tube)。我们将得到的g-C3N4和CN-Tube样品作为光催化剂在模拟太阳光和可见光的照射下测试光催化还原二氧化碳性能发现:得到的管状结构碳化氮材料相比块体g-C3N4在光催化还原二氧化碳活性上有了很大的提高。采用X-射线衍射(XRD)表征其晶体结构和物相组成、透射电镜(TEM)和场发射扫描电子显微镜(FESEM)观测该材料微观形貌、红外光谱(FTIR)检测其结构和表面官能团、N2吸附-脱附等温曲线测试其比表面积和孔结构、紫外-可见漫反射光谱(DRS)测试材料光吸收性能、荧光光谱检验光生载流子的寿命以及分析电子和空穴的俘获、转移和分离的效率。结果表明:管状结构不仅可以产生更高的比表面积、提供更多的活性位点,并且可以有效促进电荷轴向分离、抑制光生电子和空穴的复合。这些优点极大的有利于光催化反应。这一工作表明得到的管状碳化氮(CN-Tube)样品是性能优良的光催化还原二氧化碳的光催化材料,为同时解决环境污染和能源短缺问题提供新的思路。



Graphitic carbon nitride (g-C3N4) is a significant photocatalyst. Due to its many extraordinary features such as, narrow band gap (about 2.7 eV), suitable positions of conduction band and valence band, stable chemical properties and so on, g-C3N4 has receive extensive attentions. However, low specific surface area (SSA), easy reunion, and fast recombination of photogenerated electrons and holes caused by the π – π conjugated electronic system severely limit the photocatalytic performance of conventional bulk g-C3N4. This work has studied the preparation of tubular carbide nitrogen (CN-Tube) and the photocatalytic reduction of carbon dioxide performance. And we make CN-Tube compared with massive g-C3N4 about photocatalytic activity.

g-C3N4 was synthesized by simply calcination of thiourea at 550 ℃ in muffle furnace to produce g-C3N4 and then heated via a tube furnace at 600 ℃ to massive g-C3N4 and gasification in a tube furnace cold and collect the condensed condensation product to obtain a tubular carbide nitrogen (CN-Tube). Specific works as follows: the bulk g-C3N4 can be thermal exploited into g-C3N4 nanosheets through breaking the hydrogen-bond cohered strands of polymeric melon units in the layers. Most of the exploited g-C3N4 nanosheets will sublimate in gaseous form. For minimizing the surface-energy, the nanosheets tend to bend and roll to construct irregular tubular structure. When the hot sublimates transfer to the cool part of the tube furnace, they will condense at the cold wall of the tube. Collecting the condensation product is the CN-Tube. We made the g-C3N4 and CN-Tube as a photocatalyst under visible light irradiation to test simulated solar photocatalytic reduction of carbon dioxide found in performance: the resulting tubular structure nitrogen carbonized material block compared to g-C3N4 photocatalytic reduction the carbon dioxide has been greatly improved activity. We research by XRD to characterize its crystal structure and phase composition, TEM and FESEM observations of the material microstructure, FTIR to examine its structure and surface functional groups, N2 adsorption - desorption isotherms tested for surface area and pore structure, DRS test material optical absorption, fluorescence spectrum of the inspection light carriers of life and analyze the electron and hole trapping transfer and separation efficiency. The results show that tubular structure can not only produce higher specific surface area, providing more active point,but also can effectively promote the axial charge separation, suppression composite photo-generated electron and hole . This work indicates CN-Tube is excellent in photocatalytic reduction of carbon dioxide and provides new ideas to solve the problems of environmental pollution and energy shortages.

Keywords: g-C3N4 , CN-Tube , photocatalysis , CO2 reduction , CH3OH


第一章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景 1

1.2光催化二氧化碳还原的反应机理与研究进展 2

1.2.1光催化二氧化碳还原的反应机理 2

1.2.2光催化二氧化碳还原的研究进展 4

1.3 g-C3N4的简介与制备 4

1.3.1 g-C3N4的简介 4

1.3.2 g-C3N4的制备 5

1.4 g-C3N4的改性 6

1.4.1 g-C3N4的掺杂 6

1.4.2 g-C3N4与其他半导体材料复合 7

1.4.3 特殊形貌的g-C3N4 7

1.5 g-C3N4的应用 7

1.5.1光催化产氢 8

1.5.2光催化降解有机污染物 8

1.5.3光催化还原二氧化碳 8

1.5.4其他应用 9

1.6本论文的研究意义与主要内容 9

第二章 管状碳化氮材料的制备及其光催化还原二氧化碳性能研究 11

2.1实验部分 11

2.1.1试剂 11

2.1.2仪器 11

2.1.3样品的合成 12

2.2表征手段 13

2.2.1扫描电镜(SEM) 13

2.2.2透射电镜(TEM) 13

2.2.3 X射线衍射(XRD) 13

2.2.4 X射线光电子能谱(XPS) 13

2.2.5比表面积和孔径分布 14

2.2.6紫外可见漫反射光谱 14

2.2.7傅里叶变换红外光谱(FTIR) 14

2.2.8荧光光谱(PL) 14

2.3光催化活性 15

2.4结果与讨论 15

2.5本章小结 24

第三章 结论与展望 25

参考文献 26

致谢 30

第一章 绪论



自从1972年Fujishima和 Honda在二氧化钛电极上进行了裂解水的实验,半导体光催化材料便受到科学工作者的普遍关注[2]。四年后,Carey和其合作者报道了可以用二氧化钛作为光催化剂进行有机污染物降解[3]。不久后的1979年,Inoue等人在半导体悬浮液中,利用二氧化钛、氧化锌、硫化镉、磷化镓和碳化硅等催化剂在光照下还原了二氧化碳[4]。1979年之后,报道了大量的关于制备与研究高效半导体光催化剂的结果。通过这些研究,一些半导体被列为了在紫外或可见光下具有潜力成为光催化剂的材料,例如二氧化钛、氧化锌、氧化锡、三氧化二铁、钒酸铋、氧化亚铜和硫化镉[5]等。到目前为止,研究人员做了大量关于提升可见光下光催化性能的工作。例如,Zou等[6]和Liu等[7]分别报道了In1−xNixTaO4和Y2Ta2O5N2可见光下的光催化剂来裂解水产氢等。

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