2020-08-13 20:50:12
摘 要
- 改性胶水的研制。在保证801胶水仍具有一定粘接力的前提下,通过向801胶水中添加不等量的氢氧化铝,得到了改性801胶水。研究表明随着氢氧化铝加入量的增大,改性胶水粘接力逐渐降低。
- 纸板的耐火性测试。用改性801胶水将牛皮纸粘成纸板,然后进行了纸板的耐火性实验。研究表明当氢氧化铝的加入量达到50%时,纸板具备了很好的耐火性。
801 glue mainly consists of polyvinyl formal, which is improved from 107 glue, the main production process is to make polyvinyl alcohol and formaldehyde in acidic conditions to react to get polyvinyl formal, and then in weak alkaline conditions add Urea in order to remove formaldehyde which is harmful to human body. 801 glue has a wide range of applications in the social production and life. For example, in the construction industry, adding 801 glue to concrete or cement mortar can increase its adhesive strength; in the textile industry 801 glue can also be used as textile fiber and non-woven sizing agent; especially in paper products, due to its good viscosity and price advantage, 801 glue has been the main adhesive in paper products. So, Improve the fire resistance of 801 glue on our production and life has important significance.
In this paper, 801 glue were prepared by formaldehyde and polyvinyl alcohol as raw materials. Then, by adding the admixture to improve the fire resistance, a kind of modified 801 glue was prepared and then applied in paper products. This article mainly includes the following two parts:
1, the development of modified glue. On the premise of ensuring the adhesion of 801 glue ,we can get the modified 801 glue by adding different amounts of Aluminum hydroxide. The results show that the adhesive strength of the modified glue decreases with the increase of the amount of aluminum hydroxide.
2, cardboard fire resistance test. Glue the Kraft paper into cardboard and then test its fire resistance . The results show that when the addition of aluminum hydroxide reaches 50%, the board has a good fire resistance.
Key Words:Polyvinyl formal; Fire resistance; Flame retardant;Aluminum hydroxide
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 801胶水的研究现状 1
1.2 801胶水的制备方法及原理 2
1.2.1 制备方法 2
1.2.2 制备原理 3
1.3 801胶水的改性方法及原理 5
1.3.1 801胶水的性质 5
1.3.2 改性方法的选择 5
1.3.3 改性原理 7
1.4 本研究的目的及意义 8
第二章 801胶水改性 9
2.1 801胶水的制备 9
2.1.2 制备原料及仪器设备 9
2.1.2 制备过程 11
2.2 改性胶水的制备 14
2.3 改性胶水性能测试 14
第三章 纸管的制作与测试 18
3.1 纸管的制作 18
3.1.1 制样材料与设备 18
3.1.2 制样工艺 18
3.2 纸管的测试 18
3.2.1 耐火性测试 18
3.2.2 其它性能测试 19
第四章 讨论与总结 21
参考文献 22
致 谢 23
第一章 绪论
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