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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 管理学类 > 信息管理与信息系统 > 正文


 2022-06-28 23:36:48  


摘 要



关键词:电子商务 网络营销 论坛营销 百度贴吧营销

Marketing Analysis Based on Baidu Post Bar Marketing ——Take Xiaomi Company for Instance


As e-commerce applications to speed up the pace of social development has entered the era of the Internet economy. The necessity to carry out network marketing companies increasingly prominent, network marketing has become an integral and important part of the marketing strategy, whether e-commerce and Internet marketing is one of the important factors in the current market environment, enterprises can continue to survive. Therefore, how to effectively conduct online marketing activities, develop appropriate situation and development prospects of online marketing strategies become the key to seize the market and attracting customers. The current development of the domestic network marketing matures, research and discussion of network marketing in a rapidly changing network and market environment becomes increasingly important.

This paper investigated the status of the domestic enterprise network marketing, network marketing on the commonly used means of domestic enterprises are summarized, analyzed the domestic enterprises to carry out the process in the network marketing problems raised against the Chinese e-commerce network marketing strategy. Meanwhile this paper made ​​of millet company's successful network marketing strategies in-depth analysis, millet company based Baidu Post Bar in network marketing as an example, the analysis of the current situation of domestic enterprises and enterprises to develop sales forum popular network marketing forum marketing, and ultimately raise corporate based Baidu posted online marketing conduct basic strategy, hoping to provide a reference for enterprises to develop and help on Baidu Post Bar in network marketing.

Keywords: E-Commerce; Internet marketing; Forum marketing; Baidu Post Bar Marketing


摘 要 I


第一章 绪 论 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2 研究内容 1

1.3 研究方法 2

第二章 文献综述 4

2.1 网络营销研究现状 4

2.2 小米公司营销现状 5

2.3 贴吧营销研现状 5

第三章 国内企业网络营销现状与问题 7

3.1 国内企业网络营销现状 7

3.1.1 发展势头迅猛 7

3.1.2 web 2.0营销如日中天 8

3.1.3 网络营销策略的组合 10

3.2 小米公司的网络营销策略 11

3.2.1 微博营销 11

3.2.2 饥饿营销 12

3.2.3 病毒式营销 13

3.2.4 线上线下活动结合 13

3.2.5 事件营销 14

3.2.6 贴吧营销 14

3.3 小米公司基于百度贴吧营销的问卷调查 15

3.3.1 问卷介绍 15

3.3.2 样本数据分析 15

3.3.3 问卷分析总结 17

3.4 国内企业网络营销存在问题 18

3.4.1 网络营销意识薄弱 18

3.4.2 网络利用率低,营销方式单一 18

3.4.3 网络营销人才的缺乏 18

3.4.4 网络营销策略水平不高,效益差 18

3.4.5 网络发展水平不高,覆盖率低 19

第四章 基于百度贴吧的网络营销意义及策略 20

4.1 论坛营销概述 20

4.1.1 论坛营销简介 20

4.1.2 论坛营销优势 20

4.1.3 百度贴吧简介 21

4.2 贴吧营销的意义 22

4.2.1 贴吧用户数量可观 22

4.2.2 贴吧针对性强 23

4.2.3 与百度其他产品关联 23

4.3 基于百度贴吧的营销策略 23

4.3.1 平台选择 23

4.3.2 贴吧选择 24

4.3.3 发帖要点 24

4.3.4 贴吧管理 25

4.3.5 开始升百度贴吧的等级 25

4.5 小米公司基于百度贴吧的网络营销 26

4.5.1 百度贴吧平台的选择 26

4.5.2 开展的营销活动和营销结果 26

4.5.3 小米公司基于百度贴吧网络营销的启示 27

结束语 29

参考文献 30

致 谢 32

第一章 绪 论

1.1 研究背景



1.2 研究内容



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