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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 材料类 > 新能源材料与器件 > 正文


 2022-01-11 19:30:44  


摘 要




(2)通过改修改热光伏电池窗口层、背场层、发射区厚度、基区厚度和掺杂浓度,来对InGaAs热光伏电池进行优化。计算获得新的性能曲线,分析可得优化掺杂浓度以及各区域厚度后InGaAs热光伏电池在3500K热辐射源温度下开路电压(VOC)为0.542V,短路电流(JSC)为495.473 mA/cm^2,光电转换效率(η)为25.29%。从数据来看,InGaAs热光伏电池优化后性能良好,比较符合预期效果。


关键词:太阳能 InGaAs材料 热光伏电池 性能曲线



With the progress of science and technology and the development of economy, the energy crisis is becoming more and more serious.Among the many clean energy sources, solar energy is one of the most rapidly developed because it is cheap and easy to get.Thermal photovoltaic cells have attracted the attention of scholars in recent years due to their unique advantages.In this paper, the finite element method is used to simulate the thermal photovoltaic cell, the appropriate InGaAs material is selected, and then a one-dimensional model of the thermal photovoltaic cell is established using software to study the thermal photovoltaic cell under different conditions.The research contents and results of this paper include:

  1. The software was used to calculate the j-v curve, spectral responsivity curve, quantum efficiency curve and other performance curves of InGaAs thermal photovoltaic cell under the conditions of AM1.5 solar spectrum and temperature of different heat sources, and the performance of the cell was judged by the data obtained from the curves.The change of battery performance curve was analyzed and the relevant parameters were obtained.It was found that the performance of the InGaAs thermal photovoltaic cell was slightly poor and did not meet the expected effect.
  2. The InGaAs thermal photovoltaic cell is optimized by modifying the window layer, back-field layer, emission zone thickness, base zone thickness and doping concentration of the thermal photovoltaic cell.Obtain new performance curve calculation, analysis to optimize InGaAs after doping concentration and thickness of the regional thermal photovoltaic cells at 3500 k heat source temperature open circuit voltage (VOC) of 0.542 V, short circuit current (JSC) of 495.473 mA/cm ^ 2, photoelectric conversion efficiency (eta) of 25.29%.According to the data, the optimized performance of InGaAs thermal photovoltaic cell is good, which is in line with the expected effect.
  3. Select new InAs material to build a one-dimensional model, and then conduct performance test on the new InAs thermal photovoltaic cell, obtain the data of relevant parameters and compare with the optimized InGaAs thermal photovoltaic cell.At the temperature of 3500K thermal radiation source, the performance gap of InAs thermal photovoltaic cell is larger than that of InGaAs thermal photovoltaic cell, so it can be seen that InGaAs material is more suitable for application at the temperature of 3500K thermal radiation source.

Key words: solar InGaAs ;thermal photovoltaic cell ;performance parameters

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2 热光伏电池的历史及国内外研究现状 2

1.3 本文主要内容 3

第二章热光伏电池的原理及主要参数 4

2.1 热光伏电池的原理 4

2.2热光伏系统的结构 4

2.3 热光伏电池的主要性能参数 5

2.3.1 短路电流密度和开路电压 5

2.3.2 量子效率 5

2.3.3 填充因子与转换效率 6

第三章 一维In GaAs热光伏电池的构建及研究 7

3.1热光伏电池研究软件以及方法介绍 7

3.2 InGaAs材料的选择 7

3.3一维GaAs热光伏电池模型的构建 8

3.4一维InGaAs热光伏电池的性能研究 9

3.4.1 InGaAs热光伏电池的能带图 10

3.4.2 InGaAs热光伏电池的J-V曲线 11

3.4.3 InGaAs热光伏电池的光谱响应度曲线 13

3.4.4 InGaAs热光伏电池的量子效率曲线 13

3.5 本章小结 14

第四章 InGaAs热光伏电池的优化 15

4.1 光谱辐照度 15

4.2 光子通量 15

4.3 不同热辐射源温度下InGaAs热光伏电池的性能研究 16

4.3.1不同热辐射源温度下的J-V曲线 16

4.3.2不同热辐射源温度下的光谱响应度曲线 18

4.3.3不同热辐射源温度下的量子效率曲线 19

4.4 掺杂浓度以及厚度的优化 20

4.5 寄生电阻 25

4.6 本章小结 26

第五章 InAs电池的基本参数与性能测试 27

5.1 InAs材料的介绍 27

5.1.1 InAs材料的相关参数 27

5.1.2 InAs材料的吸收系数 27

5.2 InAs材料的性能研究 28

5.2.1 InAs热光伏电池在不同热源温度条件下的J-V曲线 29

5.2.2 InAs热光伏电池不同热源温度条件下的光谱响应度曲线 30

5.2.3 InAs热光伏电池不同热源温度条件下的量子效率曲线 30

5.3 本章小结 31

第六章 总结与展望 32

6.1 总结 32

6.2 不足与展望 33

参考文献 34

致谢 37

第一章 绪论

1.1 研究背景



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