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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 材料类 > 材料科学与工程 > 正文


 2022-02-10 18:32:32  


摘 要


在实验前期对制备镁铈基储氢合金的工艺进行探索,我们先尝试了通过电弧熔炼制备铈镍中间合金,再与Mg粉混合以机械球磨的方式制备非晶态Mg-Ce-Ni合金。但实验的结果不是很理想,得到的非晶态合金储氢容量较低。实验中后期我们将燃烧合成(CS)制成的镁铈镍合金取出后分别加入不同含量0%、25%、50%、100%的纳米Ni混合球磨,同时加入2 wt%的石墨作为助磨剂,这样能减少冷焊现象。实验主要对不同的纳米Ni添加量加入的镁铈基非晶态合金的电化学性能进行了研究。实验过程中获得的不同Ni含量的合金样品中,随着Ni含量的增加,合金电极的综合电化学性能都有了一定程度的提升。

关键词:镁铈基储氢合金 非晶化 燃烧合成 放电容量 循环稳定

Research on the Electrochemical Performance of Mg-based Amorphous Hydrogen Storage Alloys


Magnesium based (type Mg2Ni) hydrogen storage alloys have the advantages of abundance resources, high theoretical hydrogen storage capacity and low cost. Therefore, it has attracted much attention in A2B alloy. However, the Mg2Ni electrode has the following disadvantages: (1) slow kinetics of hydrogenation / dehydrogenation. (2) low electrochemical discharge capacity at room temperature. (3) low diffusion rate of hydrogen. (4) easy oxidation in alkaline solution. Therefore, there is still a long way to go for magnesium based hydrogen storage alloys to be put into industrial production. Many researchers around the world have conducted various attempts, the main means of amorphization/nano-crystallization, surface modification and adding other elements to alloying, to improve the activation and hydrogenation of the material. Crystalline magnesium based hydride is highly thermodynamically stable and difficult to dehydrogenate at room temperature. Therefore, we decided to explore from the perspective of amorphization process. It is found that doping Ce into Mg2Ni hydrogen storage alloy has excellent electrochemical performance. Therefore, this article is focused on studying the electrochemical performance of amorphous or nano-crystalline Mg-Ce-Ni hydrogen storage alloys.

In the early stage of the experiment, the process of preparing Mg-Ce-Ni hydrogen storage alloy was explored. Ce-Ni intermediate alloy was prepared by arc melting, then Mg powder was added and ball milling was applied to prepare amorphous Mg-Ce-Ni alloy. However, the experimental results are not very satisfactory. Then Mg-Ce-Ni alloy was firstly prepared by the combustion synthesis (CS) and nano Ni was added to mechanical milling with different content of 0%, 25%, 50% and 100% respectively, and extra 2 wt.% graphite was introduced as a grinding aids, which could reduce the cold welding phenomenon. The electrochemical properties of Mg-Ce-Ni alloys with different nano Ni additions were studied. With the increase of Ni content, the comprehensive electrochemical properties of the alloy electrode have been improved to a certain extent.

Key Words: Mg-Ce-Ni hydrogen storage alloy; Amorphization; Combustion synthesis; Discharge capacity; Cyclic stability


摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 文献综述 1

1.1 引言 1

1.2镍氢电池的发展史 2

1.3 镍氢电池工作原理 3

1.4 储氢合金的分类 4

1.4.1 稀土基AB5型合金 5

1.4.2 Laves相AB2合金 6

1.4.3 超晶格A2B7型(A2B4-AB5-杂合型,例如AB3,A2B7,A5B19和AB4) 8

1.4.4 AB型储氢合金 9

1.4.5 V基固溶体储氢合金 10

1.5 镁基储氢合金电化学研究进展 10

1.5.1 多元合金化 10

1.5.2 非晶化 11

1.5.3 复合制备 11

1.5.4 表面改性 12

1.6问题的提出与本文主要研究内容 12

第二章 实验内容与方法 14

2.1 原料参数 14

2.2 仪器设备 14

2.3 镁铈基非晶态合金制备 14

2.3.1 Mg-Ce-Ni合金的烧成 15

2.3.2 样品球磨 15

2.4 微观结构表征 15

2.5 综合电化学性能测评 15

2.5.1 制作电极 15

2.5.2 电化学测试系统 16

2.5.3 充放电测试 16

第三章 镁铈基非晶态储氢合金的电化学性能研究 18

3.1 制备工艺的研究探索 18

3.2 镁铈镍非晶态合金的微观结构表征 19

3.3电化学性能测试 20

3.4 小结 24

第四章 结论与展望 25

4.1 结论 25

4.2 展望 25

参考文献 26

致谢 29

第一章 文献综述

1.1 引言

国民经济的稳步发展,社会的和谐进步都离不开能源。可以说,人们生活的方方面面都与能源息息相关。 煤、石油、天然气等化石能源通过化学能的转换被转化为人类赖以生存的电能、热能等重要能源,从第一次工业革命开始至今,这些化石能源依旧是人类主要的能量来源。当人们沉浸在能源带来的优质生活中时,却忽略了化石燃料的燃烧给整个世界带来的巨大污染。化石燃料的过度使用使得大气中CO2含量过量造成了温室效应,工业废料直接土地掩埋导致了可耕土地功能性退化。细微颗粒物排放引发了各大城市的雾霾问题,同时也严重影响到了人类的健康。由于人类对化石燃料的过度使用造成的能源危机和环境污染,已经成为当今世界最为关心的问题,同时也是阻碍我国经济发展的原因之一。



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