Termitomyces clypeatus CTM-1的生长特性及菌丝球抑制方法毕业论文
2022-05-29 22:55:56
摘 要
1) 鸡枞菌CTM-1的生长曲线可以分为0~2 d的延滞期,3~7 d的对数期,7 d以后进入稳定期,稳定期的生物量达到4.9 g/L。培养10 d时,菌丝体脑苷脂A含量为0.186%,菌丝体脑苷脂B含量为0.085%。在10 d的培养过程中,糖浓度由27 g/L减少为0.5 g/L。总氨基酸由2.5 g/L下降至0.08 g/L。
2) 鸡枞菌CTM-1的最佳培养温度为28 ℃,此时,生物量最大为5.11 g/L。
3) 采用蛋白胨做为氮源的培养基中鸡枞菌的菌球直径较小,生物量较高。采用玉米浸粉做为氮源的培养基中鸡枞菌出现大的菌丝块,菌丝会粘在摇瓶瓶壁上。低pH值可以促进小直径的菌丝球的形成,当pH为6.5、7.5时,出现了菌丝块。
关键词:鸡枞菌 菌丝体 液体培养 菌丝球
The growth characteristics of Termoitomyces clypeatus CTM-1 and the method of inhibiting mycelium pellet
In the liquid submerged fermentation, morphology is an important parameter. It will significantly affect the rheological properties of the fermentation broth, thus affect the mass transfer efficiency and the synthesis of the target product. Therefore, in submerged fermentation, controlling mycelium pellet in an appropriate size is a key indicator to obtain the maximum yield of target product.
This study examined the growth characteristics of Termoitomyces clypeatus CTM-1 in the optimization medium and determined the optimum culture temperature. It also explored the influence of nitrogen sources and pH on mycelium morphology of T. clypeatus CTM-1, providing ideas and laying the early foundation for the large scale cultivation of T. clypeatus CTM-1. The conclusion is as follows:
1) The period of 0-2 d was lag phase; the period of 3-7 d was log phase; and the period after 7 d was stationary phase. Biomass was 4.9 g/L in stationary phase. Cerebroside A content was 0.186%, cerebroside B content was 0.085% in the liquid cultivation at 10 d. In the course of 10 days of culture, the glucose concentration decreased from 27 g/L to 0.5 g/L. Total amino acids decreased from 2.5 g/L to 0.08 g/L.
2) Optimum culture temperature of T. clypeatus CTM-1 is 28 ℃, at this time, biomass was 5.11 g/L.
3) With peptone medium, the mycelium pellet of T. clypeatus CTM-1 was smaller, and biomass was higher. With dry powder of corn syrup as nitrogen source, the large mycelial clumps appeared. When pH of culture was 5.5,the medium biomass was 4.9g / L. Lower pH was conducive to the formation of the small-diameter mycelium pellet, and the mycelium turned into blocks at pH 6.5 and 7.5.
KEYWORDS: Termitomyces; Mycelium; Liquid culture; Mycelium pellet
目 录
摘 要 I
第一章 文献综述 1
1.1 鸡枞菌综述 1
1.1.1 鸡枞菌简介 1
1.1.2 鸡枞菌与白蚁的之间的共生关系及其生态环境 1
1.1.3 鸡枞菌所含的化学成分以及各成分的含量 2
1.1.4 鸡枞菌菌丝体培养的研究现状 2
1.2 菌丝球综述 3
1.2.1 菌丝球基本概念 3
1.2.2 丝状真菌生长及成球的机理 3
1.2.3 结球对目标成分生成以及菌丝生长的影响 4
1.2.4 结球的影响因素及控制方法 5
1.3 研究目的与意义 6
第二章 实验材料与方法 7
2.1 实验材料 7
2.1.1 菌种 7
2.1.2 培养基 7
2.2 实验方法 7
2.2.1 种子培养 7
2.2.2 扩大培养 7
2.2.3 生物量测定 7
2.2.4 葡萄糖测定 8
2.2.5 氨基酸测定 8
2.2.6 脑苷脂A和B测定 8
第三章 结果与讨论 12
3.1 鸡枞菌CTM-1的培养特性 12
3.2 温度对生物量的影响 14
3.3 氮源种类对鸡枞菌菌丝结球的影响 15
3.4 pH对鸡枞菌菌丝结球的影响 17
第四章 结论与展望 19
4.1 结论 19
4.2 展望 19
参考文献 20
致谢 24
第一章 文献综述
1.1 鸡枞菌综述
1.1.1 鸡枞菌简介
鸡枞菌属担子菌纲,伞菌目,白蘑科,蚁巢菌属[1-3],它的肉鲜味美,食用价值很高,是一种驰名中外的名贵可食用的菌种。《本草纲目》及《寿世秘典》介绍其有有益脾胃,提神,治疗痔疮的功效[4]。鸡枞菌的子实体的形态见图1-1所示。鸡枞菌的菌盖为圆锥形,伸展后中央有明显的凸出,宽为5~16 cm,中央凸出的部分为深褐色,往四周边渐变为灰色,一般会有辐射状的裂开;菌柄组织厚实,纤维质,具有脆骨质表层,常扭曲,有一根长假根,地上会有部分白色,长为3~10 cm,越往上越细,上半部分的直径为5~20 mm,底部膨大处的直径为1.5~4 cm,地下的生长部分为褐色至黑色、越往下越细,长为8~40 cm;菌褶比较稠密,宽为4~8 mm,初期呈白色后呈米黄色[5]。鸡枞菌的孢子是卵圆形或者椭圆形的,孢子的印记为淡红色的,且透明、平滑[6,7]。