2020-06-06 11:03:29
1. 毕业设计(论文)的内容和要求
1. 建立机械和金法制备cu2(sn1-xcox)s3单相粉体工艺制度;
2. 制备不同nacl含量的cu2(sn1-xcox)s3基-nacl复合粉体;
3. 放电等离子烧结制备致密cu2(sn1-xcox)s3基-nacl复合陶瓷;
2. 参考文献
1. qing tan et al. enhanced thermoelectric properties of earth-abundant cu2sns3 via in-doping effect. journal of alloys and compounds, 2016, 672, 558.
2. yawei shen et al. eco-friendly p-type cu2sns3 thermoelectric material: crystal structure and transport properties. scientific reports, 2016, 6:32501, doi: 10.1038/srep32501.
3. l. xi et al. chemical bonding, conductive network, and thermoelectric performance of the ternary semiconductors cu2snx3 (x = se, s) from first principles. physical review b 2012, 86, 155201.
3. 毕业设计(论文)进程安排
1. 开题阶段(2017年01月13日前):在广泛查阅资料的基础上,完善课题研究方案,完成外文翻译、文献综述和开题报告等工作;
2. 实施阶段(2017年06月02日前):
(1) 4月17日前合成(40g左右)的cu2(sn1-xcox)s3-nacl (x = 0.2)复合粉体,并各自通过sps制成致密块体;
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