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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 经济学类 > 金融学 > 正文


 2022-02-17 21:18:57  


摘 要



关键词:区域性金融中心 金融聚集 金融辐射 风险管理

Research on the Construction Model of Regional Financial Centers in China


The development of human society is a process of dispersing to gather. In modern times, the continuous improvement of the level of social and economic development makes interregional commercial trade more and more frequent, the concept of regional financial center also came into being. The birth of the regional financial center has greatly improved the efficiency of social resource utilization, and its agglomeration and radiation function have led to the further development of the surrounding urban economy. Countries around the world are accelerating the construction of regional financial centers in order to promote regional economic development. According to the completed construction of the case, the regional financial center's economic role is very prominent. Therefore, in the context of China's slowdown in economic growth, the importance of accelerating the construction of regional financial centers is even more pronounced.

Firstly, this paper elaborates the definition of regional financial center, and analyzes the present situation of development in our country. Secondly, it analyzes the characteristics and functions of the regional financial center. In the third chapter, it analyzes the construction mode of the regional financial center - the natural progressive mode and the government promotion mode, and compares the advantages and disadvantages of the two models respectively, which leads to the existence of the regional financial center. The financial environment is not perfect, the regional financial center is not clear and the adjacent regional financial center resources and other issues. Finally, the countermeasures of the construction of regional financial center in China are put forward according to the above problems. Firstly, the central government to stand in the national point of view, the overall planning of regional financial center construction; secondly, speed up the national new district and free trade area construction; thirdly, the construction of functional characteristics of the regional financial center; Finally, establish a sound financial risk management system.

Key Words: regional financial center; financial agglomeration; financial radiation; risk management


摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 研究我国区域性金融中心构建模式的意义 1

1.2 研究思路与研究方法 2

1.2.1 研究思路 2

1.2.2 研究方法 3

1.3 文献综述 3

第二章 区域性金融中心的构建模式 5

2.1 自然渐进模式 5

2.2 政府推动模式 6

2.3 自然渐进模式与政府推动模式的优劣势比较 7

2.3.1 自然渐进模式的优劣势 7

2.3.2 政府推动模式的优劣势 7

第三章 中国的区域性金融中心的特征与功能 8

3.1 中国区域性金融中心的发展现状 8

3.2 区域性金融中心的特征 9

3.2.1 区域性金融中心的地理特征 9

3.2.2 区域性金融中心的基础设施特征 10

3.2.3 区域性金融中心的金融环境特征 10

3.3 区域性金融中心的功能 12

3.3.1 区域性金融中心的集聚功能 12

3.3.2 区域性金融中心的辐射功能 13

第四章 中国区域性金融中心构建中存在的问题 14

4.1 金融环境不健全问题 14

4.2 区域性金融中心功能不明确问题 14

4.3 相邻区域性金融中心资源争夺问题 15

第五章 中国区域性金融中心构建对策 17

5.1 加强中央政府统筹规划 17

5.2 加快国家级新区、自贸区建设 18

5.2.1 加快国家级新区建设 18

5.2.2 加快自贸区建设 18

5.3 加快区域性金融中心功能特色化建设 19

5.4 加快建立健全金融风险管理体系 19

第六章 主要结论 21

参考文献 23

致谢 26

第一章 绪论

1.1 研究我国区域性金融中心构建模式的意义



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