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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 管理学类 > 信息管理与信息系统 > 正文


 2022-07-10 20:00:40  


摘 要




关键词:J2EE平台 WEB开发框架 系统开发效率

Study of the evolution of the website system development framework


With the development of era, the information era has already arrived, the evolution of the website system development framework also more and more rapidly, and framework evolved there are all sorts of key factors. Therefore, this topic is mainly study WEB development framework and the development trend of the future evolution of the reasons.

This topic research mainly from the evolution of the WEB development framework based on J2EE platform as the foundation, the research on the platform of the mainstream framework, it can be found through the comparison between the mainstream box the framework of this platform to become mainstream framework of some of the key factors, and then in the study of this research is to present the application of WEB framework of live, found WEB framework is layered and processing mechanism of each layer are different, causing the appearance of the current popular industry framework group, framework group appear framework leads to the emergence of selection strategy, therefore, this topic is based on the J2EE platform framework of each combination of each case, it can be concluded that the platform framework group selection strategy, then summarizes the outline of the whole framework group selection strategy.

This topic research method mainly, based on the J2EE platform is part of the overall framework, the framework of WEB framework there are commonalities, using it can be concluded that the framework of the topic selection strategy, which can improve the efficiency of system development, make framework developed system function more complete, security, and scalability can have improved and developed.

Keywords:J2EE platform WEB development framework System development efficiency

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪 论 2

1.1 研究背景及意义 2

1.2 WEB系统开发框架研究现状 2

1.3 研究的主要方法和思路 3

第二章 WEB系统开发框架 5

2.1 WEB系统开发框架概述 5

2.1.1 应用框架的定义 5

2.1.2 WEB框架的分类 5

2.1.3 WEB 应用框架的特点 11

2.1.4 WEB 应用框架的作用 11

2.2 WEB开发框架相关领域研究 12

2.2.2 软件架构 13

2.2.3 软件重用 13

2.3 WEB开发框架与以上三者的关系 14

2.3.1 WEB框架与软件重用的关系 14

2.3.2 WEB框架与软件架构的关系 14

2.3.3 WEB框架与设计模式的关系 15

2.4 基于J2EE平台开发框架的现状 15

2.4.1 J2EE平台三大主流框架 15

第三章 WEB应用框架的分层和各层框架 19

3.1 应用程序的层次结构 19

3.1.1 表现层的职责 19

3.1.2 持久层的职责 19

3.1.3 业务层的职责 20

3.1.4 域模型层的职责 20

3.2 各层次主要应用框架 20

3.2.1 主要框架 20

3.2.2 基于J2EE平台WEB框架组合的使用情况 22

第四章 WEB框架演变分析 24

4.1 WEB框架演变概述 24

4.1.1 框架的选择策略 24

4.1.2 WEB框架演变研究结果 25

参考文献 26

致谢 28

第一章 绪 论

1.1 研究背景及意义


WEB框架就可以解决这个问题,主要是因为WEB框架处理一般的服务可以使WEB应用开发流程更加简便,所以WEB框架成为了系统开发的宠儿。WEB系统开发框架慢慢的在越来越多的项目中得到了运用,虽然每个行业对WEB系统开发框架的需求不相同,但是对于数据模型(Data Model)、页面模型是相同的,这些相同的部分提高了相同模块的编写的灵活性和可复用的程度,从而针对同种模块可以采用相同的编写方法,这就会大大地降低人力、物力、财力和时间的投入,同时提高了系统的质量和开发效率。


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