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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 材料类 > 材料科学与工程 > 正文


 2021-04-04 23:38:35  

摘 要

从施工温度环境的角度划分,可以把胶凝材料分为正温胶凝材料和负温胶凝材料。正温胶凝材料只可以在零度以上的温度下水化硬化,拥有一定的强度并且强度逐步增加,若将其置于零度以下的环境中,则很难水化就算发生水化也不具有水化强度,就算将其再次置入零度以上的环境中也不会恢复其本身所具有的水化强度以及耐久性等。而负温胶凝材料不管是在零下还是零上的环境中都能进行水化硬化并且具有可以逐步增加的水化强度。现有水泥等胶凝材料在温度低于10摄氏度时,就无法施工。而现代建筑工程越来越突破季节的限制,因此,急需一种能够在负温情况下胶凝材料仍然能够水化硬化的新型材料。本课题的主要目标是探索负温胶凝材料制备的可行性。论文主要研究内容包括: 1.文献调研,了解国内外相关研究概况和发展趋势;2.对几种具有潜在负温水化硬化胶凝材料体系进行分析比较;3.选择1-2种胶凝材料体系进行制备试验;4.对选择的胶凝材料体系进行抗压强度测试。






From the point of view of construction temperature environment, cementitious materials can be divided into positive temperature cementitious materials and negative temperature cementitious materials. Positive-temperature cementitious materials can only be hydrated and hardened at temperatures above zero, with a certain strength and strength increasing gradually. If they are placed below zero, it will be difficult to hydrate even if hydration occurs and there is no hydration strength. Even if they are re-placed in environments above zero, they will not restore their hydration strength and durability. Negative temperature cementitious materials can be hydrated and hardened in the environment below or above zero and have gradually increased hydration strength. Existing cement and other cementitious materials can not be constructed when the temperature is below 10 degrees Celsius. Modern construction projects are increasingly breaking through seasonal constraints. Therefore, a new type of cementitious material that can still hydrate and harden under negative temperature is urgently needed. The main objective of this project is to explore the feasibility of preparation of negative temperature cementitious materials. The main research contents of this paper include: 1. Literature research to understand the general situation and development trend of related research at home and abroad; 2. Analysis and comparison of several latent negative temperature hydration and hardening cementitious materials systems; 3. Selection of 1-2 kinds of cementitious materials for preparation test; 4. Compressive strength test of selected cementitious materials system.

This paper mainly studies the preparation and compressive strength of negative temperature cement concrete.

The results show that the early freezing damage can be effectively resisted by adding various antifreeze agents, so that cement concrete can complete hydration at negative temperature and have corresponding hydration hardness.

The characteristics of this paper are: multi-group experiments, high data contrast and reliability.

Key Words:Negative Temperature Cementitious Material; Antifreeze Agent; Compressive Strength.


第1章 绪论 4

1.1 研究背景 4

1.2 国内外发展现状 5

1.2.1 国内发展现状 5

1.2.2 国外发展现状 8

1.3论文选题的目的和意义 10

第2章 原材料与实验方法 11

2.1原材料 11

2.2.1胶凝材料 11

2.2.2 外加剂 11

2.2主要实验仪器与实验方法 12

2.2.1 主要仪器 12

2.2.2实验方案及制备工艺 13

2.2.2性能测试 14

第3章 实验结果与分析 16

3.1实验结果 16

3.2 结果分析 17

第4章 结论与建议 18

4.1结论 18

4.2建议 18

参考文献 19

致 谢 22

附录1 23

附录2 25

第1章 绪论

1.1 研究背景




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