2020-07-02 22:55:10
1. 毕业设计(论文)的内容和要求
2. 参考文献
[1] Mokhtar Marliyana, Talib Meor Zainal Meor, Majlan Edy Herianto, et al. Recent developments in materials for aluminum-air batteries: A review[J]. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 2015,32:1-20. [2] Elia Giuseppe Antonio, Marquardt Krystan, Hoeppner Katrin, et al. An Overview and Future Perspectives of Aluminum Batteries[J]. Advanced Materials, 2016,28(35):7564-7579. [3] Zhang Xian-Man, Chen Wei-Ping. Review on corrosion-wear resistance performance of materials in molten aluminum and its alloys[J]. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2015,25(6):1715-1731. [4] 吴晓滨. 6063阳极氧化铝合金在热处理过程中的电化学性能分析[J]. 铸造技术, 2015(12):2877-2879. [5] 马景灵, 文九巴, 焦孟旺, 等. 合金元素Mn对铝合金阳极组织与性能的影响[J]. 腐蚀与防护, 2008(11):667-669. [6] Fan Liang, Lu Huimin, Leng Jing, et al. The Study of Industrial Aluminum Alloy as Anodes for Aluminum-Air Batteries in Alkaline Electrolytes[J]. Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 2016,163(2):A8-A12. [7] Ma Jingling, Wen Jiuba, Gao Junwei, et al. Performance of Al-1Mg-1Zn-0.1Ga-0.1Sn as anode for Al-air battery[J]. Electrochimica Acta, 2014,129:69-75. [8] Srinivas M., Adapaka Srinivas Kumar, Neelakantan Lakshman. Solubility effects of Sn and Ga on the microstructure and corrosion behavior of Al-Mg-Sn-Ga alloy anodes[J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2016,683:647-653. [9] Jingling Ma, Fengzhang Ren, Guangxin Wang, et al. Electrochemical performance of melt-spinning Al#8211;Mg#8211;Sn based anode alloys[J]. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2017,42(16):11654-11661. [10] Mutlu Rasiha Nefise, Ate#351; Sevgi, Yaz#305;c#305; Birg#252;l. Al-6013-T6 and Al-7075-T7351 alloy anodes for aluminium-air battery[J]. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2017,42(36):23315-23325. [11] Chen Leanne D., Norskov Jens K., Luntz Alan C. Al-Air Batteries: Fundamental Thermodynamic Limitations from First-Principles Theory[J]. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2015,6(1):175-179.
3. 毕业设计(论文)进程安排
2017.12.14~ 2017.12.31 中国期刊网、维普数据库以及外文数据库等数据库查阅国内外相关文献 2018.1.1 ~ 2018.1.15 撰写开题报告及外文文献翻译,开题报告答辩 2018.2.24 ~ 2018.4.24对铝合金阳极进行热处理,并进行性能测试与分析 2018.4.25 ~2018.5.10 中期检查与答辩 2018.5.11~ 2018.5.19 铝合金结构与腐蚀形貌的表征与分析 2018.5.20~ 2018.5.31 撰写毕业论文 2018.6.01~2018.6.14 完成毕业论文及答辩 2018.6.15~ 2018.7.5 总结、归档
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