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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 材料类 > 材料科学与工程 > 正文


 2021-03-27 17:11:13  

摘 要





关键词 :低钙硅比;α-CS;γ-C2S;碳化程度;


With the rapid development of China's economy, energy-saving and emission reduction has become the direction of cement and concrete industry’s development in the future.The sintering temperature of silicate mineral with low Ca/Si ratio are low. The strength of silicate mineral with low Ca/Si ratio are provided by the cementation of carbonated products. The purpose of energy saving are achieved by using this silicate mineral. In this paper, the carbonization mechanism of α-CS and γ-C2S and the influence of different carbonization conditions on carbonization degree and compressive strength were studied.

The carbide products of α-CS and γ-C2S are precipitated of calcium carbonate and silica colloid. Silica colloid is attached to the surface of the particles and calcium carbonate is filled in the pores. This structure is the main source of its strength development. Pressing pressure, water cement ratio and carbonization time have great effect on the compressive strength of α-CS and γ-C2S test block, the influence mechanism is not the same, but in the end is by changing the density of specimen after carbonization to change the compressive strength.

The molding pressure had little influence on the carbonation degree of α-CS, by changing the α-CS block before the carbonation of apparent density to change its carbonized density, compressive strength increased with the molding pressure increases, the slow growth in molding pressure reaches 15MPa;The carbonization time changed the carbonization density by changing the degree of carbonization of the α-CS test block, and the compressive strength increased with the increase of carbonization time. After the carbonization time reached 6h, the growth rate slowed down; The ratio of water to cement changes the carbonization density by changing the degree of carbonation and porosity of α-CS test block. The compressive strength increases first and then decreases with the increase of water cement ratio, and reaches the maximum when the water cement ratio is 0.12.

Within a certain range of water cement ratio, the compressive strength of the γ-C2S test block increases with the increase of molding pressure. When the molding pressure is constant, the compressive strength of the γ-C2S test block increases with the increase of the water cement ratio, and reaches the maximum at the water cement ratio of 0.15.

Key words :Low calcium to silica ratio;α-CS;γ-C2S;Carbonization degree;


摘要 I

Abstract II

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景及意义 1

1.1.1水泥行业CO2的减排 1

1.1.2 矿物储碳 2

1.2 建筑材料储碳 3

1.2.1 混凝土储碳 3

1.2.2 碳化硬化胶凝材料储碳 4

1.3 α-CS及γ-C2S和二氧化碳的作用机理 4

1.4 研究目的及研究内容 5

1.4.1 研究目的 5

1.4.2 研究内容 5

第2章 实验原材料及测试方法 6

2.1 实验原料及实验器材 6

2.1.1 实验原料 6

2.1.2 实验器材 6

2.2 测试分析方法 6

2.2.1 SEM-EDS 6

2.2.2 MTS陶瓷试验系统 6

2.2.3 烧失量测试 6

第3章α-CS碳化硬化胶凝材料 7

3.1 α-CS试块的碳化机理 7

3.2 水灰比对α-CS碳化行为的影响 9

3.3 成型压力对α-CS碳化行为的影响 11

3.4 碳化时间对α-CS碳化行为的影响 12

3.5 小结 13

第4章 γ-C2S碳化硬化胶凝材料 14

4.1 γ-C2S试块的碳化机理 14

4.2 水灰比对γ-C2S碳化行为的影响 15

4.3 成型压力对γ-C2S碳化行为的影响 17

4.4 小结 18

第5章 结论与展望 19

5.1 结论 19

5.2 展望 19

参考文献 20

致 谢 22

第1章 绪论

1.1 研究背景及意义


据英国《自然·通讯》杂志近日发表的一项气候科学研究提出,有增无减的化石燃料使用,可能导致二氧化碳排放量在本世纪末达到 5000 万年以来未见的水平。照此发展下去,数百年后,地球气候可能会出现至少4亿多年来未见的状态[4]。水泥是建筑工程中最基本、最广泛使用的建筑材料,由于城市化进程的加快,水泥的产量也不断增加,水泥工业不论是在中国还是世界范围内都是CO2排放量最大的产业之一。水泥行业不仅消耗了大量的能源资源,而且排放大量的CO2。在当今世界,节能环保是永恒的主题,如何改善水泥行业的节能减排一直都是热点话题,因此实现水泥混凝土行业的节能减排是水泥行业发展的必然趋势。



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