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毕业论文网 > 任务书 > 材料类 > 复合材料与工程 > 正文


 2020-04-23 20:06:36  

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太阳能热发电是一种新兴的可再生能源利用技术, 主要包括聚光光热发电(concentrating solar power, csp)[2],太阳能热电发电器(solar thermoelectricgenerators, stegs)[3],和太阳能热光伏发电(solar thermophotovoltaic, stpv)[4]。

stpv 技术是将太阳能转换成热能,再通过热光伏电池将高温辐射能转换成电能的技术(图1)[5]。


2. 参考文献

1. N. S. Lewis, Research opportunities to advance solar energy utilization. Science 2016, 351, aad1920 (9 pages). 2. L. A. Weinstein, J. Loomis, B. Bhatia, D. M. Bierman, E. N. Wang, G. Chen, Concentrating Solar Power. Chemical Reviews 2015, 115, 12797-12838. 3. D. Kraemer, Q. Jie, K. McEnaney, F. Cao, W. S. Liu, L. A. Weinstein, J. Loomis, Z. F. Ren, G.Chen, Concentrating solar thermoelectric generators with a peak efficiency of 7.4%. NatureEnergy 2016, 1, 1-8. 4. D. M. Bierman, A. Lenert, W. R. Chan, B. Bhatia, I. Celanovi#263;, M. Solja#269;i#263;, E. N. Wang, Enhanced photovoltaic energy conversion using thermally based spectral shaping. NatureEnergy 2016, 1, 16068. 5. J. Baxter, Z. X. Bian, G. Chen, D. Danielson, M. S. Dresselhaus, A. G. Fedorov, T. S. Fisher,C. W. Jones, E. Maginn, U. Kortshagen, A. Manthiram,. A. Nozik, D. R. Rolison, T. Sands, L.Shi, D. Shollh, Y. Y. Wu, Nanoscale design to enable the revolution in renewable energy.Energy and Environment Science 2009, 2, 559-588. 6. S. H. Fan, An alternative ”Sun#8217; for solar cells. Nature Nanotechnology 2014, 9, 92-93. 7. A. Datas, A. Mart#237;, Thermophotovoltaic energy in space applications: Review and future potential. Solar Energy Materials Solar Cells 2017, 161, 285-296. 8. A. Lenert, D. M. Bierman, Y. Nam, W. R. Chan, I. Celanovic, M. Soljacic, E. N. Wang, A nanophotonic solar thermophotovoltaic device. Nature Nanotechnology 2014, 9, 126-130. 9. C. Ungaro, S. K. Gray, M. C. Gupta, Solar thermophotovoltaic system using nanostructures, Optical Express 2015, 23, A1149. 10. H. Wang, J.-Y. Chang, Y. Yang, L. P. Wang, Performance analysis of solar thermophotovoltaic conversion enhanced by selective metamaterial absorbers and emitters. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 2016, 98, 788-798. 11. V. Rinnerbauer, A. Lenert, D. M. Bierman, Y. X. Yeng, W. R. Chan, R. D. Geil, J. J.Senkevich, J. D. Joannopoulos, E. N. Wang, M. Soljac#780; ic#769;, I. Celanovic, Metallic photonic12.E. Ollier, N. Dunoyer, H. Szambolics, G. Lorin, Nanostructured thin films for solar selective absorbers and infrared selective emitters. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 2017, 170,205-210. 13. D. Y. Jiang, W. M Yang, A dielectric-encapsulated 2D photonic crystal based solar thermophotovoltaic power generator. Applied Thermal Engineering 2017, 125, 1253-1259. 14. Q. C. Dong, T. J. Liao, Z. M. Yang, X. H. Chen, J. C. Chen, Performance characteristics and parametric choices of a solar thermophotovoltaic cell at the maximum efficiency. Energy Conversion and Management 2017, 136, 44-49. 15. S. D. Xu, Y. Shuai, J. H. Zhang, X. Huang, H. P. Tan, Performance optimization analysis of solar thermophotovoltaic energy conversion systems. Solar Energy 2017, 149, 44-53.

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