2020-06-29 20:23:13
1. 毕业设计(论文)的内容和要求
2. 参考文献
[1]Tingting Yu, Qiang Li, Xiangyu Zhao,et al.Nanoconfined Iron Oxychloride Material as a High-Performance Cathode for Rechargeable Chloride Ion Batteries.[J]ACS energy letters,2017,2,2341-2348. [2]Tingting Yu, Xiangyu Zhao, Liqun Ma, Xiaodong Shen.Intercalation and electrochemical behaviors of layered FeOCl cathode material in chloride ion battery.[J] Materials Research Bulletin 2017,92,485#8211;490. [3]C.-G.Wu, D.C.DeGroo, H.0.Marcy,et al.Reaction of Aniline with FeOC1. Formation and Ordering of Conducting Polyaniline in a Crystalline Layered Host.[J]Journal of the American Chemical Society.1995,117,9229-9242. [4]Shoji Yamanaka, Keita Umemoto, Zhanfeng Zheng,et al.Preparation and superconductivity of intercalation compounds of TiNCl with aliphatic amines[J] Journal of Materials Chemistry,2012,22,10752. [5]Hikari Sakaebe, Shunichi Higuchi, Kiyoshi Kanamura ,et al.Preparation of a FeOCl derivative with pyrrole and its performance as a cathode material in a secondary lithium battery system.[J] Journal of Power Sources 1995,56 165-169. [6]Eunae Kang, Yoon Seok Jung, Andrew S,et al.Fe3O4 Nanoparticles Confi ned in Mesocellular Carbon Foam for High Performance Anode Materials for Lithium-Ion Batteries.[J] Advanced Functional Materials,2011,21,2430-2438. [7]M.Golmohammad, F.Golestanifard, A.Mirhabibi, E.M.Kelder. Synthesis and characterization of porous maghemite as an anode for Li-ion batteries[J] Ceramics International2016,42,4370#8211;4376. [8]Chen J, Xu L, Li W and Gou X. α-Fe2O3nanotubes in gas sensor and lithium-ion battery applications[J]Advanced Materials,2005,17(5),582-586. [9]M.Valvo,F.Lindgren,U.Lafont,F.Bjorefors and K.Edstrom.Towards more Sustainable negative electrondes in Na-ion batteries via nanostructured iron oxide.Journal of powerSources,2014,245(0),967-978.
3. 毕业设计(论文)进程安排
起讫日期 设计(论文)各阶段工作内容 备 注 2017.12.20~12.26 毕业论文动员、分组、介绍各自题目 2017.12.27~12.29 了解课题背景,查阅文献 2018.01.02~01.13 文献综述,翻译外文资料,开题报告 2018.01.13~02.23 寒假 2018.02.24~02.28 设计实验思路 2018.02.29~03.11 制定具体实验方案 2018.03.12~03.20 准备药品及仪器,制备电池材料 2018.03.21~03.26 X射线衍射分析 2018.03.27~04.06 SEM分析 2018.04.07~04.25 恒流充放电测试、交流阻抗测试等 2018.04.26~04.31 实验结果、数据整理分析 2018.05.01~06.05 改性研究并撰写论文 2018.06.06~06.10 答辩
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