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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 材料类 > 新能源材料与器件 > 正文


 2020-02-13 18:03:23  

摘 要


本文利用了化学蒙砂法的原理对玻璃基片进行了处理,选择使用NH4F、CaF2、H2SO4反应提供HF,通过加入K2SO4引入与氟硅酸根离子溶度积更小的K ,最后加入了促进剂诱导玻璃基片产生所需要的形貌。实验探究了反应时间对玻璃的可见光波段平均的总光通量以及雾度的影响,对不同反应时间玻璃表面形貌与成分进行了分析,探究了蒙砂液中K2SO4含量对玻璃的可见光平均总光通量以及雾度的影响。最后得出在本研究的反应条件下的最佳反应条件为蒙砂处理时间6min,蒙砂液中K2SO4wt%= 3wt%,此时玻璃基片的雾度最高,为5.79%,可见光波段的平均总光通量为90.71%,相较于玻璃原片提高约0.42%





Energy is an indispensable material basis for the development of human society. Humans have never stopped searching for energy. In recent years, new energy technology has gradually become the focus of the research for science and technology in developed countries and some developing countries. As an environmentally friendly clean energy, solar energy is an important subject on the road of new energy exploration. In the past few decades, great progress in reducing production costs and improving production efficiency has been made in silicon solar cells, and photovoltaic power generation has been gradually integrated into the mainstream energy structure. The key technology of photovoltaic devices is photovoltaic cell technology. However, the cleaning of protective glass has also become a problem to be solved because photovoltaic devices must be installed in outdoor places with long solar irradiation time. At the same time, the glass devices installed in the outdoor are easy to cause glare hazard. The photohydrophilic thin films for protecting glass of photovoltaic devices have been prepared by sol-gel method in this paper. With these thin films, the protecting glass can be equipped with stronger anti-fouling ability. Meanwhile, the method of chemical frosting is also used to treat the glass substrate, which improves the haze of the glass, and makes it possess anti-dazzle property, while still maintaining high transmittance.

In this paper, the principle of chemical frosting method was utilized to treat glass substrates. NH4F, CaF2 and H2SO4 were used to generate HF. By adding K2SO4, K was introduced which has smaller solubility product with fluosilicate ion. Finally, an accelerant was added to induce the desired morphology of glass substrates. The experiment has explored the influence of reaction time on the average total transmittance and haze in the visible band of the glass, and has analyzed the surface morphology and composition of the glass with different reaction time. And then the influence of K2SO4 content in the frothing solution on the average total transmittance and haze of the glass have been explored. Finally, it is concluded that the best reaction condition under the conditions of this study is the frothing treatment time for 6min, and K2SO4wt%= 3wt% in the frothing solution. At this time, the haze of glass substrate is the highest (5.79%), and the average total transmittance in the visible band is 90.71%, which is about 0.42% higher than that of blank glass substrate.

In this paper, TiO2 thin films was prepared by sol gel method. In the process of preparation, we choose tetrabutyl titanate as precursor, acetyl acetone and nitric acid as catalyst. The reaction of tetrabutyl titanate and water took place in ethanol solvent. And by adding PEG to the tetrabutyl titanate alcohol solution to reduce TiO2 grain size and induce its hole. In the experimental setting, we changed the amount of PEG added into TiO2 sol and the ratio of SiO2 sol in the final sol, and explored the influence of the amount of PEG added and the amount of SiO2 sol added on the average transmittance of visible band and photohydrophilic of the film. While SiO2at% is 20%, the water contact Angle is the minimum after 120min of illumination. When PEGwt%=2wt% and SiO2at%=20at%, the photohydrophilic properties of thin films were the best, and the water contact Angle was 5.4° after 120min of irradiation.

Finally, in this paper, the best sol-gel preparation method in the experiment was applied to coating the glass surface with the best anti-glare effect. It was found that the anti-glare effect still existed, and the photohydrophilic was good with the water contact Angle 6.2° after 120min of illumination.

Key Words:Photovoltaic glass; Sol-gel; pohtohydrophilic; Chemical frosting; Anti-glare glass

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2玻璃表面的亲水与抗污改性 2

1.2.1固体表面的亲水性能 2

1.2.2TiO2薄膜的光致亲水性能 3

1.2.3玻璃表面镀膜对玻璃透射率的影响 4

1.2.4玻璃亲水薄膜的制备方法 5

1.3玻璃防眩改性 7

1.3.1眩光 7

1.3.2防眩玻璃及雾度 7

1.3.3化学蒙砂法制备防眩玻璃的原理 7

1.4表面粗糙度对玻璃亲水性的影响 8

1.5本研究的意义与内容 8

第2章 实验设计与性能表征 10

2.1实验试剂与仪器 10

2.2实验仪器 10

2.3防眩玻璃基片的制备 11

2.4防眩玻璃的表面结构与性能的表征 12

2.4.1紫外-可见分光光度计(UV) 12

2.4.2电子探针(EPMA) 12

2.4.3X射线衍射(XRD) 12

2.5亲水抗污薄膜的制备 13

2.5.1TiO2溶胶的配制 13

2.5.2 TiO2/SiO2溶胶的配制 14

2.5.3提拉法镀膜以及热处理 14

2.6亲水薄膜的组成结构与性能的表征 15

2.6.1紫外-可见光透射率分析 15

2.6.2光致亲水性能 15

2.6.3防雾性能 15

2.7在玻璃基片蒙砂面上镀膜 15

第3章 化学蒙砂法处理玻璃基片的结果与分析 16

3.1蒙砂时间对玻璃基片的影响 16

3.1.1可见光透射率与雾度 16

3.1.2表面形貌与微区分析 19

3.1.3X射线衍射 20

3.2蒙砂液中K2SO4含量对玻璃基片的影响 20

3.2.1可见光透射率与雾度 20

3.3本章小结 22

第4章 溶胶凝胶制备亲水抗污薄膜的结论与分析 24

4.1PEG加入量对亲水抗污薄膜的影响 24

4.1.1可见光透射率 24

4.1.2表面亲水性 25

4.2SiO2溶胶的加入量对自清洁薄膜的影响 26

4.2.1可见光透射率 26

4.2.2表面亲水性 27

4.3本章小结 29

第5章 在蒙砂玻璃基片上镀亲水薄膜 30

5.1可见光透射率与雾度 30

5.2表面亲水性 30

5.3本章小结 31

第6章 结论与展望 32

6.1 结论 32

6.2展望 32

参考文献 34

致 谢 37

第1章 绪论

1.1 研究背景



图1-1 光伏器件表面被灰尘覆盖时太阳光照射示意图




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