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 2020-06-10 22:05:19  

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2. 参考文献

[1] Craig KJ, Nieuwoudt MN, Niemand LJ. CFD simulation of anaerobic digester with variable sewage sludge rheology. Water research. 2013;47:4485-97. [2] Terashima M, Goel R, Komatsu K, Yasui H, Takahashi H, Li YY, et al. CFD simulation of mixing in anaerobic digesters. Bioresour Technol. 2009;100:2228-33. [3] Wu B, Chen S. CFD simulation of non-Newtonian fluid flow in anaerobic digesters. Biotechnology and bioengineering. 2008;99:700-11. [4] Othman N, Kamarudin SK, Takriff MS, Rosli MI, Engku Chik EM, Meor Adnan MA. Optimization of a continuous hybrid impeller mixer via computational fluid dynamics. TheScientificWorldJournal. 2014;2014:619474. [5] Liu H, Huang J, Gao Y, Sun D, Li J, Li X, et al. Production of Silver Nanoparticles in a Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor Based on Plant-Mediated Biosynthesis: Flow Behaviors and Residence Time Distribution Prediction by Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulation. Industrial amp; Engineering Chemistry Research. 2013;52:2280-9. [6] 付贵萍, 吴振斌, 任明迅, 贺锋, Pressl A, Perfler R. 反应器理论在复合垂直流构建湿地水流流态研究中的应用. 环境科学. 2002;23:76-80. [7] 李健达, 张洪波, 刘媛, 程亮, 白建红. 搅拌槽内混合过程的模拟计算方法. 当代化工. 2016;45:1986-8. [8] 杜志鹏, 刘文君, 张素霞, 张弥. 清水池有效水力停留时间的影响因素. 清华大学学报. 2007;47:2139-45. [9] Liang Y. Numerical Simulation of the Laminar Flow Field and Mixing Time in Stirred Tank with Double Layer Impeller. Journal of Mechanical Engineering. 2015;51:185. [10] 徐丽, 葛大兵, 谢小魁. 水力停留时间对人工湿地运行的影响. 中国农学通报. 2014;30:219-23.

3. 毕业设计(论文)进程安排

2017/1/1-2/17 阅读相关文献,掌握实验原理 2017/2/18-3/20 设计实验具体方案,搭建实验装置,完成实验 2017/3/21-4/21 学习了解Fluent软件的应用,并进行模拟实验,最后分析得出结果 2017/4/22-5/22 完成毕业论文

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