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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 材料类 > 材料科学与工程 > 正文


 2022-01-04 20:47:57  


摘 要


本课题提出并探究了改性六方氮化硼(h-BN)杂化光固化树脂的性能及其在3D打印中的应用。将环氧丙烯酸酯(EA),环氧树脂和光引发剂进行混合,获得混合体系。使用无机填料来改善机械性能,在此基础上用kh570硅烷偶联剂对涂有壳聚糖(CS)的六方氮化硼(h-BN)进行了改性,并研究了改性对杂化光聚合物的影响,还测试并分析了混合体系的粘度和体积收缩率的变化。 傅立叶变换红外测量结果表明,杂化光敏聚合物的固化转化率更高。同时,在机械性能方面,与纯树脂相比,含有8%M-C-h-BN的固化样品的拉伸强度最高。另外,通过扫描电子显微镜观察到了改性的h-BN与杂化光聚合物之间的界面相互作用得到了有效改善。动态力学分析表明,杂化体系中添加了8%的M-C-h-BN,具有较高的储能模量和交联密度。使用改进的h-BN来增强杂化光敏聚合物的拉伸强度也可以用于3D打印,证实了光固化样品可以提高高精度和分辨力。

关键词; 氮化硼 表面改性 光固化 杂化光敏聚合物

Enhanced thermal conductivity of photopolymerizable composites using surface modified hexagonal boron nitride fillers


Hybrid photocurable resins are very popular research materials, and boron nitride (BN) is a suitable thermally conductive filler. In this paper, a surface-modified hexagonal boron nitride surface-modified epoxy resin-based composite material was prepared. The material was evenly dispersed in the epoxy resin matrix, thereby effectively improving the interface structure and excellent performance. The effects of modification and different contents of h-BN on the performance of composite materials were explored.

This topic proposed and explored the properties of modified hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN) hybrid photocurable resin and its application in 3D printing. Epoxy acrylate (EA), epoxy resin and photoinitiator are mixed to get a hybrid system. Inorganic fillers are used to improve the mechanical properties. On this basis, hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN) coated with chitosan (CS) was modified with kh-570 silane coupling agent, and the modification was studied The effect of hybrid photopolymers was also tested and analyzed for changes in viscosity and volume shrinkage of the mixed system. FTIR results show that the Hybrid photopolymers have higher cure conversion rates. At the same time, in terms of mechanical properties, the cured samples containing 8% M-C-h-BN had the highest tensile strength compared to pure resin. In addition, the scanning electron microscope observed that the interfacial interaction was resultfully enhanced between the modified h-BN and the hybrid photopolymer. Dynamic mechanical analysis shows that 8% M-C-h-BN is added to the hybrid system, which has a higher storage modulus and cross-link density. The use of improved h-BN to enhance the tensile strength of hybrid photopolymers can also be used for 3D printing, confirming that photocured samples can improve accuracy and resolution.

Keywords: Boron nitride; Surface modification; Photocuring; Hybrid photopolyme

目 录

摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1前言 1

1.2 h-BN填料的制备方法 2

1.2.1片状hBN 2

1.2.2 球状 h-BN 3

1.3 h-BN表面处理 3

1.4导热机理 3

1.5用于光固化快速成型的光敏树脂 4

1.6光固化快速成型技术 5

1.7光固化3D打印技术研究现状和未来趋势 7

1.7.1 3D打印技术 7

1.7.2国内外研究现状及发展趋势 8

1.8课题研究内容和目的 8

1.8.1研究目的 8

1.8.2研究内容 8

第二章 实验 10

2.1 实验材料 10

2.2实验器材 10

2.3实验方案 11

2.3.1不同h-BN含量的比较 11

2.3.2 h-BN的表面修饰 11

2.3.3光敏聚合物的制备 12

2.3.4混杂光敏聚合物样品的制备 12

2.4结构表征与性能测试 13

第三章 结果与讨论 15

3.1h-BN的表面改性 15

3.1.1红外吸收 15

3.1.2与树脂的亲和性 16

3.1.3热重分析 16

3.1.4拉伸性能分析 17

3.1.5电学性能分析 18

3.2光敏聚合物的机械性能 20

3.3用于3D打印的杂化光敏聚合物 24

第四章 结论与展望 28

参考文献 29

致谢 33

第一章 绪论


通常添加的绝缘导热填料是金属类(像铜、铝、银等)、陶瓷类(像氮化硼、氮化铝、碳化硅、二氧化硅等)、金属氧化物(像氧化锌、氧化铝、氧化镁等)和碳(像石墨烯、碳纤维、碳纳米管等)[1]。六方氮化硼(h-BN)具有出色的物理性能,例如宽带隙(5.2 eV),高导热率(理论计算约为2000 W /(m K),经验值380 W /(m K),耐高温等。它具有高度的化学和化学性质,并且由于其抗氧化性等优点,可以提高聚合物的导热性,同时保持出色的绝缘性。氮化硼(BN)是一种新型的陶瓷材料,具有优异的性能和广阔的发展前景。h-BN是稳定的结构,类似于石墨的sp2杂化层状结构,如图1-1所示。

图1-1 六方氮化硼的晶体结构和表面官能团[2]


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