2020-06-08 21:10:01
1. 毕业设计(论文)的内容和要求
1.文献查阅 学会利用计算机在中国期刊网、维普数据网、springerlink、ca、sci、elsevier等等网络检索资源上检索、查阅基于荧光素衍生物的金离子探针的合成及应用的文献,掌握文献查阅的方法。
2.文献阅读及综述 仔细阅读与所做课题相关的国内外文献,了解相关的背景知识以及目前国内外的研究动态,会系统分析,撰写文献综述。
3.明确实验任务,拟定实验方案 根据所查文献的内容,结合大学所学课程相关知识,确定实验内容及方案,拟定科学可行的研究计划。
2. 参考文献
[1]Kenmoku, S.; Urano, Y.; Kojima, H.; Nagano, T., Development of a Highly Specific Rhodamine-Based Fluorescence Probe for Hypochlorous Acid and Its Application to Real-Time Imaging of Phagocytosis. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2007, 129, (23), 7313-7318. [2]Fan, J.; Mu, H.; Zhu, H.; Du, J.; Jiang, N.; Wang, J.; Peng, X., Recognition of HClO in Live Cells with Separate Signals Using a Ratiometric Fluorescent Sensor with Fast Response. Industrial Engineering Chemistry Research 2015, 54, (36), 8842-8846. [3]Chen, X.; Tian, X.; Shin, I.; Yoon, J., Fluorescent and luminescent probes for detection of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species. Chemical Society reviews 2011, 40, (9), 4783. [4]Liang, L.; Liu, C.; Jiao, X.; Zhao, L.; Zeng, X., A highly selective and sensitive photoinduced electron transfer (PET) based HOCl fluorescent probe in water and its endogenous imaging in living cells. Chem. Commun. 2016, 52, (51), 7982-7985. [5]Cheng, X.; Jia, H.; Long, T.; Feng, J.; Qin, J.; Li, Z., A ”turn-on”fluorescent probe for hypochlorous acid: convenient synthesis, good sensing performance, and a new design strategy by the removal of C=N isomerization. Chemical Communications 2011, 47, (43), 11978. [6]Zhu, H.; Fan, J.; Wang, J.; Mu, H.; Peng, X., An ”Enhanced PET”-Based Fluorescent Probe with Ultrasensitivity for Imaging Basal and Elesclomol-Induced HClO in Cancer Cells. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2014, 136, (37), 12820-12823. [7]Gengwen Chen, A. F. S. A.; Jiangli Fan, A. X. Q. A., FRET spectral unmixing: a ratiometric fluorescent nanoprobe for hypochlorite. Chem. Commun. 2012, 48, (2012), 2949#8211;2951. [8]Yi Zhou, A. J. L. A., Fluorescence turn-on detection of hypochlorous acid via HOCl-promoted dihydrofluorescein-ether oxidation and its application in vivo. Chem. Commun. 2012, 48, (2012), 4677#8211;4679. [9]Chen, X.; Wang, X.; Wang, S.; Shi, W.; Wang, K.; Ma, H., A Highly Selective and Sensitive Fluorescence Probe for the Hypochlorite Anion. Chemistry - A European Journal 2008, 14, (15), 4719-4724. [10]Wang, B.; Chen, D.; Kambam, S.; Wang, F.; Wang, Y.; Zhang, W.; Yin, J.; Chen, H.; Chen, X., A highly specific fluorescent probe for hypochlorite based on fluorescein derivative and its endogenous imaging in living cells. Dyes and Pigments 2015, 120, 22-29.
3. 毕业设计(论文)进程安排
2017.2.27-2017.3.1 文献查询和资料阅读 2017.3.1-2017.3.10 研究方案制定和开题报告写作 2017.3.10-2017.4.30 实验研究过程 2017.5.1-2017.5.15 数据整理与处理、完善实验 2017.5.16-2017.5.31 论文写作与修改、成文 2017.06 论文答辩
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