2021-03-12 23:57:36
摘 要
本文以高州洗泥,钠长石,温石英和纯碱为主要原料。SiC为发泡剂,磷酸钠为添加剂,使用发泡法作为造孔方法,压制成型作为成型方法,制备出了热导率在0.2 W/mK左右,抗折强度在4MPa左右,密度低于0.6g/cm³的泡沫陶瓷材料。该泡沫陶瓷材料的基础组成为SiO2(60wt%),Al2O3(30wt%),Na2O(10wt%),确定了泡沫陶瓷的最佳工艺制度:烧结温度为1200℃,保温1h;发泡温度为950℃,保温45min。
Porous ceramic is a high-temperature firing, the internal full of stomatal structure of the new ceramic materials. The foam ceramic is a macroporous ceramic, it is a common porous ceramic, honeycomb porous ceramic after the development of a three-dimensional channel with a new type of porous ceramic. After nearly a decade of development coupled with the state of porous ceramics and energy conservation and environmental protection related industries, porous ceramic research has become a hot spot today. After several years of development of porous ceramic preparation process has become increasingly mature, porous ceramic production process generally by the grinding, forming, into the hole, drying and calcination, which is formed and into the hole is the preparation of porous materials and affect its performance The essential. Foam ceramic in addition to the ceramic itself has high temperature, corrosion resistance, high strength, stable chemical properties, but also has a small density, sound absorption, low thermal conductivity, high surface area, green and so on. Foam ceramic because of its unique structural night makes it has a special thermal properties, mechanical properties and electrical properties.
In this paper, Gaozhou washing mud, albite, warm quartz and soda ash as the main raw material. SiC was used as the foaming agent and sodium phosphate as the additive. The thermal conductivity was about 0.2 W / mK, the flexural strength was about 4MPa and the density was lower than 0.6 by using the foaming method as the forming method and the pressing method. G / cm³ of foam ceramic material. (10wt%), the best technological system of the ceramic foam was determined: the sintering temperature was 1200 ℃, the insulation was 1h; the foaming temperature was 950 (60wt%), the content of the foamed ceramic material was 1200 ℃, holding 45min.
The foaming effect of AlN and SiC foaming agent was compared. The results showed that the foaming effect was better when SiC was used as the blowing agent content and the content was about 4.5wt%. The effects of borax and sodium phosphate on the performance of the additive were investigated. It was found that the addition of sodium phosphate had the best flux effect when the amount of sodium phosphate was added, and the uniformity of the bubble was improved.
The crystal phase precipitated in the ceramic foam was mainly α-quartz by XRD, and the XRD pattern was used to find that the addition of borax samples also precipitated the SiC crystal phase, indicating that the foaming agent was not completely reaction.
Key words: foam ceramic, foaming agent, thermal conductivity, bulk density.
摘 要 Ⅰ
Abstract Ⅱ
第1章 绪论 1
1.1泡沫陶瓷的简介 1
1.1.1概述 1
1.1.2泡沫陶瓷的应用 1
1.2泡沫陶瓷的性能指标 3
1.2.1气孔率 3
1.2.2孔的大小和分布 4
1.2.3比表面积 4
1.3泡沫陶瓷的制备工艺 4
1.3.1发泡法 4
1.3.2溶胶-凝胶法 5
1.3.3有机泡沫浸渍法 5
1.3.4冷冻干燥法 6
1.3.5挤压成型法 6
1.4国内外研究现状 6
1.4.1国内现状 6
1.4.2国外现状 7
1.5研究内容与意义 7
第2章 实验 9
2.1实验原料与设备 9
2.1.1实验原料 9
2.1.2实验仪器 9
2.2实验方法 10
2.2.1配方设计 10
2.2.2温度制度的确定 10
2.2.3物料粒度的确定 10
2.2.4探究添加剂用量的影响 11
2.2.5探究发泡剂用量的的影响 11
2.3试样的制备 11
2.3.1泡沫陶瓷的制备工艺流程 11
2.3.2制备过程 11
2.4泡沫陶瓷的性能测试 12
2.4.1体积密度 12
2.4.2热导率 12
2.4.3抗折强度 12
2.5泡沫陶瓷的物相及微观结构测试 12
2.5.1XRD分析 12
2.5.2体视显微分析 13
第3章 实验结果与讨论 14
3.1不同发泡剂实验结果 14
3.2粒度对泡沫陶瓷的影响实验结果 15
3.3不同SiC发泡剂含量的实验结果 16
3.3.1体积密度 16
3.3.2热导率和孔径的分布 17
3.4磷酸钠和硼砂添加剂的实验结果 18
3.5选择温度制度的实验结果 23
3.5.1热分析 23
3.5.2保温时间的确定 23
3.6X射线测试结果 24
3.7性能测试结果 25
第4章 结论 26
参考文献 27
致 谢 29
第1章 绪论
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