2020-06-07 21:25:25
1. 毕业设计(论文)的内容和要求
2. 参考文献
[1]. Cardoso, M.F., et al., Optimization of reactive distillation processes with simulated annealing. Chemical Engineering Science, 2000. 55(21): p. 5059-5078. [2]. Pouml;pken, T., L. Gouml;tze and J. Gmehling, Reaction Kinetics and Chemical Equilibrium of Homogeneously and Heterogeneously Catalyzed Acetic Acid Esterification with Methanol and Methyl Acetate Hydrolysis. Industrial amp; Engineering Chemistry Research, 2000. 39(7): p. 2601-2611. [3]. Jackson, J.R. and I.E. Grossmann, A disjunctive programming approach for the optimal design of reactive distillation columns. Computers amp; Chemical Engineering, 2001. 25(11#8211;12): p. 1661-1673. [4]. Cheng, J., et al., Optimal steady-state design of reactive distillation processes using simulated annealing. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 2009. 40(2): p. 188-196. [5]. Harwardt, A., et al., Conceptual Design of a Butyl-levulinate Reactive Distillation Process by Incremental Refinement. Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2011. 19(3): p. 371-379. [6]. Miranda-Galindo, E.Y., et al., Reactive Thermally Coupled Distillation Sequences: Pareto Front. Industrial amp; Engineering Chemistry Research, 2011. 50(2): p. 926-938. [7]. V#225;zquez-Ojeda, M., et al., Optimization and Controllability Analysis of Thermally Coupled Reactive Distillation Arrangements with Minimum Use of Reboilers. Industrial amp; Engineering Chemistry Research, 2012. 51(17): p. 5856-5865. [8]. Amte, V., et al., Optimization based conceptual design of reactive distillation for selectivity engineering. Computers amp; Chemical Engineering, 2013. 48: p. 209-217. [9]. Domingues, L., C.I.C. Pinheiro and N.M.C. Oliveira, Optimal design of reactive distillation systems: Application to the production of ethyl tert-butyl ether (ETBE). Computers amp; Chemical Engineering, 2014. 64: p. 81-94. [10]. Segovia-Hern#225;ndez, J.G., S. Hern#225;ndez and A. Bonilla Petriciolet, Reactive distillation: A review of optimal design using deterministic and stochastic techniques. Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification, 2015. 97: p. 134-143. [11]. Huang, F., et al., Innovative Ethylene Glycol Diacetate synthesis process in a single reactive distillation column. Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification, 2016. 109: p. 80-89. [12]. Lee, S. and I.E. Grossmann, A global optimization algorithm for nonconvex generalized disjunctive programming and applications to process systems. Computers amp; Chemical Engineering, 2001. 25(11#8211;12): p. 1675-1697. [13]. Burri, J.F. and V.I. Manousiouthakis, Global optimization of reactive distillation networks using IDEAS. Computers amp; Chemical Engineering, 2004. 28(12): p. 2509-2521. [14]. 李枝勇, 蝙蝠算法及其在函数优化中的应用研究, 2013, 上海理工大学. 第 93页. [15]. 盛孟龙, 贺兴时与王慧敏, 一种改进的自适应变异蝙蝠算法. 计算机技术与发展, 2014(10): 第131-134页. [16]. 李煜与马良, 新型全局优化蝙蝠算法. 计算机科学, 2013(09): 第225-229页.
3. 毕业设计(论文)进程安排
2月20日~3月10日:查阅文献,翻译外文文献,完成开题报告; 3月11日~4月10日:进行反应精馏过程模拟,并利用Matlab软件进行算法编写,并将两者相链接。
4月11日~5月10日:对算法相关参数进行优化,并对算法进行合理改进; 5月11日~5月25日:完善各部分工作,撰写毕业论文报告; 5月26日~6月15日:修改论文,准备答辩。
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